Is it normal to know feminism is bullshit because of the name?

The push for equality for minorities was called the civil rights movement, not blackism. Unrestricted worship is called freedom of religion, not Christianism. The right to not be oppressed for what we say doesn't bear the name of any group that particularly needs it, it's just called freedom of speech. Now you expect anyone who isn't an idiot to believe that something called "feminism" is actually for gender *equality*? Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Despite all their rhetoric about equality, you don't even need to pay that much attention to see their true intentions right in their name. It's sad that they can do the opposite of what they say and still get so much support. Feminism's biggest opponents aren't people who want women to be second-class citizens, it's people who know two wrongs don't make a right and matriarchy isn't the best response to misogyny.

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Comments ( 73 )
  • dom180

    Non-politically correct name =/= bullshit ideology.

    The 1950s and 60s civil rights movement was entirely focused on the problems of ethnic minorities. If you think feminism is wrong because it focuses entirely on the problems of gendered minorities, then it naturally follows that you think the 1950s and 60s civil rights movement was wrong because it focused entirely on the problems of ethnic minorities. (May I remind you that the word "minority" has nothing to do with population size - it's used for a group that holds a minority of the *power* in a society :P)

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    • Crusades

      You are wrong. A minority DOES represent a part of society that is outnumbered by another part of society. Don't twist it around and redefine terms just because it fits your ideology better, because it doesn't in any way shape or form justify your theory. Based on your logic, the government could be considered a majority and the citizens a minority just because the government has the power? Then what can be said about dictatorship? One man in complete power, then the ratio of 100 million to one represents a situation when the 100 million is a minority? Lol.

      Typical feminist irrational illogical thinking, redefining terms just for the sake of stupidity.

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      • dom180

        Correct, the government is the majority. Nowhere do you see mention of the fact that a minority group has a lesser number of individuals. It's a myth, and an unfortunate byproduct of a language that has many different meanings of the same word even in the same context :P

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  • Anime7

    I actually disagree a little with what you are saying. In my opinion I see feminism as an ideology similar to American Republicanism. The ideology isn't the problem it's the people. I hear a lot of feminists preach matriarchy, they simply traded one lie, male dominance, with another, female dominance. However, not all feminists are like this, just like how not all republicans are rich douchebags who have no concern for others.

    The way I see feminism expressed is similar to the white pride movement dominant in the 60s and 70s where you have a group of people associate themselves with one identity, in this case it as a woman, and demonize other people who are not of this identity, men.

    However, that is not everybody. I have seen plenty of females outright insult these types of "feminists" because they understand that the movement is not about superiority. Honestly there are plenty of women who see this behavior as detrimental in the fight towards equality. Just because the loudest ones preach that all men are savages, does not mean that they are in the majority. I would actually be willing to bet that they are in the minority.

    Feminism, at the root of it, is a movement about equality. Which I think is something that a lot of people support. I myself support the two genders, or whatever gender you associate yourself with, being equal in the eyes of an employer and a judge. However, feminism has factions within it that hinder me and possibly a lot of others from supporting it; even though the individual himself supports the mindset. For the sake of further proving my point here's a comparison: it's a case of believing in god but not wanting to follow organized religion. The ideology is what you support, but not the way it's practiced or how people express it.

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    • NeofelisNebulosa

      I could give you a big kiss for this comment! Thank you!! I love intelligent people.

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      • Anime7

        I actually did not know that there were three waves of feminism. I honestly thought that it was just two. When did the 3rd wave start?

        Also you might want to hold off on that kiss. I should point out that I can sympathize with the people who see all feminists as misandrists, even if I'm sure that they are in the minority, I think that those are the loudest. It sucks, cause honestly that's what people associate the movement with. To an extent though I do sort of agree with ItDuz when he replied to your comment. Well actually I disagree with almost everything he said except that Feminism is the idea of equality through the 'lens of feminism'. Everything else though I disagree with. I think you are right though that at the root feminism is about equality and I truly support you for saying that.

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    • This is such a great comment!! :D
      You sound intelligent---flexing your critical thinking skills like that.

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      • Anime7

        Thanks but it's really just that I understand that the misandrists of the movement are in the minority and you can't say that all feminists are like them.

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        • NeofelisNebulosa

          Amen! You're the bomb, my friend!

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        • That's quite a balanced and logical viewpoint, you have.
          Why do you think some people try make it seem as though all feminists are misandrists who don't support equity amongst genders?

