Is it normal to lie?

i have low self esteem. i just embellish details..i've been doing it since i was younger. for example, when i moved away from my old school i told people that i got free concert tickets because i thought they would think i was cooler. recently, i told my friend that i've been drunk before and made up a crazy story about it when it wasn't even true, later i felt bad and said my other friend made up the crazy story because i didnt remember. i've pretended to be drunk while talking to a friend because i wanted attention. i said i got into a certain college and applied to a certain college that i actually didn't while having an argument in a friend. when i moved to my new school, i told people i had had a boyfriend before, but then felt bad about it and tried to phase him out and really downplayed it once i made friends. i've never lied about anything serious, i just lie about little things...sometimes i'll post facebook statuses saying i'm doing things that i'm actually not doing. i'll feel really guilty when i do all of this stuff as well and either try to put some element of reality into it or actually do the thing i say i'm doing because i feel so bad. another example is, the other day i met someone at orientation, a girl who seemed really nice but was kind of intimidating, she was talking about how she was a varsity cross country runner. i was a cross country runner as well, but when we started talking about times i made it sound like i was faster than i actually was.

is this normal?

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 43 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • AngAnders112

    lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off

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  • MrsBailey9

    It's called being a "Compulsive Liar".

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    • it's not really something i do extremely often....don't compulsive liars do it for fun and amusement, don't really think about it afterwards? and they also can't really stop themselves..

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  • chewy

    Lying is ok

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  • pwnhead

    this is a clear sign you might be a psychopath.
    you should seriously see a therapist

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  • A lot of people will know you're lying when your telling them a lie, but they'll be too polite to tell you they know. And you'll never have the respect, that you crave, from those people who are on to your con.

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  • mumbum

    You end up losing out in the short term and the long term... Personally I just don't get it ... why lie??? Just be yourself!! No one really cares that much about anyone!

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  • Sounds like you need to show people something you're not. You shouldn't do that and should not care that people will think less of you because you don't get drunk, or any other stupid things people think is ''cool''. If they need you to be a certain way, then they aren't worth it. You need to stop lying. Imagine if you met this guy and lied to him then got into a relationship and found out you lied about a lot of things. It might not end up being pretty. Be honest and you'll stop feeling bad for useless lies that aren't worth it.

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    • do you think i'm a compulsive liar who needs therapy?

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