Is it normal to like hanging out at a cemetery by yourself?

For some reason, I have always found cemeteries fascinating. As a child I would love seeing them as I passed by them in the car. When I became a teenager, I started going inside random ones and just sitting there for hours. I don't know what it is about them, but I just find them so peaceful and beautiful. Everyone tells me I'm such a creep for doing that because why would I want to sit around by myself with a bunch of dead people. I recently moved into a new apartment and I was so exited to see it had a cemetery right in front of it. I walk there every day and stay for hours. is this normal?

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 449 votes (377 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • cromen25

    Same here, I also like to visit the cemetery, it all started a few years ago, the cemetery is a peaceful place, also cemeteries are places that remind us of our mortality, sometimes I sit for a long time or walk around and read the names on the tombstones in thoughts, what could be the cause of death? Especially if that person was younger, whether they live in another dimension? walk through the cemetery is beautiful...

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    • Gemzia

      I also started as a teenager. I think it is because I'm sort of an empath and sensitive to peoples spirits and when I go to the cemeteries, there are usually no people around and it's sooooo very peaceful and calming for me.

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  • lexie_smith

    I always hang out at the cemetery near my house and I stay there for hours, I wish I could stay there the whole day, I guess I love staying there because it's quiet and no one is around me, no one expects anything of me and I can just be myself.

    It's not necessarily normal, but no one wants to be normal, lol at least I don't, NORMAL PEOPLE SCARE ME!

    Anyway back to the topic, I think it's cool to like hanging out at the cemetery, it's different and epic, if you like hanging out there keep going no matter what any of these NORMAL PEOPLE say.

    BTW people it's not goth, it's emo, get it right!

    XOX The Emo chick

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    • Gemzia

      Omg "normal" people scare me too!

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  • hardcandy

    I also enjoy cemeteries. I spend hours walking through, reading dates of birth and death, thinking about their long or short lives. I think it's normal.

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    • gypsymoon

      Gypsymoon,I walk through reading the stones.Thinking how old the person was while here.

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  • FocoUS

    They are fascinating! They have their own history. Do you also like to be in historical places? I do, that's why i like cemeteries. I'm a bit of history buff. I've been in Mark Twains house and stood in the room where Jesse James was shot, maybe I'm just a touristy type but I can't stay away from "special" places

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    • gypsymoon

      Are you from Missouri?I was in Jesse James house to.In ST Joseph MO.A distant relative was married to a ancester of Sam Clemens AKA Mark Twain.I was to the caves in Hanabil MO.Were he played.

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    • Yes I love going to historical places! And you're so lucky, I have always wanted to go to those places. I have been to several murder sites as well. I don't know why, I just like all of it.

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  • disthing

    I've walked through a couple of cemeteries before, in night and in day, and I agree there is something fascinating about them. Also, they have the same calming quality of a park, but are a place where you're unlikely to have dog walkers, joggers, footballers etc. running about. It's also somewhere you can go without feeling as though you should be heading to a destination... People will assume you're there to visit a grave, rather than just enjoying a walk and relative outdoor privacy. The fact that there are all these concrete slabs symbolising a families loss is interesting from a cultural perspective too.

    Anyway, I think it's normal.

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    • You just took the words right out of my mouth. That is exactly how I feel.

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  • hencethename

    Oh my goodness. I was wondering if anyone else did this! I love cemeteries--they are so fascinating. I visit them by myself all the time.

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    • That's good, now we know we are not alone lol :D

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  • Matthew33

    I'm so glad I found this website to dicuss this topic. I always like to go for walks to avoid other people and nosies. I became interested in cemtries when I discovered one a couple blocks from my home. Sometimes I just got for walks and enjoy the beatiful green grass and flowers. I tried to tell my parents about my interest but, they thought it was rather odd. Which is understandable because it's my parents. However, when I told a girl that I was friends with for a while. She didn't like it very much either. So I guess it's just one of the things I should keep to myself.

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  • WorriedOfInsanity

    Yeah, it's perfectly normal, so called "normal" people may think it's weird, but cemeteries are peaceful places, one of the cemeteries in my home town is located about a quarter of a mile from a busy bypass, but in the cemetery the traffic is barely audible, i like wandering the lanes, seeing the names, seeing the dates, seeing the eulogies etc, as i reflect on life, such as the inevitability of dying, that one day i will be lying in the same ground with others looking at my headstone, no matter what lies in the afterlife.

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  • Gemzia

    I just did this today. I have been upset with a few situations in my life and needed some peace. I found it at a cemetery. When I traveled to San Francisco, I went to Colima which is also referred to as the city of the dead because it is illegal to bury a body in the actual city of San Francisco. It is full of cemeteries. The Italian cemetery was gorgeous. I spent the day there. Best part of my trip. I thought I was the only one, thank you everyone for sharing!

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  • lisamagalie

    Yeah, I think it's normal. In fact I think people who are fearful or uncomfortable of cemeteries are abnormal. Death, is an important part of life, and cemeteries are full of people resting in peace. This brings me peace going to visit them. It's also a place where you can reflect and go inward into your subconscious. Reflecting on others's lifetimes seems like a very healthy way to exercise our basic human conditions such as understanding, compassion, thus a cemetery is a good way to feel grounded and humbled in your life being surrounded by those who no longer have the privilege to be alive. Forming connections to those that have passed by a way of pondering what their lives must have been like, along with pondering your own path in this life, is very refreshing.
    It can really add peace, focus and acceptance in your current life, if that is what you need to integrate.

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  • Angel-Ray

    Be careful

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  • gypsymoon

    Gypsymoon.I find cemeteries relaxing,and peaceful.There one of the places on earth that will never change,It is a place to visit the afterlife.All is welcome.

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  • WordWizard

    This sounds Goth. Are you one of the Adam family kids.

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  • Snowdog

    Yes, you just like that kind of places

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  • Tobi-Uciha


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  • imustbnutz

    I submitted the same question! Only I park up at the cemetery at night on my own. When I was younger I remember playing around the local graveyards...Also there are some beautiful cemeteries in my area and I have met a few people who visit cemeteries. But I like that not too many people like it. this should be our little secret.

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  • aduusw

    They are nice... Full if grass and flowers... Quiet and peacefulls.

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  • honeybeee

    But don't u get scared at night:(

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  • Tiddy

    That's something new, mm I wonder u visit them in the day or night? If day, I don't think it's that creepy, u know, not all fancy the same stuff. It's the atmosphere that u like bout, not the dead people/spirit. And I think it's kind of creepy t visit them in the night, well because Im scare of dark and cemetery.

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  • emilydoll

    That sounds so nice :)

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