Is it normal to have thoughts

iv been seeing a guy for nearly a year . both in our late 30s . im single with 2 kids and hes single around 18months .its only last 3months we seen more of eachother at 1st it was odd date and few chats .but we have got to like eachothet . but lately during sex hes said i want u to be mother of my child and make u pregnant .at 1st i thought it was spur of moment but bes saying it alot . to be honest id love to .i think we both have fallen in love but hes abit afraid of been hurt like he was . i was going to tell him il have his child to show him how much i love him but only if he loves me the same

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33% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    You already posted this.

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  • olderdude-xx

    At lest he is honest... Give him credit for that.

    Many men actually wish to impregnate certain ladies in their life as its a very basic desire. Then when they think about the responsibilities and other factors their intellectual mind says no. But the base drive is still there.

    At least you now know that... and you can chose to get pregnant or not... as you desire.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Does he only say it during sex? Because that's just a fetish lmao it doesn't mean anything.

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