Is it normal to hide your race, and beliefs for the sake of peace?
Is it normal to hide your race and beliefs since you are sick of being judged for them?
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Is it normal to hide your race and beliefs since you are sick of being judged for them?
Yes. I feel utter disgust by some people when I say I'm christian for instance. I haven't encountered too much racism anyways.
Yea, the 8th grader atheists who think they're better than everyone else just cause they're atheists tend to dislike christians
8th graders? I'm 21 I can't bring my faith up to ANYONE without getting weird looks or dismissal. I only have one friend I can share my faith with and perhaps that is enough but I don't feel like I can fully be myself around other people. I am not ashamed of my faith either I just hate the awkwardness so much not enough to stop me from when I feel the need to speak up, but enough to suppress a vital part of me.
Try to say that you're a christian on the internet, people will automatically assume that you're an idiot and start making jokes about the "flying sphagetti monster"
Look, there are a lot of untolertant christians, I agree
but sometimes atheists are as just as untolerant as christians
I agree. Everyone should just leave each other alone and stop being so prejudice about something as simple as what god you do or don't worship. Believing or not does not make you any cooler and I think when people attack like that they are acting like immature children.
That's why I don't unless I feel it's entirely relevant. Anyways, I mistook your comment for insult, my mistake, have a nice day.
I am sorry to hear that. That seems to be happening a lot in recent years.
I suppose so.
You're likely to be the victim of massive amounts of hate on the internet if you're white.
In certain places, yes. The stereotyping is curious at first but when it's every single day it just appears like a wall of mass ignorance and you feel like nobody is ever seeing you for who you are. It's probably why I am often described as antagonistic. I just want to shake people.
No, although as a white atheist whose close family are white atheists and most of whose friends are also white atheists, I can't say it's been particularly difficult for me to be open.
Oh yes. I'm a Christian and totally proud of that. I just don't talk about it because there would be tons of assholes coming from everywhere to judge me. I happy with my religion and am avoiding rude jugments :)
1 I don't see how you would hide your race
2 you should never have to hide anything about yourself. the people that judge you are the people you don't want in your life anyway
Lately, yes. I just don't fell that I can deal with that kind of stress in my current state. I find myself trying to avoid debates/arguments especially, if the subject is on something "sensitive" like politics. I'm wary about telling people my religious beliefs for fear that they might flip out and despise me. For instance, I don't think that any of my friends offline even know about me being an Atheist-Agnostic. I assume that most think that I am still a Christian.
No you should be proud that your a black Christian!! people should love you for who you are. if they don't there a hater and don't listen they are not important! It does'nt matter just ignore them and you will feel better trust me I know <333
Im never said I was black. Also since when are black Christians odd? It seems to be very common with black people.
i never said black Christians are odd and don't stereotype!! you dont know what religion they are they could be a Buddist and a Muslim.
I am not stereotyping you are. You make its seem like being a black Christian never happens. You are saying BE PROUD OF BEING A BLACK CHRISTIAN. So why do you believe the answer is black Christian? Its true that is does seem to be common with black people. I did not say its 100% but you make it seem like its very unlikely. Which is really doesn't seem to be.
Well they do say in the Bible that although you don't have to hide your religein from anyone, flaunting it n public is just vain and contarary to what faith should be, more personal than anything else
Has it occurred to you that the Jews are not wearing their little cap for you, and that the Muslim women don't cover up their bodies and faces for you? It's about them and their beliefs. The fact that you don't like it is irrelevant to their beliefs. Though they probably wonder why you dress like you do. Surely you could afford something nicer!
I never said I didn't like it, or particularly cared. All I said was I don't understand why they have to be so blatant and force everyone else to know their beliefs. Religion isn't something that needs to be advertised. It is a belief between a person and their deity. I doubt anyone would become a believer because the silly little cap looks so stylish or because some woman wants to wear the Muslim dress.
I couldn't give a crap if a guy is gay, either, but I have never understood why some of them must flaunt it in public. Swish gays just look and act silly, not cool.
Well your opinion is your opinion, and that's fine, but I was mainly just trying to say that they are not trying to convert people with their dress. Just as you like to keep your belief of lack thereof private, their beliefs dictate they must wear certain clothing. Live and let live. To you the gay guy looks ridiculous, to others, not so much.
Honestly? Do you know ANYBODY that thinks the swish, flamboyant gay guys are not silly looking?
The stereotype is almost always a comedic character in the film industry, and that industry closely mimics America's present sentiment, don't you think?
Again, I couldn't care less about a person's sexual orientation or religion. I just don't need for them to show me what they believe.
Michael Jackson had a type of skin cancer, so there was a reason as to why he changed his skin tone. It was a medical procedure.
"Stupid little cap."
It's called a Yarmulke, or a Kippa. Muslim women dress the way they dress, and Jewish men wear the Yarmulke because it is a choice of theirs. They are proud of their religion, they don't do it for you.
I never said flaunting it. Simply stating you are means you are open not flaunting. Its not saying "Hey I am christian, Muslim,Buddhist". Its if they ask you tell them what you are.