Is it normal to lie about your whole life story?

well basically,
i like to lie abut my life.
i like telling people i got pregnant and that im going out with 3 people at the same time. i even used my bestfriends boyfriends picture and said it was my boyfriend and gave him a different name.
i tell my friends am really rich and i would get N-dubz for my birthday & i told them my parents hate eachother and my dad left me. even tho we still live together?
i told them i go out everyday with different boys when my mum doesnt even allow me to go out.
i dont know what to do? is this normal..

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 71 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • kait_dona_who

    You sound like a pathological liar or perhaps a compulsive liar. Look it up.

    It really isn't good to lie about your life because you are disregarding the life that you are supposed to be living.

    Seriously, talk to someone about it, preferably a doctor.

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  • alessa

    1. Respect yourself and be proud of who you actually are. Stop and think how you can take yourself seriously or expect others to respect you when you constantly tell big lies like this.
    2. Make a decision to stop lying from this moment on and stick to it. It'll be hard at first because you've made a habit out of it, an awful one but it will be rewarding each time you don't. Praise yourself for each time you've told the truth.
    3. You should love the life you're actually living, embrace it.
    4. The things you don't like, well try to change them for the better. If they don't go well, try again.
    5. If you can't come up with the courage to tell everyone about everything you've lied about, tell someone you can trust first, considering you didn't lose their trust. Like your mom or a close friend and ask for their insight and help. Then you can figure out where to go from there.

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  • kit-kat-bar

    I don't like what those other people wrote but you are what is called a habitual liar. My ex-best friend was this way. SHe would lie that she was talking on the phone all the time to some hot guy and she was talking to herself when I caught her one time. You need to start being honest with people. Its not okay to lie all the time. Are you afraid that no one will like you if you are being yourself. I would have loved my bestie if she was only honest. Next time you get the urge to lie, counteract it with something that is true and you wont end up looking like an idiot later whenever you get caught.

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  • gako

    You need help.

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  • Caity21Lifee

    Don't lie about your life. It could be worse. Most kids in reality dont have their 2 parents.... Some probably dont see the other parent. :/

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  • Avant-Garde

    Certainly not. There are many short comings that can result with this condition. I urge you to see a therapist before you get yourself into some deep shit.

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  • ndublet

    Yes u need help. Or u could just GROWUP!

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  • ndublet

    Sorry u are fake ! And no one likes fake or liars ! If u carry on U WILL HAVE NO MATES!! my mate used to say stuff like that (she still goes on about it) but every one at school now knows she lies and me and others can't believe anything she says anymore , plus people this she is dangerous now too!

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  • pao

    people may follow and listen to you but they are polite in not saying to you " Lier".. people know you are lying, and they may be feel sorry for you. .. I feel sorry for you.

    YOu are not happy with who you are, you're not happy with yourself and what you've acomplish. you think u are no-body, unhappy person. REspect yourself, grow your selfsteem, REspect other people. and Stop lying you're acting like a 6 year old.

    you are acting like a 6 year old.

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  • Uzzie101

    Did you lie in this comment at any point?

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  • crazypants

    Wow don't do that kind of shit you just make the rest of us girls look bad you bitch as lier!!!

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  • Weirdo.

    Strap on a pair and man-up!

    --A xoxo

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  • Scarecr0w

    I'd say that it doesn't really matter. They're just words, after all. You're going to piss off a lot of people, though.

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  • gryffinval80

    most likely people know you're lying. i've known people like this.

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  • Uzzie101

    Really though, you need to see a psychologst.

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