Is it normal to have to wet my hands first?

When I get something on one hand that's not disgusting or anything (like food), sometimes I just quick run over to the bathroom or kitchen sink and operate the knob with one hand and rinse off the gunk with my other hand. This presents a problem because when I dry that hand off I have a sequence of exact how I dry my hands off that scrubs both hands. If I scrub my dry hand with a dry towel, it feels terrible. It's like the touch version of nails on a chalk board for me. Inevitably, I end up getting the other hand wet just so that I don't feel that chafing of the towel on my dry hand when I dry them. Does anyone else do this?

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67% Normal
Based on 49 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • BeautyBodyBrains

    I don't know. But I have a thing where if ... Say, I am rinsing out a cup and that hand gets wet, I just have to go ahead and wet the other hand. I don't know, but there is something about one hand wet, and one hand dry that drives me so mad if I do not wet that other hand! Weird!!!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I have poo on my hands once where i wipe with a little tissue it got on my thumb you know.

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  • ucipher8

    As a cook in a pro kitchen, you learn to keep one hand dirty, one hand clean. The clean one holding your knife of course. I still wash both hands just like i still manage to get both hands dirty sometimes. The idea is that you only have so many DRY towels, which in a hot kitchen is SO necessary when moving a searing hot pan handle or etc.

    Sounds more like you are obsessive-complusive which is a kind of mental/personal disorder. But seriously though in this day and age, wiping you butt every time you take a shit can be considered as obsessive compulsive too. So, maybe it isnt "normal" but, at least i could shake your hand knowing you didn't, "jizz" on it recently...

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  • GuessWho

    Yes. I also always wash both hands, never just one.

    It feels better if both hands are equally clean, equally moist, etc.
    Wet hands do also feel better do feel better on a towel than dry hands, but I don't really hate it like you do.

    Not cleaning my hands when I'm in the bathroom feels like a wasted opportunity, so I never pass it up.

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  • PapzBSlim

    You should just wash both hands every time you do it. Normal.

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  • Shackleford96

    Sounds compulsive to me.


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  • Seustewart

    What if u gave a handjob and ended up with jizz on ur hand?

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