Is it normal to keep having panic attacks?

I keep having panic attacks, well not really but I've had two in one month but I keep getting episodes where my heart just races. There was one day when my heart wouldn't stop racing for two whole days. The panic attacks I get are strong, I start shaking, go from cold to hot, feel weak, my heart races and I can only breath small breaths, I start getting scared and screaming.. is it normal to have had two in a month and before that had episodes of anxiety?

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39% Normal
Based on 36 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • hopeful_chaos

    Two in one month isnt that bad. Lately I can't get through a whole day without at least one and sometimes up to ten :/ its terrible. Good luck to you, good thing you could get into the doctor.

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  • gotogirl118

    Yes I'm the same way. If they continue and get worse a doctor can prescribe you medication to reduce them. If anything has been causing anxiety then it is normal, but if they just started at random you need to see a doctor.

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  • Koda

    Definitely time to see a professional. It's dangerous for your physical health to have panic episodes too often.

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  • boogie592

    I think it's more normal than anything else. I really dislike panic attacks because it makes me so fearful of dying or not existing. I got mine smoking pot which is something I don't normally do, but I hope u get better soon.

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