Is it normal to like dealing with problems?

I get bored when I am not trying to deal with some problems so I like dealing with them, I like being busy. Is it normal to like having a complicated life?

Voting Results
94% Normal
Based on 53 votes (50 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • emilydoll

    Could be!

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  • howaminotmyself

    I guess it would depend on the complication itself. I like to keep busy, but if I can easily figure it out, it wasn't really a problem to begin with, just a minor challenge.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    That depends on what you consider problems.
    My life is busy in the virtue that I need money and am uneducated. I solve those problems by going to work and going to school. I know people that have addressed their problems of money and wish to address environmental problems, they do this by community service, some address problems of their boredom through entertainment... Are those the kind of problems you are addressing? Because if you are talking about social problems, then it sounds like you might need to get a life. In the process of "addressing" social problems you might either be over-thinking or unknowingly causing more social problems.

    Either way, the Type A needs to be kept busy. I am the same, as well as many other people. Normal.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Well I understand where you're coming from. I know the feeling of wanting to be doing something, and the ''hands-on" approach to things.

    I guess some people are just wired a certain way.

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