Is it normal to just want people to type in paragraphs on this site?

Dear gosh, i've come across so many posts where the whole thing is just one GIANT wall of text and it's so gosh darn hard to read. It's like, I really REALLY wanna read your story and help you know if it's normal or not (maybe even comment), but I just can't handle that GIANT WALL OF TEXT DSHFKJHGL

It's even worse when the whole thing is run-on sentences. Any peeps know this feel?

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82% Normal
Based on 38 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • shuggy-chan

    I don't know why you think that a wall of text really hard to read everyone of the wall of text that includes nothing to break it up No punctuation of any kind or even a space do you separate one thought from another just blah blah blah words Words words

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  • normal.eyes

    Yes, I "know this feel".

    Unfortunately, good writing has been sucked into the morass of the World Wide Web, specifically the .com (commercial) segment at large. The .com world mirrors the commodification of everything American, which abbreviates everything to euphemisms and shortcuts in order to mask the unpleasantness of trying to do business and even portraying our very souls to entire populations. (Oddly, the spell checker in IIN showed that commodification is spelled incorrectly [not]).

    We are lost in an unsure world, and can't even feel confident in our usage of paragraphs, editing, proofreading (beyond a spellchecker)and other ways of clearly making our thoughts easily, completely, and eloquently conveyed to the right audience.

    Hence, the birth of disappearing paragraphs and the consequent walls of text; confusing usage of diacritic marks (or lack of them); run-on sentences that approach misguided streams of consciousness; and the sheer pig-headedness of exposing ungainly awkwardness to a readership that has to untangle strings of characters that make little or no sense. (Oddly, again, the IIN spellchecker showed that pig-headedness is spelled incorrectly [not]). Thus, a few precious seconds are granted to the sloppy single writer while, collectively, costing the readership an enormous amount of time. That is, if the reader, at a single glance, chooses to ignore the piece and move on to better ideas.

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  • modernism

    So true. I have a problem where I personally type a lot so I always have to have separate mini paragraphs. Even when I click on a question that seems interesting, I'll go right back to the home page if it's just a big chuck of text.

    I think it's because it's intimidating. So much to read on only one topic - which makes us believe the text will bore us. Most of the time, that's not the case (if it's an interesting topic) and if only people would make paragraphs, people would actually be willing to read it.

    And I'm making a bad example by writing so much... again. -_-

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    • deadtea

      At least you've made some paragraphs, hey!

      I also feel you guys and to me it's just common sense... Something I've learnt in primary school - to separate different topics or thoughts in your text. It's also a good thing to do from an editors point of view, or just someone who is actually wishing for people to read their damn text.

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  • Crapper

    I like text walls

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  • Shackleford96

    "Any peeps know this feel?"

    ^After a sentence like that, I feel like you might be one of the annoying types of people; just as bad as the ones who you're complaining about.

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  • CoraCook

    No wall of text for you.

    All I have is a question:


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  • Aliceee93

    It isn't normal to be scared by a wall of text.
    But you've come to the right place!
    You will never be fixed :3

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