Is it normal to hope you die in your sleep
Every night, when I'm lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, I think about how easy and convenient it would be if I just died in my sleep that night. Do other people do the same?
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Every night, when I'm lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, I think about how easy and convenient it would be if I just died in my sleep that night. Do other people do the same?
You're depressed, bro. Say goodbye to depression - do 100 anal squeezes per day. It will make you happy.
I do now! A comparatively painless death in my sleep to being death rolled by a crocodile, ripped to pieces by a great white shark or hit by a car on a pedestrian crossing, surrounded by strangers debating whether moving me would risk further spinal damage? I think I'm leaning towards death by sleep.
I ticked normal without considering the "every night" aspect of your post, because I sometimes do that too. If I'm depressed I hope I'll have another heart attack in my sleep and am them disappointed when I wake up in the morning, but when life is good I worry a bit about not waking up but am happy when I do and get on with my life.
What you're describing sounds like depression to me: are you disappointed when you wake up?
Yes, it's normal being a wuss and wanting to run from everything so conveniently.
I dont know whether it is normal or not . But I am also curious about my after life .
It might be normal.
Normal: you are aware of your own mortality and, given the many unpleasant ways in which to die, you prefer it happen during sleep
Not normal: you want to die.
If the latter, please talk to someone about it.
Death by dehydration isn't so bad. You get apathetic and slip into a coma.
I'm going to take it one step further - once I'm no longer capable of looking after myself adequately, I'm going to hang myself. Short drop hanging, with a noose carefully placed to cut off the carotid artery. Limited discomfort, unconsciousness in about 15-30 seconds, and death some 5 minutes later.
Beats the hell out of being stuck in some nursing home waiting to die.
I only wish that when my time comes, It should be while i am sleeping. Painless death.