Is it normal to have virtual multiple personalities ?

I am a 30 something female gym trainer who have more then one blog , sometimes i am myself in them other times i pretend to be someone else and lie alot , kinda like having multiple personalities but virtual ones , is it normal ? and is it normal that i still blog or have blogs at 30 something ?

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54% Normal
Based on 48 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Dozis

    Multiple personality disorder, now knows as dissociative disorder has got nothing to do with choosing to act differently, they do it, out of the anxiety they get everytime they interact with somebody who tends to manipulate them or treats them badly whenever they are themselves. I guess the same process took place in your brain. You started off with a blog, talking about yourself, then you started getting negative and maybe even mean comments, and you thought: what the hell, I am going to pretend I am somebody else. That's how it usually works with dissociative people. Anxiety triggered personality changes. Which might be long lasting or short lived.
    You gave me a brilliant idea, now I have to write an essay. Well done!

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  • nipsackpattywack

    i once pretended i was a female model on omegle. i am a male. i think i was sexually arousing this Englishman across the atlantic with seductive language. it was hilarious. i told him to type a models name on google and told him it was me. he wanted to show me a picture of his penis and thats where i drew the line.

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  • blacksheep42

    Totally normal, at least for the average human being.

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  • Truth_teller

    Randomjelly! You are half the people on this app^^

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    • dappled

      Hehe, I was just joking, though. I'm only dappled. Although I'd like to be devilla sometimes. Just to see how her mind works.

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  • dappled

    I do that on IIN. As well as dappled, I'm also randomjelly, DannyKanes, and jasonhaines.

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