Is it normal to just not like eating?

I really dislike eating, it's uncomfortable and food just tastes like ash to me. I never get hunger pains so I'll go days without eating sometimes just because it's an inconvenience for me.

I'm 6 foot 5, 154 pounds, and 22 years old. I'm not like boney and sickly looking, but I look feminine and thin, which I'm not too happy with. I live in a cold state so I wear clothing that covers me anyway.

Also, I really wanted to know if starving was illegal? Like can I get in any trouble by not eating? Thanks.

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 22 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Jacob_Zuma_783

    I can relate to you somewhat. Prefer drinking lots of liquids throughout the day. It's not so much that food tastes crappy, but rather that I'll take a few bites and already feel like I don't want to eat anymore. I'm also one of those people that can eat however much I like and never gain weight, ironic lol. Luckily I'm from a warm part of the world.

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  • Keepsake

    There's a point in which starvation will become detrimental to you. If you really don't want to eat, just make sure to get the required minimum for your body to function.

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  • tonyyaa

    Starving is not illegal bc no one really cares if you eat or not...

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