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          • Anime7

            I think honestly it's a case of the loudest one's being heard. It's like how people think all Republicans are rich individuals who are very narrow minded. It's just that the one's you see on tv are like that. Although in this case it's the one's you see on Tumblr. You just have to be aware that not all of the people who support the movement are like that. Hell get to know a few of them and you might be surprised.

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            • You know what's weird, my joke comment is sitting above yours, yet I have less thumbs-up. I wonder how that happens?

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            • Very true!
              Although it doesn't seem very rational when people assume the loudest or most extreme of the bunch are representative of the whole and then base their entire argument around it.

              My dad is like that and he doesn't feel content to just have his own ignorant opinion; he thinks it's necessary to cram it down everyone's throats. When people start to ignore him because what he calls a "debate" is actually more like verbal bullying, he then makes the illogical assumption that they don't have a valid argument. :(

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    • Couman

      But if they (the feminists who advocate equality) started calling themselves equalists, humanists, egalitarians or whatever non-gendered label you like the misandrists and matriachy fans couldn't claim to be part of the same movement anymore. So the name IS significant.

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        When you think of man-hating feminists, you're probably thinking of Second Wave feminists. Feminism had three distinct waves - we are now in the 3rd. It is focused more of communication and inclusion, not retaliation for what men have done in the past. Feminism still exists only because some of us believe women are not truly equal to men yet. I know it's hard for a man to understand sometimes, but please don't hate on feminists! We're not all "man haters."

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      • Anime7

        I never said the name wasn't significant. I think that a lot of misandrists would definitely claim the title of egalitarian if feminism wasn't gaining enough support. The reason for this is that the connotation is better than "feminists" and they believe that it would help their cause. But ultimately the same thing that happened with feminism would happen to egalitarianism, there would be too many factions and the whole movement would fall apart. Even if they are a walking a contradiction, a man hating egalitarian, I doubt that they'd honestly care. I've seen this behavior before where they just become more aggressive the more people call their views wrong, views being that all men are savages. As a result of all this men haranguing, two more factions will be created, and the movement would pretty much fall apart. The word "egalitarian" would cease to mean anything just as much as "feminism" has lost a bit of its meaning for some.

        Thus, while I believe the title feminism to be gender biased; I can understand that their main focus is helping women and men, it's just that some feminists leave out the last part. However, I'd rather have themselves be called feminists and destroy their own movement, or not, than switch their name and ruin another movement. It's important to note though, I believe that the true feminists simply wants equality for all the genders and that's what I truly support.

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      • ThisIsImpossible

        What if someone was feminist but hated gays? Now the new name doesnt work.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    Um, you don't have to be a woman to be a feminist. Do you even know what the definition of feminism is? "The belief that women should be equal to men." It doesn't say "better" than men, just equal.

    Ignorance.... sigh. You're probably assed up because a girl got promoted over you or some shit.

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    • Autumn, that definition is extremely vague, so much so that it makes you scratch your head.

      Feminism isn't as simple as "wanting equality", otherwise, otherwise there would not be a need for a word "feminism" that means the exact same.

      Feminism is the idea of equality through the "lens of feminism", as in through their literature and theories. If you don't agree with feminist theories or literature, you're not a feminist, hence how you can be for equality and not be a feminist, you can even be for equality and see feminism as part of the problem due to their theories and literature.

      Feminism's theories and literature are extremely questionable, that's why you can't just brand feminism as "seeking equality", because their views of equality, how to reach equality, the issues standing between now and equality, are extremely questionable, filled with half truths, and sometimes all out lies.

      As for the last part, I think that is quite ignorant, actually. You assume because a "female" got promoted over a man that it would drive a man to oppose feminism, as if women and feminism are mutually exclusive. Women are not feminism, feminism is not woman. Feminism is an ideology, it is not attached to every woman and can be linked to every woman.

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      • Anime7

        I feel the need to actually point out that I disagree with you on a few things.

        Paragraph one: At the root feminism is about equality. That's what women have been fighting for. How it's practiced may not be that simple though.

        Paragraph two: I actually do agree with you on this one that this is the idea of equality through the lens of feminism. The reason being that I know people who believe in god but don't follow organized religion and some ways see it as a problem. The point being that what you're saying is that you like the ideology but not the way it's practiced which is something that I also wrote in my comment above. So in this I agree with you.

