Is it normal to just get annoyed at ggw?

LoverofBunnies and I were talking one day about how stupid children with more incomes are so I downloaded a "Girls Gone Wild" movie and we watched it. (I downloaded it because the idea of actually PAYING for this crap is beyond us.)

While watching this with her, we came to the same conclusion of how stupid the GGW francise is and how dumb the girls who are displayed on the show really "act" or appear. I don't know if the "girls" are really like this but my instinct crys yes. The whole premise of a few guys and a camera crew can con college girls to just show them everything in front of a camera just does not see right. It just begs more questions to be asked like do the girls think about their parents or people seeing this or even modesty.

Don't get me wrong, her and I have and do watch pornograph and we are more okay with that. However, that isn't the point, the point is that these girls who work hard bettering theirselves for a better future and they just go off and fuck around being kind of skanky. It just doesn't make sense to us.

The GGW crew itself. Sure, I understand the whole idea of making money and I sure they do. I am honestly tired of scraping by when I am just in college and not working. I can understand the IDEA of doing something like this but I would have no idea on how to start this idea or the money to produce and market a film like this. Plus, I am horrible at getting women to do anything, much less being naked and I'm not ugly or unfriendly. Plus, my fiance is even more appalled by this film.

We are dumbfounded, I am not going into the whole lameness of this crap or how if I am going to see naked girls or sexual things, porn is far cheaper to see than this franchise. We just don't get it?

is it normal to just be annoyed at this crap? I could use MANY other examples but I want to make this a simple question. Are people from a richer home generally less modest and less prone to think about life or their family's opinion? Does anyone see this or can someone please comment on this as her and I are too confused by this?

Thank you,

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 4 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 52 )
  • Syrah

    Then why watch it?

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    • I haven't in a long time. We turned it off that day and deleted it, the story was more on being annoyed at those types of girls and the garbage show's mentality than the show itself.

      It just seems to degrade women and men and I just don't get it much.

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      • Syrah

        Oh, well don't let it bother you.
        Some people hate pornography.
        It's like Hooters in a way, tactfully tacky.

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    • tygeronherbed

      you're just boring now.

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      • Of course, it's okay though, using your brain is tough and I understand. It is probably for the best, I am bored of dealing with your stupidity and 'holier than thou' personally.

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        • Jen118584

          Did you really just use the insults "liar" and "fat nose"? Are you like ten years old?? Because that would explain SOOOOO much.

          For the record, I remember tyger's apology but there's no way I have the time or care enough to go searching this website for it. You didn't deserve it then and you certainly don't deserve it now.

          Also for the record, I have submitted stories but they are anonymous, because that is the point of this website. I know you think that it is your personal blog, but it is actually an anonymous advice column.

          Last, no one "follows" tyger. It is plain and obvious to nearly everyone that you are very easy to dislike. You focus your attacks on her because she is young, and female, and because you hate women. With that in mind, we focus our defense on her. Honestly Bud, this isn't rocket science, it's the internet.

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          • Now, get off your ass and fix your life instead of trying to "enforce" my decisions for your gain. If what I write is awful, than don't read them and for fucks sake, don't comment on them.

            Of course if you had half a brain you would know that.

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          • First of all, yet again I didn't ask for your info. Second, she never apologized and I looked it up to make sure. However, I doubt that you would admit if she truly didn't.

            "For the record", or whatever the hell you mean by that as your credibility is close to nothing as well, I highly doubt you have contributed by authoring any stories in a while. I have no doubt that you used to, but I think you have lost your way. Also, I don't give two shits about this being my "blog" or whatever. Unlike you three fuckholes, at least I hold myself responsible for my actions and ideas.

            You soooo have been following this group. You were nothing but friendly until Ollie started his involvement and then you jumped right in. You were nice and friendly before that and you did a 180 in a day. The sad thing is, I didn't mention ANYTHING that should have been "offensive" toward you at that time, so yes, you are following the group.

            Oh, calling the skank a "fat nose", trust me, it is a lot better then the shit you three have been focusing my way. I mention a few things and all of a sudden I am a womanizing bigot who is racist against everyone non-white. Who the fuck are you to make these claims as well.

            As I truly don't have the time to comment on every story like your lazy ass does, the only way you will ever really see my post is if you hang around my older stories. So, shut the fuck up by saying I am annoying you, like a typical trashy know-it-all, you think the world revolves around you and that I do not have the right to write here. Sorry, that isn't go to change so just fuck off when it comes to what I write as I truly do not have the time to write on everything.

            However, I doubt anything I will ever say will get you to stop being a bitch and writing crap toward anything I write. You claim you are busy but it doesn't stop you from writing a shitload of ignorant crap toward my post as well as writing elsewhere. Lets be blunt, you are a lost cause and it is a little sad that instead of fixing your own life, you spend your time pointing shit toward me.

