Is it normal to let a boy be a girl?
It started while I was watching "What Would You DO?" I can easily say it is my favorite show on TV. I don't watch TV, but I do watch the show on the internet. They did this episode on a boy wanting to dress as a girl. Then I stumbled on a news article about the same thing. Then, just recently, I stumbled on a youtube video with the same premise. I poked around a little after that and found this is a recurring thing.
Now, I want to state that I support this decision from these children and their parents. Whatever make the child, and I emphasize, the child, happy, then that is what should be done. But, only if you make it clear to that child the repercussions of such an extreme choice.
What I was wondering is what the good people of is it normal think. Is it normal to let a child chose their own sexual identity, despite what their biological identity is?