Is it normal to leave my computer on all day and night?

well, i just leave my computer on all day and night :/ is this normal? or should I turn it off to protect the environment? will my computer lifespan be shorten by me not turning it off?

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51% Normal
Based on 51 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • mumbum

    Wow babyjhonny.. You need your own blog!! :)

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  • babyjhonny

    Turning it off will help to protect the enviroment as you will be reducing your "Carbon Foot Print" However leaving a computer on 24/7/365 is perfectly normal. What do you think the banks and the stock markets do? they dont turn their Server Farms off every sunday or at the bank holidays. I myself have 7 computers 4 of wich are on 24/7. However it is important to take adiquate safty preqautions when leaving a computer on day and night.

    You should use a Power Regulator (rated for the total load of all equipmeant you will be plugging in to the mains circuit that the computer system will be on) and a high quality Circuit Braker rated for 240V (or wich ever your countrys power rating is)

    You should have adiquate cooling at least 2 room fans + 1 more for each additional computer.

    Sutibale Fire safty. You should have a Carbon Dioxide pump desigend to self activate on detection of fire and pump the gas in to the room. (only if this is a system like mine were the main computer room is seprate from the termanil room, aka main computer room is sealed and no-one is in their)
    Another option is to use a Non Conductive Foam Pump, this will pump non conductive fire retardent foam in to the roam on detection of fire. The foam is pumped in a non conductive liquid form, and turns to foam on contact with oxegen.

    Sutible Funding.
    Running computers 24/7 costs alot in electrical bills, it may be possible based on your system spec to get a govermeant grant for the electricity by letting certain Universties and Science Institues use a portion of your Prosessor and memmory. Their are sevral programs that opirate under the Grant Scheme. Boinic is the one i use.

    Other tips

    You might want to get a UnInteruptibale Power Supply in case of Mains Power Failiure

    Contacting Your Power supplyer and notifying them of your plan is also a good idea as they may be able to offer you some sort of discounted package.

    Research the diffrent equipmeant before you buy, some of this stuff is industrial.

    If you are using multiple computers, Invest in a 32 port KVM Switch

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    • Stryk3istrukuout

      This guy's a dumb idiot. Don't listen to him. Can't spell worth a shit, either. It's fine to leave your PC on all the time. It could help to turn it off every now and then, but they are made to sustain it. Only way that it's an issue is if the quality of your PC is poor or if it's in a very tight, compact space with little ventilation and air circulation.

      Source: I've had my PC running for years. Same one.

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  • toasty1

    just depends on your computer

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  • canadiankid904

    i left my laptop on once for like 24 hours it over heated cuase major damage to my new son vio laptop also i did it once befor and my AC adapter was boiling hot!! i burnt my arm! i put a thermomiter by it and it showed 50o celsius thats hot

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    • hornsby123

      No it didn't. If it was that hot it would have melted long ago, and caused a fire.

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    onece i left my lap top on for like 2 weeks cus i am on vacation with my family
    luckly, no damage on it -_-

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  • hotchickie81

    If it's a laptop, you shouldn't be leaving it on all the time. If it's a desktop, it's debatable. Are you leaving it on for a reason? Like to download large files? Like movies or something? Or do you just leave it on while it does nothing? My parents used to leave their's running day & night, since someone told them it's better for the hard drive. Not true. Eventually their fan stopped working and the computer over heated. So if I were you, I would turn your computer off especially when you're not home. And yes, I am all for saving the environment too, so the less power you use, the better off we are. Hope this advice helps.

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