        Paragraph three: I actually don't believe feminists literature or theories to be no less questionable than marxists theories or assertive theories. People actually do earn PHD's on having feminist theories towards literature. Even if you don't agree with it that's just your opinion. Hell I don't really see any of these theories as actually being useful in any way myself. However to say that they're questionable would be to say that marxists theory is questionable. It just depends on your own opinion.

        Paragraph four: eh....I don't blame autumn for being upset no more than I blame you.

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        • You can disagree with me on anything you like, obviously we won't share the same views on everything.

          Paragraph 1: I still don't think that it changes my points on it about feminist literature. Feminists, even as far as the early stages, had a lot of bad and vile things involved in it, although it hasn't been as mainstream to notice nowadays.
          I'd also like to mention that so many women also didn't want to have what feminists were fighting for, as it would then, and I am trying to recall the wordings correctly, would make them like men in regards to obligation to work and be recognized by government as a citizen, which could then make them be made to sign up for the selective services like men (equality).
          I recall GirlWritesWhat making a video about that. I don't think it is publicized as much that so many women were not on feminism's side.

          But again, it doesn't shift my view. Feminist theory and feminist literature has to be considered when talking about the group's purpose. Sure, it might be for "equality", but that does not mean that their view of how to obtain equality or the conclusion of it is the correct way of doing it, that their view of equality is an accurate one.

          I also think that when it comes to newer feminist theories and literature that we can't just dismiss them as part of the feminist theories and literature simply because they aren't ones looked upon with favor. These newer theories are expansions, added theories. They are not ones from a completely different group of people that can't be considered part of the group's theories just because they are clearly bad ones. We can't dismiss any of the negative aspects of feminism and act like they don't exist just to ensure that the view of them being for equality is left behind, those are their theories, and it's reflected from them.

          When it comes to women fighting for equal rights (right to vote), I do find it a bit ironic. Men got the right during the time of being drafted, they got the right to vote in the country they were forced to fight, kill, and die for against their will. Women, however, or should I say feminists, got that same right by protesting the country men had to defend in order to get that right...So when it comes down to it, women had to do a lot less to gain the right to vote than men did, and they still are not able to be drafted, where as men are. That, to me, speaks volumes.

          Paragraph 2: I tend to read one bit and comment and then continue to the next part of what is sent to me, so what I said above kind of links in to the second paragraph.

          Paragraph 3: When I said questionable I was being very light handed. Outlandish and absurd are more so my labels for it, for example the theory of "rape culture".

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          • Anime7

            I don't know too much about what you're talking about when you mention early stages of feminism.

            When I hear that I think of the Seneca Falls conference, and in that a lot of feminists met and discussed issues. They wanted to seen as equal to men which is an honorable cause. How they went on about it was simply writing books and literature, at least that's what the textbooks say.

            I already told you what I think of feminists theory.

            I actually did not know that about men, most men, gaining the right to vote after the draft. But to be fair in the early days of American history only rich white males were allowed to vote so nobody really had any rights. Either ways you can't blame women for wanting the right to vote. Honestly I've heard plenty of women say that they would sign up for the draft. You can't really be angry at women for getting a right to vote by protesting. What else were they suppose to do? Actually you know what they did? They were the engineers in the first World War. Go to any history textbook and you'll see that since men were away fighting, women were put into the workforce and as a result were the ones who supplied the munitions and rations for the soldiers. That's how they got the right to vote, by showing America that they are capable of doing the same job that a man can do. You make it sound like as if all women do is complain until they get what they want when in actuality they have worked for the rights that they've gotten.

            Another comparison would be the civil rights movement, where people literally died because of racism. Action had to be taken. Some leaders, like Martin Luther King Jr., for the most part, preached quiet sit ins and calm defiance. While others like Malcolm X preached retaliation and civil unrest until justice was received. But can you say that all freedom righters were like Malcolm X? No! Just like how you can't say all feminists are nazis. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were two sides of the same coin. Each had their own agenda and their own way to go on about it. But the goal was the same, justice. And that's what Feminists want as well.

            You don't have to agree with the extremists of the group or the way that the creed is practiced, but you are a bad person if you don't agree with the notion of equality.

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  • This clips makes me laugh. XD (C.K. Louis)

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    • haha half bear half lion

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  • Tommythecat.

    "Feminism's biggest opponents are Feminists"

    -Tommy, king of all cats

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  • megadriver

    Whenever a feminist gets too fresh with me, I tell her the most insulting thing. The dreaded words that every feminist hates and fears.
    "Whatever, make me a sandwich", or "Bring me a beer", or "Women are crap drivers"

    That usually shuts 'em up.

