Is it normal to know what your fears are before being faced the 'fear'

Out of all stituations listed in multiple choice poll... these are my questions... and also how / why/ when share your experiences.
I believe Fears evolve; Fears are a choice.
Yet is it true that some Fear exist in us all with no bounds?
How do I find what my current/consistant/ even future¿ fear is?
Id like to know before hand something happens to excite it further.
Mostly because our brains scientifically 'remember' and keep reacting such as "auto pilot" and even fear can be the foundation of a habit; can it not?
Its not just a habit it is a fear induced reaction is it not??
Please try to answer what you know for sure, hopefully there will be many posts. Thank you very much because I have an issue with believing the impossible is yet possible... isn't it? Maybe not because you can't change the fact that fire burns the skin so to speak.

Neither. fears evolve faster then seconds are in time 1
It is possible to know/find out our current fears 6
It is impossible to find out our current fears unless faced 4
It is impossible to be fearless 6
It is possible to be fearless 2
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Comments ( 8 )
  • redoctober

    "being faced the fear"

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  • howaminotmyself

    Interesting. Personally, I don't think you should go looking for things to be afraid of.

    I think some fears are easy to identify while others may surprise you. I know what some of my fears are, but not all of them. It takes living to discover what some of them are. But that doesn't always mean I'm willing to face them. And I certainly didn't have to face my current fear to know it existed.

    But then you could be afraid of something simply because someone told you it was scary. My mom is afraid of pit bulls because of this. And how many people believe all Muslims are terrorists? And I can't tell you how many times I've been encouraged to fear my neighbors. It's quite silly.

    People with courage do not lack fear, they carry on despite the fear. I heard that somewhere.

    Did I answer your question?

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    • iamrite

      "People with courage do not lack fear... they carry on despite the fear". I loooove that.
      Thing is in order to have courage you must have fear

      Courage is the process of eliminating fear to become Fearless

      I believe that we can be Fearless= had fear and disowned it/pinned it down.... and will be faced with new evolving fears but can disown those too

      You agree?

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      • howaminotmyself

        To some extent, yes. We can become fearless, but that sounds boring. Like some type of drone or robot just going through the motions of life and not truly living it.

        Fear is a natural response to negative stimuli. Take away our instinct and what are you left with?

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        • iamrite

          I understand completely... but being fearless allows you to truly 'taste' what's going on and it can taste good if you know what I mean. It not alwas so boring.
          Its like either way you cannot be fearless without first being fearful. U agree?

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  • Bigheart15

    i think one factor in having a fear naturally happens through no control of our own, it's not always because you have a faced a fear it's sometimes because you have heard negative things about your fear...for example... Don't go on an aeroplane because it could crash. It's only you tha decides if it becomes a fear. You might have seen a situation either in life or TV which helps you decide if it's a fear of your and if you could or are brave enough to do it yourself. Sometimes fears are brought on through a experience. I believe you can more then likely face a fear and know within yourself you could but the fear can take over.

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  • iamrite

    Somehow I STIll believe that fears evolve and are a choice. Yes I feel like it might be possible to be fearless...but that being faced the fear can bring shock... you can stilll un-fear it by pinning it down

    You agree?

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  • dappled

    It's a good question and I don't know if I can answer it. Some of my fears evolved from specific situations (i.e. I almost drowned once and now I no longer swim). It would have been impossible to predict that I'd get trapped underwater. However, some of my fears (like my fear of heights) has definitely evolved throughout my life but, in retrospect, I could see the seeds of it in the four year old me.

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