Is it normal to just not really like hugs / cuddling?

I don't really like when people want to give super-close / long hugs, and people cuddling on me makes me feel uncomfortable and awkward.

It's not that I don't like people or affection or anything, I just feel weird when people get all close. I guess it probably has to do a bit with my past, but I can't help feeling this way.

Is it normal or am I just a weirdo?

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 98 votes (78 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • NothingxCrazy

    Oh god, all of my friends know not to touch me. While they all greeted each other with hugs I stood off to the side waiting for them to be done. I have slowly started to get over it through the years, but I don't go out of my way to get touched. I still don't like when people even put their hand on my shoulder or even when they look over my shoulder. My family isn't very emotionally close and never touch so I assume that's why I'm not used to it and why I find people who are so feely a bit alien.

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    • Thewomanizer

      im exactly the same!!! Though i got over it after a few years when i used to have close friends i quite enjoyed a nice hug BUT i can't do that with just anyone, it takes me a while to warm up to someone before i can properly feel comfortable enough to give them a good old hug.

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      • NothingxCrazy

        Yes, this is how I am as well. A hug is very fulfilling when you wait for it! I do enjoy a good hug every now and then and I'm happy I'm selective as to who is to receive one.

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    Depends on who is hugging or cuddling me.

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  • x1frosty16

    Depends on the person for me. I draw my bubble big as shit for people I don't know. Tell them to get the fuck out your bubble.

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    • bosslady714

      I have said the EXACT FRIKKEN thing to people! lmao! I even would swing my arms around me and say if I hit you... IT MEANS UR TOO F***IN CLOSE!!!

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  • mirs

    I like being hugged by my friends and people I care about, but I always feel weird to hug them even if I want to. I just feel its weird to touch someone even if they are a close a friend. I always thought I was weird for that.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I love hugs i'm a real huggy person but i don't force my hugs onto people that don't like them.

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  • bristexai

    I don't like people or affection.


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  • q25t

    Yeah, it's normal. I feel the same about it and from what I gather, a lot of people feel this way.

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  • Mando

    You like affection - just not that way. No biggie.

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  • PuppyPower

    I know, I hate visiting family because everybody hugs me.

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  • Failedcasanova

    I am a super cuddly, absolutely hugsy person. I greet all my friends with hugs and just over all like to cuddle and be close to people. However.......I dislike strangers.

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    • RaNdOmPoPcOrN


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      • Failedcasanova

        You are a stranger. No hugs for or from you.

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        • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

          Aww. Sorry.
          Maybe we should get to know eachouther insted of always blocking me.

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  • Gravy

    If your a woman, sorry sweetie you and I are never to be. If your a man, drunken "mate, I love you to much" hugs are all good.

    Aussies, followed by the sides shaggers have the largest personal space than any other peoples, or so I've heard.

    But at least a hug is quick, over & done with. What's worse is the "close talker" cos you cannot escape without snotting them.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm the same way, but for me, it depends on who is hugging me.

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  • SDDA

    Same! I'm not a touchy person. Friendly goodbye hugs, I don't mind. But as soon as it's a hand on the waist and I freak out. I always take it the wrong way; when someone's being touchy I always think it's because they're interested in me. And you know what? It's absolutely normal if you have a past. It makes sense you would feel uncomfortable.

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  • Neo-Zeon64

    I feel the same way. There are times when I don't like to "glomp". Its not weird, you just like having you space

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I guess it's normal it's just what you like. But i love it heheh

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  • Dr.Wigglefarmer

    Perhaps you have autism. You should get that checked.

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    • Erm... that's an awkward assumption to make without very much information. I don't.

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      • Thewomanizer

        no you don't have autism considering the millions of people out there who feel the same way as you do , just like me

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    • Energy


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    • Thewomanizer

      This is autism, please only say something you know the definition of: A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships, and in...
      A mental condition in which fantasy dominates over reality, as a symptom of schizophrenia and other disorders.

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