Is it normal to like lucifer/satan more than god?

Is it normal to like Lucifer/Satan more than God?

I mean I used to be Christian until I was like 15/16. Then I started to see how my life has been in the past and I grew up. Where was God all the times that I needed him? Don't get me wrong, im sure he exists....but I honestly don't think that he gives a sh*t bout us.

Now, at least lucifer keeps it real. I.e. he's into everything that I am, and that the christian God would be against. E.g. drinking, smoking, sex, money, power, and revenge.

So at 15/16 started to wonder bout God. 16-19, knew God didn't interfere in our lives. And at 20-21, actually started to like Lucifer more than God.

(That is providing that Lucifer exists...he might not. Im not sure. But then never know.)

Anyone else feel the same way? lol

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51% Normal
Based on 169 votes (86 yes)
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Comments ( 51 )
  • PurpleMelon

    So you would rather choose to burn in hell than to live a wonderful life in heaven?

    Dude. I hope you get help soon.

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  • Emopanda

    I understand you ppl dont want to tolerate her belives but she has the same right to worship him as you to worship god, why do you think you are on the right path and she is not, i mean maybe the bad guy is tricking you. No one knows..

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  • I agree with your point of view. I am not a creationist, I believe in evolution, but I believ in heaven/hell and god/Satan. And I do feel detached from god, as if he's not involved. I think this is normal, but for all you who are going to tear me down as a satanist, I'll phrase this as at least a non-unique case. Youre not alone.

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  • mtltitman420

    it is completely normal. Hail Satan.

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  • Thinglike

    I can believe I'm the first person to point this out but;
    God isn't real.

    Although congrats on noticing how he does nothing, you're half way there. But you're still believing in what you now believe to be an "an invisible man in the sky that does nothing". You are so close to saying he doesn't exsist, so say it.

    My personal view: the very idea of god is unreasonable, illogical, and narrowminded, but if he were to exsist, we should hate him! What good has he done? Got bored, created a race of advanced monkeys with nuclear weapons and watch them blow up each other, and the rest of their planet?

    Finally, if he were real, yes Satan is better than god. Have a look through all of history and the bible, Satan kills no more than 100 people. God kills thousands.

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    • yesisbui

      I definately see where you're coming from and kind of agree with you.

      But if god or a powerful being doesnt exist at all...then how did we come to be is still a question that we can't really answer though is it? (Even if the big bang created us, etc... what created that and so on.)

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    • wiip100

      oh, fuck. another dawkinist moron who can't see past his copy of The God Delusion or even look at the Bible. Imma copy-paste a big screed I wrote in another comment stream, because it's important you hear it, and I don't want to write it all out again- that's just inneficient. Here goes:

      The bible is widely accepted by historians as a HISTORICAL TEXT.

      There is more evidence for the existence of a man named Jesus born in Bethlehem around year '0' (actually the numbers people were a bit out), of a woman named Mary who was known to be a virgin, wed to a man named Joseph (these are not the original Israeli names, btw), who grew up telling stories of God and became a famous teacher, was said to do miracles, and was killed on a cross for heresy, than there is for the existance of one Emperor of Rome, named Julius Caesar.

      The Romans kept records, guys. As did wise men, and other people who saw the great man. It's all over the place. Dead Sea Scrolls? Right. So how is it so obvious God is made up?

      This Jesus guy is historic fact; no historian worth his salt refutes his existence. A great mind once said that Jesus was either Mad, Bad, or God. He either thought he was God and was wrong, was lying to make people think he was God, or he was God.

      This is a man who had a massive following, attracting thousands of people, and answering every question thrown at him by the intellectual studious Pharisees insightfully and wisely. Not the acts of a madman. He help all as he went around; people were brought to him for healing, and were reported being healed. He also hid his true identity as much as possible, silencing those who tried to expose him as God (as the Leper he healed and told to say to nobody what he had done (before the healed man told everybody :/)), not the acts of a liar who wanted recognition for being God (oh yeah, and he kinda died for it, after being given numerous chances to revoke his identity and live on). The only other one he can be, then, is God. Give me a reason why he can't be that. A clever reason; not a dunce-ey " cos god's a myth, roight? ". Reason with me. I challenge you :D


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      • wiip100

        there. Oh, and btw, OP; Satan is portrayed as being into the whole Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll thing, but that's a stupid outdated image sprayed out by the popular ignorant media on all things religious. In reality, Lucifer is a genius- a fantastic guy, who was brilliant; he was God's right hand man. And then he got greedy.

        And by the way, God din't abandon us; he gave us choice. We chose the metaphorical apple: we were permitted true freedom (as in we got free reighn, rather than being trapped in Gods wee garden, acting like stoned robots- which is technically a good way of life, if you're one of the stoned robots), and went our own way, away from God. We were introduced to God at some point between evolving from apes to humans, when we became intelligent enough- and became enough like the creation God designed, in his own image. We left him again by choosing other choices. Along the way, the word of God has been distorted, picked up differently all over the world. I think, by personal study, that the most reliable source is Protestant Christianity, although we've got some problems too.

        If you're wondering who I am to talk, I am an Evolutionary Creationist (I believe God made us VIA evolution), a son of a Preacher man (lol), an ex-atheist, an ex-agnostic, a Guitarist, a rocker, a music lover, a scientist, a student, the son of a member of the board of the Institute of Physics, a researcher, a lonely kid, a thinker, and a guy who likes to talk to people. Too much.

        Any questions?

