Is it normal to justify pain and suffering w/ a greater purpose?

Do you think human suffering serves some greater purpose? Or is it just there? Have you ever thought about what life might be like without it? Some say it's the yin's yang, others say it's an effect of free will. Some people believe in God because of it, others use it as an excuse to not believe in God. What do you think? Is there a method to the madness?

It is justified for reasons unknown 10
There is no reason why we should suffer. 22
I think I know why we suffer. 11
We shouldn't suffer, but I don't know why. 2
Don't know, don't care. 6
As long as I'm not suffering i don't care. 6
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Comments ( 38 )
  • It's all madness.

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    • RoseIsabella

      "Mad World" by Tears for Fears

      All around me are familiar faces
      Worn out places
      Worn out faces
      Bright and early for their daily races
      Going nowhere
      Going nowhere
      Their tears are filling up their glasses
      No expression
      No expression
      Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
      No tomorrow
      No tomorrow
      And I find it kind of funny
      I find it kind of sad
      The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
      I find it hard to tell you
      I find it hard to take
      When people run in circles it's a very very
      Mad world
      Mad world
      Mad world
      Mad world
      Children waiting for the day they feel good
      Happy birthday
      Happy birthday
      And to feel the way that every child should
      Sit and listen
      Sit and listen
      Went to school and I was very nervous
      No one knew me
      No one knew me
      Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
      Look right through me
      Look right through me
      And I find it kind of funny
      I find it kind of sad
      The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
      I find it hard to tell you
      'Cos I find it hard to take
      When people run in circles it's a very very
      Mad world
      Mad world
      Mad World
      Mad world
      And I find it kind of funny
      I find it kind of sad
      The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
      I find it hard to tell you
      'Cos I find it hard to take
      When people run in circles it's a very very
      Mad world
      Mad world
      Halargian world
      Mad world

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      • Ya I know the song. Is good yes.

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        • RoseIsabella

          YaY! Paws up!

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  • bananaface

    I think it's something you learn from. For example, with physical pain (say, putting your hand in a fire) it's just your body's way of telling you to not do whatever it is that's causing you pain. I mean, otherwise your hand wouldn't last long. It's pretty much just warning signs and your body letting you know that you're doing something that it can't handle, so to speak.

    I guess the same could be said for other types of pain, like emotional. Pain is bad, and most people don't want to suffer much of it. So, whenever something causes you pain, you bear that in mind next time a similar situation comes up. Pretty much just learning from your mistakes and all that.

    So yeah, I do think pain serves a purpose. I see it as mainly your body's way of warning you. Our bodies can only take so much, and if we weren't aware that we're doing damage to ourselves, then we wouldn't last long. It could also be said that it's to act as a kind of balance. Going through something painful makes you appreciate the good things in you life a lot more.

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    • Do you think suffering is ever pointless? Like with women giving birth, war, famine, excessive labor, etc...

      The mods struck back, so you probably know who i I haven't suffered much myself, but it's been a recurring theme in my life lately, like something i have to figure out. And the movie Zenith brought these thoughts to my mind today; in the movie everyone is genetically altered to be "happy", but they become numb and take drugs that cause pain just to be able to feel something. I had a sort of epiphany about human suffering after watching it. I don't really remember it right now, but I'd like to see what others think first anyway.

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      • bemah

        Women giving birth? I guess you could call that an evolutionary mistake. It's the size of our heads compared to our bodies at the time of birth. Other animals don't have that problem...but then of course other animals aren't as smart as us.

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  • Dot123

    The greater purpose is aliens.

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  • Saycheese

    Suffering is part of wisdom. We go through are sufferings to learn knowledge of what is around us. I see it as shallow if nobody went through painful emotions; where is the empathy otherwise.

    To gain empathy you need to go through all sorts of emotions. I believe there is a purpose to suffering once you get through it; it shows you the better end of things in life. People need to learn to embrace pain to find the light. It's really not too bad once you accept it instead of avoid it. People hide it instead which only makes it worse. That is where narcissistic personalities come in then; they avoid their past pain when they were a child. They were maybe abused or something awful happened and they don't let go and find the good in what they need to learn from that. Sometimes people are born with that personality disorder though.

