Is it normal to like animals

is it normal to like animals more than people.where I live they want me to give up my pets, How can I choose which ones to give up when I love all of them. My pets are very smart & loyal & most of all they don't tell me that I'm doing something wrong. They love me for being me. it really pisses me off that human are nothing but jerks.

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96% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • SaintPhoeniix

    Animals are awesome, people are bastards.

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  • Yeah it's totally normal.

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  • Miss_Anthrope

    I couldn't just "give away" another living being, it's not for me to decide that. Couldn't do it. Sorry you're being put into that position, it's not right. I can't stand humans.

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  • zchristian

    I also love animals just as much or more than humans of course i can get mad at them but i calm down pretty quickly...

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    • byknight

      ya me to. I got mad at my dogs to but I still loved them & they loved me. Thats call unconditional love.

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  • dappled

    Why do you have to give them up? Is there any solution which would allow you to keep them? Or, as a second best, can they live with someone you're close to, so you can visit them all the time?

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    • byknight

      dappled: thanks for caring.

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    • byknight

      I moved to a mobile home park & they won't allow more than two pets & I have 5 dogs & 1 cat. All my family I have left is in another state. my friends seems so out of reach lately. I'm hurting really bad because I gave up Three of my dogs today. & every time I see their toys all I do is cry. I don't know why there are so many cold hearted people out there.

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      • dappled

        I am so sorry to hear that. This is upsetting to me personally because I can't imagine being forced into giving up a pet. But it's obviously a million times more upsetting to you because you're the one in this position. I did have a further potential solution but it's probably too late now you started giving up the pets. So I'll just say I'm really sorry. I guess that's about all I can do, though it doesn't seem very much.

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        • byknight

          dappled: I did give up my three dogs but if I had a place .to put them I would try to find a way to get them back. so it ok to say your idea. I'm still open for any solutions.they only gave me two days to give them up or otherise I would have been evicted. theres still time to get them back so please if you have an Idea let me hear it. I would appericate it. thank you for your kindness & your thoughtfulness.

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          • dappled

            I wondered whether you could pay your mobile home park neighbours a small sum to each take two pets for an hour a day and to say that they are their pets if anyone asks, but the pets would really live with you. If anyone spots them, you say they really belong to the neighbours but that you are temporarily watching them.

            I know it's subverting the rules a little, but I absolutely detest these rules which specify x pets. It's like they're implying three dogs are worse behaved than two.

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            • byknight

              It wouldn't hurt to try. & I would try anything at this point,cause I miss by hurts after having them for six years.I've taken them out in the field behind the house to go potty & they told me that I wasn't cleaning up their messes. which was a bunch of bull. I'm a responsible pet owner. my one neighbor
              use to work with me but I think she was one of them that complained. & the one on the other side of me, I know for a fact is a snitch bitch. shes up in years & has her nose right up the managers ass. it seems like every move I make shes call the manager.
              I've only been in the park now for about 10 weeks & I had to give up my sons car & my pets. my only question now is, Whats next? maybe I shouldn't ask.

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      • byknight

        people say their your friends untill you need something but when you asked them they can't do any thing. when you tell your dogs to sit at least they listen.

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