Is it normal to kill prisoners for their organs?
Is it normal to kill political prisoners on an as needed basis to use their organs for transplants?
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Is it normal to kill political prisoners on an as needed basis to use their organs for transplants?
Since once again only the wealthy will benefit from such a program, I doubt that a poor 6 year old will trump a 70 year old millionaire's claim to the organ. That's the real world.
It is not only normal but makes financial sense to do so!
Whilst they lounge around in prison the taxpayer has to fund their lavish lifestyle.
actually killing them to harvest their organs is bit overboard, one can just harvest the less vital organs first allow them to heal then harvest the vital organs on a needs basis. this way you can make more money out of them and use them as slave labour to fix the roads etc whilst they are sill healthy enough to do so!
Op this kind of thing is illegal and if you are doing it should be arrested. No this is not normal behavior at all.
I don't agree with organ donation. It's not for me and I wouldn't force anyone else to do it.
So you want people who need transplants to die since you are selfish? Explain why that does not make you an asshole.
That is like saying since you don't want to donate blood no one else should volunteer. Why should they not? They are not you?
You sure leap to a lot of conclusions. You should try out for a position as a professional conclusion leaper.
Did I say others can't do it? NOOOOOOO, I did not. But it should be their CHOICE. No one should be forced to do it no matter what.
Probably a dying kid with some congenital disease on an organ waiting list.
Plenty of people in countries like the US where willing donors are in short supply.
I understand that, but let say there is a 6 year old and in need of a new heart. And lets say the prisoner was a good person and was set in jailed and has a family of his own. And if we kill him just to save the other kid it would be unfair to his kids and him.
But i have no idea if the person who is getting the donors know who it is from or not. Because if they do it would be really wired to know that you have a heart of a rapist or a killer.
Suppose they are prisoners in a country that doesn't like their beliefs and though they are hurting no one it has rounded them up in large numbers and put them in prison for years. Then people in other countries learn that the donor waiting list is virtually nonexistent in this one country. They can schedule their surgery and go there and have a kidney within a month. It is known that organs are taken from executed prisoners but there aren't that many on death row waiting to be executed...
It's impossible to answer the question as asked. Where is this occurring? One isolated prison (perhaps in your basement...), no, not normal. All over the world in every prison, yes, completely normal.
Perhaps the question you should have asked is: IIN, that I think it's perfectly ethical to harvest a political prisoner's organs without their consent?
Google Falun Gong organ transplants. See what you get. I didn't know about this before, did you?
LOL, so naive. Depends where you are, Sunshine. Theoretically, torture is illegal everywhere but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen every single day. In fact, there's probably someone, somewhere, right now, in great anguish as their captors try to get them to reveal the location of the rebel base.
It is okay to kill mindlessly happy people for their organs, provided that they are used only for other mindlessly happy people.
You mean they have organs in jail? Why are they allowed to play musical instruments?