Is it normal to like cold skin?

Just like the way people find comfort from sucking their thumb or having a special blanket, I find comfort from rubbing mine or someone else's cold skin. This isn't a fetish I simply enjoy the feel and did it soothing, does anyone else have anythin like this, is it normal?

Voting Results
76% Normal
Based on 34 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • modernism

    My skin is constantly cold. I think my body just doesn't understand the concept of temperature homeostasis. I'll hold someone's hand or even high five someone and they'll be like, "OMG your hands are freezing!"

    I'm just like, "I know. It's a reflection of my heart."

    But no one has ever liked my cold skin, lol. I'm glad someone enjoys it. I definitely don't enjoy having it, haha.

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  • TrustMeImLying

    I can sort of relate. I like holding cold stuff in my hands like cold hands, or cold cat ears/paws, or a cold drink.

    if you want to enjoy the feeling even more you should imagine you're siphoning someone's SOUL. souls are supposed to be cold, yes?

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  • Waya

    I suggest you get a pet snake

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