    Now I'm ok with equal rights and such, but I am not ok with a woman staring me dead in the eyes and claiming that I (as a man) am a waste of oxygen, I am violent, I only think about sex and all problems are caused by men.

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    • NeofelisNebulosa

      Where did all these ideas about feminism come from??? Gosh, feminism does not equal the type of woman you are talking about! I consider myself a feminist, but I don't think men are a waste of oxygen or anything like that! It makes me sad that so many people have misconstrued feminism this badly..... :'(

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      • megadriver

        One of my girlfriend's friends is a feminist,a radical one. She thinks men are a waste of oxygen. We start wars for no reason. We are very violent, dumb, sex-crazed perverts and so on and so on.

        That girl never shuts up. She was against me and my girlfriend being together. As I will never be "good enough" for her. So, whenever she tries to lay it on me (Men = hell), I tell her to make me a sandwich. That drives her crazy.

        As for you. You seem to be a normal person and that is nice.

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        • NeofelisNebulosa

          Well thank you. Yeah, your radical friend sounds like a douche. It's okay to mess with her then cuz she's being totally unfair to you based on your gender, which you can't help anyway! I think men and women are both interesting.

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  • Sadly, this site tends to have the "upvote" majority when it comes to agreeing with feminism, which I think is a bit cowardly as it seems to serve as a way to be willingly ignorant despite there being many rebuttals in view for that point thumbs upped.
    ...It seems to be a common trend with feminists here, though. Most would rely on the voting system to give the impression of being correct and anyone that deviated them as incorrect than meet that opposition with actual points. No doubt it will happen to this comment, no doubt it will happen to any other comment that doesn't agree with the vague and ignorant "feminism is about equality", in thinking feminism owns the concept of equality or doesn't have literature and theories that you have to comply with in order to be a feminist, thus not knowing you can be for equality and not see "feminist theory" or "feminist literature" as accurate, hell, can see it as part of the problem with sexism.

    No, to these people that will rely on the thumbs feature, they think feminism owns the concept of equality. They would rather use status as a form of validity and inaccuracy (thumbs down = wrong, thumbs up = correct).

    Regardless, the name is probably the smallest reason why it clearly isn't about equality.

    This group that claims to be equality sits back and says "Not all feminists are like that" when an example of feminists being sexist is shown (such as the Toronto men's rights speech talking about the height of male suicide, male issues, etc, which is apparently sexist to do according to feminists), yet when a man, just one man, says something so trivial as to call "One" woman a slut (Rush Limbaugh I believe his name is), well then shit hits the fan and it's an outrage to feminists.

    A nasty name to a woman by one man, to feminists, is a more extreme case of sexism and should be addressed than a large group of feminists (primarily women) screaming, insulting, being aggressive, breaking laws, violating human rights...Yet we are to see this as "equality"...

    So one man calling one woman a name merits their outrage on the grounds of "equality", yet a very large group of people that are protesting a speech trying to help men, breaking laws and human rights in the process, well, that doesn't merit an outrage by these people of "equality", no, no...They would rather tell us "not all feminists are like that" than tell those feminists to "stop being like that".

    In the end, feminism doesn't care about women, they don't care about men, they care about themselves, and this is shown by the ironic "rape threats" and hopes of rape "women" will even get from feminists when those women deviate from their mentality.

    I mean, what does it tell you when the woman that opened the "first" female domestic violence shelter, one of the old time feminists, now thinks the movement is poison? Or when someone like Warren Farrel who gained multiple awards for helping female issues decides to try help men and gets attacked by the very same people he stood beside to help women for it?

    I could go on and on, but there are too many points. Feminism is too flawed in their theories and their actions (and lack of actions) to be considered a group for "equality".

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    • Crusades

      You can't really do anything against it. A handful of people are helpless against an ocean of retards. This world is full of manginas, SIMPS and entitled women.

      I recently saw a question on yahoo.answers about how stupid feminism is. There were 33 answers, and of course all of them defending feminism and the answer that had most positive votes was: "because boobs" ...

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    • **Massages feet**

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      • Ta, sweety.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Equality? Bullshit!
    You can no longer have a gentlemen's club in the USA. Nor can you have an exclusionary, all male gym, or any other public or private facility. But you can have an all female health club and other exclusionary facilities for women only. Women reporters are allowed access to men's sports locker rooms, but men aren't allowed into women's locker rooms.
    This "equality" crap has swung so far off center that it's time MEN were granted equality with women. Don't ever try and tell me women in the US have it so fucking bad.

