Is it normal to like instrumental music?

I feel like I'm gay because I'm interested in this sort of music...I tried listening to what other people listen to, I just don't like the current trending music, I'm 17 btw so it makes me feel distanced from the rest of my generation. Is this Normal?

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100% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • SomeRandomPerson1236

    It's totally normal cause I've liked classical music since I was like 12. You just have a different taste in music and that's fine.

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  • Boojum

    You're gay if you're sexually interested in other men. Lots of gay guys like totally crap music, so liking instrumental music of any era is not a quality that all gay guys share.

    So you're not gay; you're just different and you're not following the mindless, tin-eared herd.

    You're also not the first guy around your age to ask this sort of question here, so you're definitely not unique. I don't know where you can find an online community of like-minded people your age, but I assume they're out there somewhere.

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  • lordofopinions

    Totally normal. One of my favourite groups back in the day was the Ventures which was a instruments only band.

    One of my favourite tracks from them is "Telestar" which was a musical piece in praise of the satellite Telestar which was launched in 1962. It was the first communications satellite ever and was in low earth orbit. I remember it was a big thing for the demonstration of sending and receiving TV signals from North America to Europe and back. Now we have satellites in geosync orbit that are in use all the time and we hardly ever give it a thought.

    The musical piece would start with "space sounds" then you would hear the musical piece coming through and play then at the end of the piece the space sounds would come in again, the music piece would fade and all you would have left is the sounds from space. Cool!!

    Actually the best recording of Telestar was by the Tornados and it has the best "spacey" sounds at the beginning and end of the instrumental.

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