Is it normal to ignore a stranger making small talk?

Whenever I am in a store or in an elevator, I have complete strangers striking up conversations with me asking about the weather. I am like I don't even know you. Mind your own business. I act like these strangers don't exist and I completely blank them. It is very annoying when strangers talk to me. Some of them get very offended and loudly ask me about the weather. One time I flipped out and cursed the hell out of this guy who asked me if I was deaf. Is anyone dealing with the same problem?

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53% Normal
Based on 45 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • blondbond69


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  • robbieforgotpw

    If you don't mind coming across as snobby, just continue what you're doing.

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  • bananaface

    Wow! I actually can't believe that anyone would do this. I'm sort of at a loss for words.

    Wow. Um no, I don't think it's normal. At least in my opinion.

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  • Your expectations of other people is slightly askew and the reaction you described yourself having is a tad on the rude side, but that doesn't mean it's abnormal to think small-talk is irritating because sometimes it really is. However, it's good manners to acknowledge someone when you're sharing tight quarters with them for a while, like in an elevator.

    If it bothers you considerably, show people with your body language that you don't want to be approached. You could put as much distance between you and the other person or turn your back to them completely.

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  • charli.m

    I get stopped by crazy people and have to put up with conversations about their imaginary pets or children cos I'm too stupid to get away.

    I lost an hour that way at the shops. I was shaking with rage the whole way home - at myself for not walking away.

    I don't start conversations with strangers for this reason - I don't want to be the crazy fucker.

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  • dappled

    Nah, I love it. Making a small connection with another person you'll probably never speak to again. I like that kind of stuff.

    With the greatest of respect, you sound like you take things way too seriously.

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  • If I'm in a bad mood I just nod and fake laugh/smile then they get bored. I don't like taking my problems out on anyone else. If I'm in a good mood though I love chatting about banal things and such.

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  • Xyme

    I'm like that too. I was at a bus stop in the summer at my college and there was a girl waiting with me. She kept trying to talk to me and I didn't say anything to her at all.

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  • ccjigsaw

    Even if I'm feeling shy I don't get annoyed. I love that people feel safe enough or I give off an air that is approachable. I really think people shouldn't be so afraid to talk to other people. When people talk to me I make an extra effort to be friendly so they feel good about it and keep doing it :) The world needs to be a friendlier place. I don't generally strike up convos with random people though, because I am shy and afraid of them lol

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's polite to answer them, but I understand that it can be annoying. Usually, it's their little way of trying to shoo away the awkward moments. Actually, you don't even have to Say anything, you could just nod! There are ways to avoid situations like this: pretend to text, put in earphones, read a book (however, this can fail.)

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  • howaminotmyself

    Do you have headphones? Wear them if you want to be left alone in public. I do this on occasion. But usually I just talk to people. Yes, sometimes you end up talking to a weirdo, but usually people are very nice. At least that's my experience.

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