            Of course this isn't rocket science, however as an Elitist, I have full rights to bitch about this world taking the lazy route instead of fixing a fucking thing wrong with themselves.

            So, in conclusion, if following a lying FAT NOSED skank brings you joy, then good for you, just leave my stuff the hell alone follower.

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            • Jen118584

              Actually, you did offend me. Several times. Every time you called a girl a skank, or a "typical dumb girl." I called you out on it, and then you wrote on the abused woman's post and it sent me over the edge. I asked you to stop being misogynistic and you didn't. That's when I became offended. And you still continue. Why does it have to be about being a man or a woman? Why do you have to call tyger and I skanks and whores just because you don't like us? That's sexism, and that's what we call you out on! You deny being racist, but I've never heard you deny being sexist. You have a negative view of women for whatever reason, and you let it color every other interaction.

              "I highly doubt you have contributed by authoring any stories in a while."
              ....."As I truly don't have the time to comment on every story like your lazy ass does"
              One second I don't contribute anymore and the next I sit around all day and comment on every story? All I'm asking for here is a little consistency.

              You used to respect my intelligence. You used to call me the "smart girl" but the minute I start disagreeing with you, all of a sudden I'm a stupid lazy whore and need to fix my life? My life doesn't need fixing. I'm not trashy, I'm not lazy, I'm not a whore, and you KNOW I'm not stupid, so why do you even say those things? What does that have to do with this argument? I disagree with you and I don't like you. You don't like me. I think you're a jerk because I see you acting like a jerk. I can deal with you calling me a bitch, honestly. But it really is extremely offensive to ALL women, and to men with half an ounce of respect that whenever you disagree with a woman, she's automatically a skank or a whore. And that will get you into trouble one day, mark my words.

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  • tygeronherbed

    um you deleted it....
    a while ago.

    but it said i was sorry, but then i took it back after reading what you wrote to that iranian man, remember how you basically said he deserved to be treated badly for being of middle eastern decent..... yeah....

    jen commented on my apology - so heres proof

    "Tyger, while I seriously doubt Bud learned anything, what you wrote was really nice and thoughtful and undoubtedly would have touched any normal person. I agree with everything you said and for what it's worth, I respect you :) Especially for having the balls to speak up and get this "man" off IIN!"

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    • Now that just proves that you are a full out lier. I only really deleted a few comments and those that I did delete were more of that hateful shit coming my way from your group. I sure in hell would not have deleted an apology as it would have shown some humanity on your end.

      Also, if you look under a person's profile, you can both see comments that they have received and have also given reguardless if they were deleted or not. Looking under BOTH yours and mine, I did not see this "appology" or anything that would prove that your human for that matter.

      Way to continue to lie cunt. Why people follow you I will never know but I guess at least you are easy to follow with that huge nose.

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  • tygeronherbed

    um, i tried to apologize once a long long time ago for being hasty and cruel and you, buddy boy, were a total jerk and made me hate you more.

    your so fucking delusional

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    • No you didn't. I am calling you a straight out liar on this one and demand that you show proof to back up what you are stating.

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      • Jen118584

        Of course you deleted my last comment. I knew you would. But what I said was....

        Please delete all of our comments so that this page can be just a string of you calling everyone cunts and raging! It will be awesome!!

        Also, you don't want to be left alone. You go to other peoples' post and bring up the same argument. I love it when you do that because then you can't delete anything. Drop the martyr complex; no one's buying it!

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        • Heaven forbid it is on your story though, as you don't have any. You are right though, you used to be kind and I used to get along with you. It wasn't until that lying bitch "T" sticking her fat nose into a comment by being a bitch that I started being a real jerk. Once again, just above this post I proved she has and always will lie, why follow her. Don't follow me, I don't need a lapdog but don't let the "stupid follow the fat nose" or something.

          As far as the middle east person story goes, I wasn't racial but stating facts of why some people would dislike him based upon that ideology. I have a respect for that people and really don't have a reason to bash him, I will re-read my comments later but I believe I didn't "badmouth" him, just stating why others do.

          Now, the story about the woman being "abused" but "loves" her boyfriend, you are damn right I badmouthed her. Those are her decisions to stay in that situation and has probably turned down nicer men while following her "flower".

          However, I don't have time to bitch with a follower any further today, try again tomorrow or for fucks sake, write your own story for once.

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        • Jen118584

          You keep saying I follow the group and don't have a mind of my own. I called you out on being an asshole before anyone else ever even said anything. Before tyger, before Ollie. I was nice about it. Remember? Several times. You acknowledged my comments and then you'd immediately turn around and say something completely out of line to someone else. So I decided to stop being nice.