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    • Riddler

      I thought gentlemens club was code for strip club? Also what about YMCA?

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      • thegypsysailor

        Gentlemen's cubs were clubs for men to go and hang out. They had smoking rooms, some had bed rooms (if say, your wife got mad), reading rooms, good dining rooms; great places for meetings. Usually quite elitist, they were not for the "common" man, but there were many men's only clubs from sporting clubs to congressional member's clubs.
        I certainly would have no interest in one; I don't go anywhere w/o my gal, but it's the principle of the thing. If women can have an all female health club, why can't men have an all male gym?

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        • Riddler

          YMCA(YM(Young Males)

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    • Hugh*Janus

      There's male only clubs, gyms, fraternities.dumbass.

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      • Anime7

        That last part is unnecessary, state your point but there's no reason to be hateful.

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        • Hugh*Janus

          I apologize. The post was just incredibly ignorant (ignorant not being an insult) and the fact it got thumbed up is sad since almost every word he said is untrue.

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          • Anime7

            To be honest, I don't think it's that ignorant. A bit extreme yes, but I wouldn't say it's so ignorant. Then again I don't really know too much about gentlemen clubs or all women health clubs. I actually didn't know that there were gender specific things, aside from shelters for women in need and women who've been involved in domestic abuse.

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            • Hugh*Janus

              Of course you don't see it as ignorant when you admittedly know little to nothing about the subject. However common sense should tell you that his assertion that there were gender specific laws favoring females is bullshit. There's laws against discrimination but no laws promoting one sex above the other. And knowing who these laws apply to is another thing. They do not apply to private clubs or all employers or businesses.

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        • thegypsysailor

          Thanks, but really, he just advertised himself as a cretin, so it takes away any weight his opinions might have had, for me anyway.

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          • Anime7

            I figured as much that insults wouldn't work on you. Flinging insults have no effect in strengthening one's argument anyways.

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      • thegypsysailor

        It is against the law in the US to have a male only club or gym. Even a down town boxing gym may not discriminate, by law. The fact that the place may be so raunchy that no self respecting woman would set foot in them, does not change their legal standing. Frats are something else, completely, and certainly not open to the general public.

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        • Hugh*Janus

          No, it's not illegal. You are mistaken. Sorry I called you a dumbass but your post was very ignorant. You stated that by law women can have private clubs and businesses but men can't. This is incorrect. By making that statement you are saying there are gender specific laws regarding clubs and businesses. Show me one. You also stated that even private clubs can't be male only. This is also incorrect. There's countless male or female only clubs and orgs.

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          • thegypsysailor

            When was the last time you saw a male sports caster in a female locker room? But the female sports casters are allowed free access to the male locker rooms. Just how does that make ME a dumbass or ignorant?

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            • Hugh*Janus

              They don't have a legal right to go in. They get permission on a case by case basis from the owners and occupants. Are you saying there is a law allowing female access to any old locker room but not males? If that's what you're saying than just post the statute. But it doesn't exist so you can't. The team and owners and publicists agreed to let a female in. That is all.

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        • NeofelisNebulosa

          Um.... what about male sports leagues? Or male clubs like the Freemasons? (there is a female equivalent but it has a different name.) What about boys' private schools? What about gay (male) bars? What about bathrooms? :p the last one was a joke.

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          • thegypsysailor

            What about girls being allowed on football teams if they wish in any high school in the nation. I'm not going to argue with you guys; there is a federal law against discrimination that is very one sided.
            I once tried to publish an employee wanted add in a Fla newspaper and was informed that it could not be gender specific. It was against federal law.
            The girls have done their due diligence and we guys have ended up with the short end of the stick. If you don't know that now, it will become apparent sometime in your future and you can look back to this post and say, "now I understand what he was saying." Until then, let's just agree to disagree!

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            • Hugh*Janus

              High schools are publicly funded government institutions. Males are allowed on the cheer squad. It works both ways. If there's no male or female equivalent of a school sponsored team or club then males or females are afforded the right to try out for the existing team.

              EOE only applies to government an some other employers. That newspaper probably jerked you around because you don't know your rights.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Honestly, when have you been, if you are a girl(?), refused access to a gay (male) bar? They, of all people, are the least likely to be prejudiced. A woman might not feel welcome or be comfortable in a gay (male) bar, but I seriously doubt that she would be refused access. That's just silly.

