Is it normal to hear a disembodied voice?

This happened just now. I was down stairs in the house alone save for my cat. My mother was outside walking the dog. Shortly after she left, I hear a loud disembodied voice that sounded like a creepy baby that could speak. It sounded like it was saying "help me" and then it started to ramble in utter nonsense. I was horrified and I started to curse out of fear. I ran upstairs to the reccreation room and barred the door with a heavy storage box. I'm now sitting here frantically typing this.

I'm not trolling and I'm pretty certain that I wasn't having a auditory hallucination. Is this normal?!

Voting Results
12% Normal
Based on 57 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Energy

    It probably was just a hallucination.

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  • dappled

    How would you know it isn't an auditory hallucination? If there's no other reasonable explanation, then it sounds like that's exactly what it is. It's happened to me multiple times and I could have sworn I really heard those things but when I thought about it, with a visual hallucination, there's more scope for us to self-analyse and see that something is fake, whereas it's harder with just sound.

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  • Anime7

    Your house could possible be haunted. Perhaps you might want to carry a bible and cross with you whenever you downstairs.

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  • einestages

    If you are spiritual and believe god will never allow you to be hurt put all your faith in him an yourself and face your fears stand your ground if it is evil or has evil intention bringing a gost hunter in your house will only piss it off more and send them running cause they have no idea on how to deal with the devil or his minions believe in god and nothing can ever harm you if you need there are prayers you can resite to invoke angels to protect you and your family as well as cleansing your house

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  • mpiparanormal

    Perfectly normal if you have something paranormal taking place, especially since you've ruled other things out and you sound lucid and clear.

    I'm a personality in the paranormal field and have dealt with everything from apparitions to demons. My suggestion: Get it checked out. The potential problem: Getting everyone in your family aboard. If ONE PERSON in the household blatantly is against having it checked out and possibly repelled, then it could be a no go. Be patient and STICK TO YOUR GUNS!

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  • redoctober

    It was me. Sorry about that.. was choking on a skittle.

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  • So is that why you ran when I asked for your help with a storage box?

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