Is it normal to "hear" noises and get terrified instantly ?

When i go to sleep i always start hearing noises even if the house is quiet. I don't know if i imagine them or they are real. Sometimes i hear stuff at night and get terrified i hide under my covers and i get jittery and sweaty. I start looking everywhere even if its pitched black. Not just at night at day time too i hear noises like footsteps, cartoon voices,cranking,sniffing,laughs and distanced chatter an i become paranoid i get terrified of it and feel like hiding forever. I feel like something is gonna just grab me out of nowhere and kill me? IIN?! What do you think!

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62% Normal
Based on 71 votes (44 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    I think you are a cat that is scaredy so in essence i guess i will call you scaredy cat.


    Did i scare you?

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  • SeverusFan23


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  • EmiAnnMo

    I hear them too all the time. Sometimes durimg the day tho i here screaming and sometimes someone whispers my name but wen i look noone is there...spooky

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  • myweirdself16

    I don't know if this is the same thing, but sometimes when I start to fall asleep I can hear people talking, it freaks me out so I wake up a little and stare around my room.

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  • wiseoldlady

    Sheesh, totally normal. It does get better with age. I learned to turn on a small light when I was too scared to fall asleep.

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  • wibamuftw

    Your house is haunted or you're schizophrenic.. But in all seriousness do you live with anyone else? Sometimes I get those "heeby jeebies" and get freaked out like walking up the basement stairs and feel like someone is watching me or thought I heard a noise and get kinda worried but it quickly passes.. Cartoon voices and stuff though? I would seriously consider extreme paranoia or schizophrenia and recommend talking to a mental health doctor about it.

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