    When you truly realize that in situations that others have sufferings too, then that's when you are more likely to make the situation good. Kindness kills anger, which speaking calmly to someone who is frustrated, irritated, annoyed or angry can break it. Negativity is a waste of energy and you don't need to accept it from others; there is no point in arguments. Of course it takes patience to accept situations that way. :)

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  • howaminotmyself

    It's a coping mechanism. A way to make sense of the world we live in.

    Physical pain serves a function. If you hurt, it's your body's way of telling you something is wrong.

    But pain is not the same as suffering. A woman in labor may go through pain, but that does not mean she suffers.

    Does it seve a greater purpose? If you attach meaning to it, sure. But you can't attach meaning to it for someone else.

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  • filiasan

    It's a way of controlling the masses. No one should suffer for crimes they haven't committed.

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  • ScooterNyne

    We suffer because we are human.

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    • Animals are also known to suffer.

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      • ScooterNyne

        They suffer because we suffer. Naturally animals have purpose. If they are devoured by other animals then it is purposeful and their life meant something. Humans suffer out of hopelessness and strife. Animals suffer when we take their purpose away by abusing them and hurting them for no reason.

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  • davesumba

    Umm, there's suffering because there's a crap load of bad people in this world making us suffer. There's no reason or purpose of this, they just like watching everyone suffer.

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    • But nature causes suffering too.

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      • davesumba

        You were asking why there is suffering in the world. There are scientific explanations on why nature happens.

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        • So, then do you think human nature could be the reason for suffering? It is natural for people to want to cause suffering?

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          • davesumba

            Suffering is such a relative term. When people see a hurricane killing 100 people, they may think that is suffering. But what I see, is 100 stupid people that chose a poor place to live, and weren't prepared for the things that entails. A man kills his ex, well she shouldn't have been such a bitch. A black 17 year old boy is shot, well he shouldn't have started a fight he couldn't finish. Etc.
            And as far as human nature goes, no, I don't think it is natural to want to cause suffering. I firmly believe that those people who cause "suffering" ended up that way purely based on how their environment formed them, not on how they were naturally born.
            Whether they weren't loved enough as a kid, their parents were over protective nazis, they hung out around bad people (already formed by their environment) who acted as mentors to them, someone betrayed them so badly, or what have you.

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            • I agree that many people are the cause of their own suffering, but there are also people who just don't seem to deserve the hell they get, as if they are destined to a painful tragic life. Edgar Allen Poe and Arshile Gorky for instance. But it happens to "normal" people too, people we know who spend half their lives in the hospital (for legitimate reasons. I know some just like to hang out there) or can never seem to move forward. Are such punishments necessary and do they have a purpose? Did they do something to deserve it, even if they seem to be good people?

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  • Merely

    There's no reason, but it happens. Why? Because.

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  • changes123

    I truly believe that every significant thing that happens in our lives has a purpose.

    To me, it's not only a "coping" mechanism. There are things in my life that I have suffered through, but do not regret because they have made me a better person.

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  • Abend_zersetzen_mich

    Everything has to have a balance.

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  • Holzman67

    I think it's a byproduct of society, the rich getting richer the poor getting poorer. And some people are in between, getting by but never feeling like they belong, or feeling that there must be an unknown greater purpose to their lives. We are all born into this world but some of us can never quite seem to fit.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I think we suffer to learn. It's unfortunate, don't get me wrong, but it causes you to appreciate. We suffer in this life, to appreciate what we have in the next.

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  • BloodRedAndTrue

    Shit happens. thats pretty much it. we were born into whatever and our quality of life can diminish at any moment.

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    • That is a very direct way of looking at it; I like it. It's actually profound to me how challenging and meaningful this statement of meaninglessness is. I guess I just can't comprehend how so much could mean so little.

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      • BloodRedAndTrue

        hey man, life is ultimately meaningless. We started as a chemical reaction. We give ourselves purpose.

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  • handsignals

    Only through true suffering can we find true contentment.

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    • What about people who truly suffer until they die? Will they know true contentment?

      Btw I agree with you.

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      • handsignals

        Yeah some people are just screwed to the bitter end, sux to be them.

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        • haha.

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