          Again, you're a father-to-be. Time to grow up a little bit and quit calling people names. That's just not a good example for a child.

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  • tygeronherbed

    yah, but i dont see an apology to me for all your fucking vile behavior.

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    • Also, I have asked repeatably for you to write correctly. What is wrong with you? Do you have to sleep with your writing professor to pass or something?


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    • Same back.

      I have yet to see one of you fuckers apologise or even contribute instead of spew unneeded crap all over my comments.

      I don't want nor need your comments and you are wasting time on stories that are rather old. Go bother someone else.

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      • Jen118584

        You just said "cunt" like ten times and I'm the trashy one? You can't possibly apologize enough for all the nasty things you said. No one here likes you anyways.

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        • Oh,

          YES, YOU ARE THE TRASHY ONE. Judging by your profile, instead of helping others you just spend time on my stories. I bet you even have my profile bookmarked.

          God, what a trashy cunt.

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        • Wow, yet another comment from trailer trash. Thank you once again for lowering yourself down and for fuck sakes...

          If you don't like my stories, comments, or personally THAN LEAVE MY FUCKING STORIES ALONE. I am done being nice to you assholes. Last warning, start writing and acting like adults or I will delete your comments and not even answer them or give a reason why.

          For the record Jen, you are a dumb whore who has to follow the group more than have your own mind and personally. Way to go cunt.

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  • Jen118584

    One more thing. You really might as well drop the whole "I'm too busy and important to keep arguing about this" thing, because it's been like three months now and you're still arguing about it. So....I'm going to have to say I'm not really buying it at this point.

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  • Gonzo

    Never mind, my mind blanked and I forgot about plastic surgery.

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  • Gonzo

    Looks may be all they got, but they can always go get the brains too.

    Sure, you got brains, but you can't just go out and get the looks.

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  • tygeronherbed

    thats funny because all my professors seem to think that I'm quite gifted...but I'm sure you know better then the faculty of the most expensive and exclusive school in the U.S.

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    • Once again, you are being "holier than thou" and only have the good stuff in your life. I highly doubt you are in anything other than a community college and I often wonder that. I wish you would quit lying but it seems that you are more "normal" than I am here.

      Either way, eh.

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      • tygeronherbed

        bud, you really dont know anything about me. in my life i have had to overcome obstacles, challenge my beliefs, face awful truths at far too young an age, and learn how to be a decent, compassionate, strong young women, and i dont think theres anything wrong with being proud of who i am and how far i have come. at least i can judge my worth by my own standards, i dont try to legitimize my failures by placing blame on others, and i sure as hell dont tear people down just so i can feel superior like you do so very frequently.

        almost every word you type just further convinces me that you are a very small, sad, insignificant, petty man - and as much as i truly despise you, i cant help but pity you...

        all this aggression and ruthless name calling is so sickeningly immature....its just not normal behavior for an adult man, and i dont think its healthy either.
        i may have issues, i know i do, but im not afraid of them like you are, i dont need constant validation at the price of belittling and humiliating others.

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        • simba1

          So well said. You sound like a really nice person based on your comments to BUDTHEWISE. He is a very judgemental person who thinks he is gods gift to the human race. If only he knew how he comes accross to others. Take care.

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        • This needed its own comment, you stated.

          " i dont need constant validation at the price of belittling and humiliating others."

          YES YOU DO. You not only started this bullshit fight but will not ever admit fault on anything. You have badmouthed not just me but others and walk around this site with a "holier than thou" attitude. Hell, you won't even admit an honest reason why you started on the one fault you claimed on this site and have not shown any honesty at all.

          Lastly, you are too busy bashing me on either my stories or a story that I commented to that IS NOT yours. Sure, I may have said somethign here or there to mock you but as a whole, this who damn argument mostly took place on my stories.

          Now seriously, drop the "holier than thou" crap and grow up or at least leave my comments the hell alone. Although with your fat nose, I doubt that is possible to stick it elsewhere so for that, I forgive you.

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        • HOnestly, I see you more as a spoiled and selfish brat who wouldn't know hard work if it came up and bit you. Unfortuanetly, as much as I bust my ass you will probably marry well or get an undeserved job and end up making more than I do.

          I have a great repor at my job and are doing quite well. However, I see someone like you once in a while and those are the day I leave work at the end of my day secretly annoyed. It isn't fair that stuck up little snots like yourself will have an easier life but that is how the world works.

          I'm not jealous, I'm just a little annoyed at the fact that you will keep your immature thinking and will never truly grow up. You will continue on and bash people like my in-laws without a fucking clue that part of the problem may be yourself. It is truly sad that when it comes to voting, if you do actually vote as I doubt you will as it would require effort, your vote is worth the same as mine.