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      • I haven't heard of male only gyms. Could you link them to me? I'd like to see if it's true (not saying it isn't, just skeptical). Thanks.

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        • Hugh*Janus

          I can't post links with this phone but to give you an example you can google Cuts Fitness for Men and I think there's a franchise called Blitz for men. Many coed gyms do female and male only times,days and areas.

          The fact of the matter is that if a female only gym is allowed then a male only gym is also allowed. It depends on the jurisdiction as to whether a single sex facility can exist. Fewer male only gyms exist not because it's universally prohibited but because it's not a profitable business model unlike female only gyms. A lot of Cuts gyms closed and many went coed after a while because they couldn't sustain themselves being male only.

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          • Thanks I will get around to looking them up to see if they are male only gyms and respond with what I find.

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  • orinoco

    Feminism is clearly bullshit, not only because of the name.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Look up "Chanty Binx" or "Big Red".

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    • dom180

      She's one person, though. Just one person. Do you really believe you can generalise her to the whole population of feminists? She is an extremist, she does not represent all feminists and I can categorically tell you a lot of feminists hate her just as much as they hate women-hating men.

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      • Feminists have taken issues with "one person" for their ignorance and sexism, so why does that get used as an excuse to not pursue those sexist people for their sexism when it is not used as an excuse when one person says something ignorant or sexist (if even that) in regards to women?

        No, not all feminists are like that, that doesn't mean that feminists in general can't be let off the hook about the situation at the university "Big Red" protested at. A lacking of action in a certain situation speaks just as much volume as applied action in a situation, and as I explained/implied above, feminists have gone to extremes and made mainstream issues of situations where a single male has said something sexist or simply insulted a woman. If something so trivial as to a woman being called a slut can be made a big deal by feminists, why is it that they would not take the same approach against people like Big Red and the others at that protest? Why didn't they do more than simply shrug and say "oh, I don't agree with that" when one man says something sexist or insulting to one woman like they did to the "group" of people that broke laws, tried to prevent human rights, and so on just to censor the speech?

        I'm sorry, but if a group can make a large issue out of something so small as to calling a woman a slut, or the ignorance of one officer which resulted in a "Slut walk", then I am not going to accept "Oh, we disagree" as an appropriate action from a group that goes to extremes when something smaller than this happens in regards to women.

        Instead of saying "not all feminists are like that", they should be telling those feminists to "not do that".

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        • dom180

          Taking issue with one person is absolutely fine. Saying that all people in a group are like them certainly isn't fine.

          Of course they can be "let off the hook"! They didn't do anything wrong! :P I don't think it's reasonable to expect feminists to get up in arms about everything they find objectionable.

          I don't see why it's the responsibility of the moderates in a group to remove that group of its extremists. Extremists gonna be extreme, and all you can really do is not give them lip service because the attention is what they want. That's probably why comparatively little fuss is made.

          You really don't seem to know what Slut Walks are about. Slut Walks aren't a response to one sexist man, which is why it's ridiculous to compare them to a response to one sexist woman. Slut Walks are about a perceived or real inequality in society in which female promiscuity is demonised to a far greater extent than male promiscuity. It's a completely false comparison, and I'm sure you knew that before you brought up Slut Walks as an example.

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          • Like I said, obviously they're not the same (although that doesn't mean I don't think they're wrong for following feminism's ideology).

            No, it wouldn't be reasonable to, but trying to say that the case I am talking about counts as "any old case" is willingly being ignorant. This case is something that paled in comparison to the things feminists have made massive deals about in the past, but people are to believe that this case of sexism (in this case against men) is just coincidentally not taken up as an issue of sexism by a group "claiming" to be about gender equality that has done a lot more for a lot less?...

            No, they really can't be let off the hook, not when it has become a very recognizable event that is still talked about today. The "only" reason this would not be taken as an issue would be if they agreed with what they were doing, but distanced themselves because they know that it was wrong.

            I mean, for Christ sake, feminists have gotten people fired over "jokes", but an issue of sexism where laws are broken and human rights are violated doesn't suffice for their involvement?

            There comes a time, Dom, where even you have to call bullshit in regards to how feminism operates, this being one of those times.

