Is it normal to imagine sharks being in your pool?

Whenever i swim in my pool alone, i always feel like a shark is going to come and bite me to the point where i have to get out. How can i enable myself to swim alone in my pool without getting scared?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • dirtybirdy

    That's absurd. Sharks aren't invisible.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    Probably no sharks but alligators are a real possibility.

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  • Short&2thepoint

    Human instinct, you're just fearing the unknown... Whether it be a foot behind you, or a mile deep, most people are scared of what they don't understand.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I only worry about sharks in my pool hall.

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  • inlifeimnormal

    I know there arent sharks but i have such a good imagination that i can almost see them in the water. Ive always liked shark week and things like that but im not scared of sharks which is why i dont understand why i get so scared when swimming alone. It only happens when im alone too. If in with someone, i dont even pay attettion to whats in the water.

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  • Alysin

    I'm so glad to hear someone else is just like me and I'm not just weird lol. I've been like this since I can remember, still am and I'm 18. I never get in the deep end with out feeling paranoid or getting out.

    You could probably force yourself to swim even if you're scared and ignore the overwhelming urge to get out until you're less scared maybe.. I haven't ever really tried, I just stay in the shallow part when the light is on it and don't even look at the deep end when the shadows are over that half hah

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  • KeddersPrincess

    But you have nothing to worry about. Sharks like sea-water and there have been no cases of sharks being found in people's pools. That's just ridiculous. But gators on the other hand...

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I used to want a pet great white shark as a kid.

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  • Mellifluous

    I am quite certain that there are no sharks in your pool. If it reassures you, have a good examination. Sharks tend to be quite large and easy to spot.

    If you're still worried, invite someone else to have a deep swim to check. I'd also recommend steering clear of 'Jaws.' Other than that, simply delight in the fact that you have a pool!

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    You're safe

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  • emilydoll


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  • Ldizzy1234

    When I was little I knew we didn't have sharks in the pool, but for some reason everytime I got to the deep end, I still always had this strange feeling something was at the bottom. Whether it be a shark, or I don't know... anything. I always had this strange feeling something was gonna get me, or tug my feet to the bottom. :p

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  • shannoniscool666

    I get nervous in pools at night because I think a sharks gonna get me!

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    • dirtybirdy

      Buuuttt....there's no sharks on the pool.none.

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