          Remember, you started this bullshit arguement, not me. I didn't know who you were until then, enjoy your life until your lungs give out.

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      • You are the holier than thou ass on this site, Bud. I'd hardly worry about others' typos or sentence structure. Even if your grammar was perfect, which it is far from, your content is totally puerile. Just look at this "Girls Gone Wild" crap with your typical misogynistic spin and class hatred.

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        • Lastly, you said I was "holier than thou." You think, I only say in my profile that I am a proud elitest.

          However, I believe that way because I am always trying to improve myself and move on up. I have failures, sure, but I will be damn if they beat me. The skank has never admitted fault with anything and acts like her life is perfect so that is where I call it. I'm not actually trying to be better than everyone as a whole but I will be damned if I let my life be as sad and empty as your three's life.

          Humility - perhaps you should try it sometime but it might be hard since you probably claim in your real life to be an "expert" at everything and with being perfect as yourself, admitting that you are wrong to even yourself might be a little too hard.
          Once again, enjoy the victory and celebrate after Nascar by watching the very crap that I started this story over, enjoy.


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          • Jen118584

            So now Ollie's a wife beater? What the hell? I'm actually laughing. Ollie's the most respectful man on this website, whereas you constantly degrade women any chance you get. But Ollie's the wife beater. Interesting.

            Also, why do you keep bringing me up in all of your comments directed towards others? I mean, I know I'm really awesome but come on. I'm not interested in you that way, Bud. I'd rather date the little bits of dog poo still stuck to the bottom of my shoe from last weekend.

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            • Since when? Ollie has been nothing but an ass and my comment was to bash more of his mentality than to be taken literally. It would matter much though as I think he is your boyfriend anyways.

              I am too busy, right now I am responding to emails while at work and I have a few minutes to write to this. However, I don't really give two shits, again, what you think and so on.

              I am arguing because you fuckholes often take a story and pervert it into a sick rant and I comment back on each one to at least defend them against fuckheads such as yourself.

              Lastly, I don't care about you or your three friends. Weither Ollie is a wife beater or that "T" girl is a skank, I don't care as I am just judging them as their characters show and not because I know them in real life. Yes, the "T" skank will never admit to being wrong and is overly spoiled in my opinion but as long as she leaves my stories alone, I don't really care how empty her life is.

              However, it begs to question that this story has been up for a while now. It is definently not new and far from "current". So, why do you fuckholes still comment on it in a lost cause?

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        • Great, a smartass comment from "left field." I never said I was perfect but I try to improve myself and will continue to practice writing better to improve my skills. I don't just write like a 'tard in my spare time and wonder why my writing course grade sucks.

          Anyways, I am actually bettering myself so I will end that there, I don't have the time to fuck around with this like some unemployed others. Please feel free to take your white trash ass out and claim this victory with beer and watching nascar you stained t-shirt wearing, goatee sporting, wife beating, "do no wrong" pansy.
          However, it is nice to see you three fuckholes wanting to continue an arguement but my life is too busy to argue back. Count this a victory and celebrate with your mom/wife tonight. Also, Jen should be proud, she likes to hop on others problems so she will be all over this.

          I'm out on this one, nice win though.

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  • tygeronherbed

    oh bud. you and your ways.

    can you say "pathetic" ?

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    • Yes, could you write "pathetic" in a proper sentence?

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      • tygeronherbed

        ok, bud. as you wish...

        You, Paul, are pathetic.

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        • That was sad. I could count the errors in your crappy comeback but I will just leave it as that. If you are truly in college, you really should spend more time with your studies and less time here. You truly could use the extra studying time as you honestly cannot write worth a damn.

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  • TheSolution

    I was a cooperate pilot on the west coast, primarily Lake Havasu City, AZ.
    I flew parts of the GGW crew around a coupld of times. Besides having major fuck fests on the airplane, they're a bunch of annoying losers.....with nice tits.

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    • Isn't that the case though. In my experiences, it seems that the prettier people are lacking in other areas and in the end, looks is all they have.

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  • What point is there at all to this ridiculous ramble?

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  • Jen118584

    "I am honestly tired of scraping by when I am just in college and not working."

    I thought you had a job. Or were you just full of shit as usual?

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    • Door #2 - FOS!

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    • God, you again. Seriously, your crush is getting a little out of hand. I am working but as I said before I do tax preparation and tax season ends at April 15th. I have an interview next week at State Farm so I should be working afterwards but I mentioned all this before and don't want to beat a dead issue anymore.

      Listen, like I said, you are kinda cute but I am taken so please give your attention to a guy that will go with you. I'm just not interested.

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