Is it normal to keep dreaming of a long lost cat
I had this cat for 6 years. I really really loved this cat. She was my furbaby. We had an attachment like no other. We were bonded. She was my lovey. She went missing almost 4 years ago. I have no idea where she went or if she is dead or alive. I still cry about this. About a year after she went missing, I started dreaming about her. In these dreams I can feel how soft her fur is and hear her soft, high pitched meow. I pick her up and she hugs me like she used to. I almost always feel terrible after waking from these dreams to find that she is still gone. I had another dream last night. I am sobbing now as I type this. I don't want to dream about her anymore if i am going to continue feeling this way. I don't know what these dreams mean or how I can stop them. Please help.