Is it normal to imagine/invent people?

When I was about 12 I imagined that I had a twin brother, I used to imagine that we would do all sorts of things.
I do and did have friends but when I was at home my parents had no time for me.

Is inventing an Imaginary friend at that age normal?

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 70 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • i have two different personalities living in my head theyre names are Bill and Hank its pretty creepy :-/

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  • disfunkshinal

    I had a boyfriend I only saw in my dreams before and he was truly dreamy. I don't see why friends can be different.

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  • TheStig

    Inventing people in your everyday life: Not Normal

    Inventing people on tax and/or insurance forms: Sadly, it is Normal.

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  • nike

    I don't imagine people as imaginary friends, but I create people in my head with personalities and whatnot just for fun.

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  • smuffle

    Yes, I do it all the time and I'm 22. It's good to make it into a hobby, like writing (which I also do all the time). It can be a problem if you're like me and live in your head 80% of the time, though... but at 12, definitely normal.

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  • I actually imagined this girl in my head about a year ago. I either made up her face in my mind or subliminally saw it before, but in my mind shes the most beautiful, perfect person ever, it never goes farther than a thought though.

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  • hotchickie81

    I still imagine/invent people, lol.

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  • NajoTheWolf

    Oh, i remember imagining random stuff. In elementary school, i would sometimes be by myself, just sitting down, so i would pretend that my shadow was an imaginary friend. although i forgot if i talked to it or anything. It was more of a boredom thing, i didn't worry about it. If you took the twin seriously that's usually considered abnormal.

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