            "I don't see why it's the responsibility of the moderates in a group to remove that group of its extremists. Extremists gonna be extreme, and all you can really do is not give them lip service because the attention is what they want. That's probably why comparatively little fuss is made."

            Why haven't they adopted this mentality when males have done something sexist or merely offensive to a woman? Does that change the fact that this was an issue and that it happened? So when it comes to aggressive "Mobs" of people targeting males, well, just be quiet and it'll go away, but when it is something like calling a woman a slut on a radio station, well then just letting it slide isn't something to take up?

            The SlutWalk started because of a man in an authoritative position either asked a woman that was raped "what were you wearing" or it was that he blamed her for the rape in which he said she shouldn't of dressed the way she did. That's where it originated from, the motivation from it. Ah, here it is: "Constable Michael Sanguinetti, a Toronto Police officer, suggested that to remain safe, "women should avoid dressing like sluts.""

            So, you're wrong there. It started as a reaction to one ignorant man's comment, nothing more, nothing less. Why it is done "now", who knows, may still be the same reason, may not be, that doesn't change the fact that an ignorant comment from one man has caused something as big as the "slut walk" while a large group of aggressive people (primarily women), breaking laws and violating human rights to silence people trying to help male issues, gets a "meh, leave it, it'll go away".

            Ever since then it has been extremely exaggerated that this happens on a regular basis in areas such as law authorities...The ones that work in a system where a mere accusation of rape can harm a man's life...

            But really, there does come a point, Dom. You can't say that feminists not helping in situation like that, a pretty large one if not the most iconic one as of late, or taking action against it, shows anything other than their lack of care when it comes to men's issues, hence, lack of care of "true" equality".

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      • MarcusSG1

        feminism has had alot of extremist and they have been supported very much in feminism...there are better alternatives than feminism in the fight for equal right. other countries have a better idea of feminism than america does. africa needs feminism, asian maybe need feminism..but america doesnt have major problems like genital mutilation on the scale that african and similar muslim countries do..

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        • dom180

          Feminism doesn't have a lot of extremists - I think that's a common misconception. I know about one hundred people who self-identify as feminists, and not one of them a man-hater.

          You can be a feminist and a general egalitarian. That's how I see myself. Feminism has never claimed to be the only philosophy about equal rights, and no-one is saying you have to choose between feminism and anything else.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I never said that she represented the whole feminist movement. I wasn't generalizing her, but she does help to paint a picture for extreme feminism.

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    • Friend, there is no point. Feminists aren't interested in reason, they just want to be right, hence the downvoting of anything that sticks on topic with the subject of feminism with criticism gets downvoted.

      They want to give the impression that they are right and you are wrong simply by the status of the thumbs feature, like cowards.

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  • Feminism is bullshit because they preach "equality" while there real agenda is female supremacy. Lets solve gender issues by focusing soley on one genders problems. They dont want freedom of speech, they always silence the opposing views saying there right and everyone else is wrong. They always get owned by facts thats why they dont want freedom of speech.

    Feminisms biggest opponents are people who have common sence and use logic and facts. Gathering together and screaming "no more rape" to solve rape issues, or "Men its not ok to rape!" Umm Im pretty sure everyone knows its not morally ok to rape, you think a rapist cares about morals, really? To solve all of there problems they gather together hold up signs and scream. Or they post a "kill all men" blog on tumblar. I cant see a normal functioning human brain be capable of being that stupid. Why wont they actually do something to solve there problems instead of just bitching about it.

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    • Hmm, let's see.

      - Mentions how feminists primarily focus on one gender and that you can't reach equality just by doing so.

      - Claim they don't want freedom of speech, which could be seen with the speech for helping men on suicide and other issues at the university of Toronto, where feminists broke the law and violated human rights to ensure the speech could not be attended or heard, in which other feminists did not target those feminists in the name of equality for their sexism.

      - Mentioned how they claim they are right by default (irony being that is pretty much what has happened with the thumbs down you gained).

      - Says that criminals don't care about morals.

      - Mention the misandry many feminists have on the tumblr site, mentioning how no normal person with a right mind would do such a thing.

      ...And you get thumbed down for it.

      Yep, I can tell how this will go down, like to many other cases where feminism is the opposition. The thumb feature will be used more than reasoning, give the impression of being incorrect rather than show the opposition is incorrect.

      -Sigh- It's why I don't take the thumbs feature seriously anymore.

      (Case and point. Thumbed down already, I wonder if any reasoning for it will be given...I won't hold my breath).

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