Is it normal to hide things from your psychiatrist

...when though you know you can trust him?

It's that I think I have a chipset in my head, but I'm afraid to tell my psychiatrist because I think I know what he's going to say and I don't want to hear it.
And I don't want to hear it because then I lose a part of my reality. Even if I will rather not believe the words of my psychiatrist. Because I trust him, I have to question his words and my thoughts.

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47% Normal
Based on 15 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Jamie_Sulky

    I get it, its sometimes hard to just lay everything down. Sometimes some things are really personal and it takes some time to actually blurt it out. But, he can only help you as much as you tell him. Remember that he is a psychiatrist and its his job to help you.

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    • litelander8

      Meh. They make over $300 for an hour session.

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  • bbrown95

    Do you truly trust him? Are you afraid that he may think something is seriously wrong with you, or are you afraid that you may not like what he has to tell you?

    If you do not fully trust him to believe what he says is correct, there is no harm in getting a second, or even third opinion. Not all professionals are equal (or just even the right fit for you/have the right answer for you).

    If you are afraid of what the truth may be, just know that the only way you can overcome this possibility you are afraid of (if it is, in fact, the actual case), is if you face it. Being in denial about it or avoiding facing the possibility of it being true will not make it any less true if it really is the case. But, you will never know for sure and are only stalling your ability to find answers and what works for you by avoiding finding out.

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    • I'm afraid he'll think that's a part of my illness and send me into hospital. I don't want to be fixated and filled with medication that is not helping me at all and is only sedating me to a point where I'm a mind controlled zombie of sorts.
      Though he is a trustworthy man, he follows rules and rules of psychiatrists have it that they send you in hospitals if given reasons exist. They are forced by law to follow rules.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Trust - and the resulting truth is required for counseling to really work.

    Finding a counselor that you can trust... not so easy, for a lot of reasons (theirs, yours).

    Why would anyone tell very private things that could be used to hurt them to someone they don't trust... So, yes its normal not to tell your counselor about things they actually need to know.

    My understanding is that on average it takes up to 3 attempts to find a counselor you can trust. I know its a pain and difficult. But, you need to find that counselor that you trust - and then tell them your "secrets." I assure you that any experienced counselor with more than a decades experience will not be surprised by what you tell them - and will almost certainly have heard the base item many times (although the details of how it plays out always has individualistic elements).

    Go fourth and find someone you can trust... and get things sorted out so you can become the successful person you were meant to be...

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  • nopurpose

    I think I just came up with a solution for your issue. Arrange a meeting with Elon Musk. Tell his secretary you have some super prospective and innovative mind-control business idea. Prepare yourself duely and when your moment comes, interrogate him about that fuckin chipset he put in your head. That creepy asshole openly stated his intentions of pulling such vile shit, must be him!

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    • He's pretty far away from me. If I had the money to buy an airplane ticket I'd come to interrogate him.

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      • nopurpose

        Then try gofundme, I think there will be ppl to support such a lofty cause

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  • Somenormie

    I done that and mine had to make me spill things out of me.

    They might do the same to you.

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  • mouldiwarp

    Why do you go then?

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    • I have promised my family that I go and get treatment for whatever sickness I was diagnosed back in March. I'm forced to hold to that promise, I don't know what is forcing me though.

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  • nopurpose

    Sure, if they know how crazy you are they can get you locked up. Srsly, trust is built overnlong time. A crazy person is npt necessarily a stupid person. And by no means necessarily crazy at all times.

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  • You need antipsychotics bro.

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