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      • SoularWind

        Dude you can only say this shit is evidence at most! There is STILL no proof of god at the age when PROOF matters the most, why? because no one can prove it because we aren't knuckle dragging gullible neanderthals anymore! Come with PROOF and I will believe, and I mean real, solid evidence that cannot be denied like pictures or a fucking video. If you don't have it then stop embarrassing yourself and go home!

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  • Stifler

    Hail Satan.

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  • TheGod

    Tobacco kills, alcohol can ruin your life, and your God allows sex to make babies: "Be fruitful and multiply". God is unprovable, yet all the things of the highest good which are miracles can be said to be God. God is above the universe, in heaven, so you can't see him, really this heaven no one knows what they're talking about, it's actually higher than the heavens of Earth. Yes, Satanism is very normal, it's normal to love Satan, but he's not taking care of your physical health (except the sex). Did you know it's foolish to take drinks and medicinal plants just for fun? People who are addicted, some of them are serious of giving up. However, Satan is to be worshipped if by you with honour and respect, with ascetic practices and ethics using logic and reason. Satan still makes it a sin to harm people or do the opposite of God merely for the sake of blasphemy in your religion. 9 is the Devil's number, and over 13000 years is an epoch, over 1100 years is an age and over a century is an era. Go to a Satanist church and do what the priest says, I'm sure this radicle religion will be questioned, but not being a bad person, I hope you go to a place below the earth's crust, where you'll be perfectly happy.

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  • He did not CREATE evil. Satin got jelou and left heaven. He tells us to not be jelouse angrey, lust and ext... It's faith. And why is it bad to be loved??? It's a fear of submitting. But it's not just submision. It's trusting him to luv and watch out for u. Wats wrong with being loved?

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  • MourningSun

    your a theistic luciferian! embrace it!

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    • yesisbui

      I've just wikied "theistic luciferian".......interesting.

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  • FinDuMonde

    STICK WITH SATAN! Ignore what these stupid christians are telling you in here! I accepted Satan many years ago (no joke!) and it was the best decision I ever made! I have never regretted it for a second! Satan is a wonderful God! Stick tight with Satan and you won't regret it. Fuck the bastard prick jesus!!

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  • yesisbui

    Lol, I always find it funny when people have the need to feel loved by god and think he/she actually looks out for them, etc...

    To be honest I reckon that God had more things to do than look out or care about us. Afterall, if God created the universe, we're (the earth) barely even a grain of sand in the ocean.

    A lot people who feel that God 'loves' them etc... usually can't face up to reality, and tend to need love or reasons for everything that happens. I'm not saying all religious people are like this, just quite a few that I know.

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  • SoularWind

    Any god that sends you to suffer for an eternity but lies and says that he loves you is no god of mine. The dumb shit the bible spews is just to retarded, even the shit about Satan. the bible is just a bunch of stories meant to control the masses.

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  • I'm sorry but it's very simple, u either want peace and eternal happiness or... Suffer forever. Why is it so hard to believe in a god who cares for u and has an unconditional luv for u.

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  • First I am gonna say tht god does interfere. I have had many enconters with the things god has done for me. U just don't notice it. It is said tht everything good comes from god. It's the little things tht nobody notices. I promise u if u tried to have an honost relationship with god he would come through. He want to see how willing u r to listen to him and everything he has in store for u. I hope u take this into consideration. Take it from someone who has witnessed many miraculous healings, such as a girl being able to jump after injuring her spine very badly.
    I wish u the best of luck! God bless

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  • sincity

    Repent before it is to late

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  • peedota1

    and he shall rise from the earth smiting all who dare tred in his path. for he is lucifer and he is the true god. when the earth burns he will look kindly upon the faithful and let them sit by his side as the false god simply weeps over his dead flock.

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  • nightfall439

    I understand. I am starting to have my doubts about god as well. Because if he really loves us, how are we supposed to know if he does not show it? And the bible has been proven a lie so we cannot exactly take the bibles word for it. At least satan shows us. And if god sends me to hell for that, then that is better than being with a god who does not care about us. And if you think about it, if it is true that the reason non christians cannot go to heavan cuz he cannot be in the presence of sinners, then if we are his children and he loves us so much you would think he would put us somewhere that is not torture for eternity, right?

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  • SEWnanist23

    I don't know of anything so imperializing like christianity. More blood has been spilled in the name of Jesus brutally, Satanic rituals were that more like a halloed mass that pure blood lust in the name of Jesus. But my Jesus is actually not for religious purposes, but actually suspected to be an Alien and a man who spread a true message of a wholesome peace and love, he wasn't a fucking pothead! But possibly a little green man. He' got beamed up! Watch Ancient Aliens.

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  • Too much emo; didn't read

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  • jessicatruesong2009

    (sorry wasn't finished) As God sees you draw closer, he'll begin to help you. He'll tug on the rope and ask you for your hand. Give it willingly to him, he'll pull you away from the Satan with great force, and win the match.

    Let him pull on that rope. Show him you want him to.

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  • jessicatruesong2009

    it's normal, but not a good thing.

    THAT would be Satan tempting you, guiding you away from God, pulling you closer to him, and you're going along with it, letting it happen, wasting the life God gave you.

    God loves us, he doesn't want to see us suffer!

    Imagine this: tug of war between God and between Satan, you being the knot in the middle. Satan is pulling you closer by temptation, and God wants you to be happy. He doesn't want to pull the rpe and force you to come, he wants you to come willingly, but he wants you to come. He calls out "come to me, child, I love you, and I want you to live with me in Heaven", and you're blocking it all out and letting Satan pull you in, but now you're doing it willingly. He's about to grrab the knot........don't let him do it.


    Don't make him happy, don't let it happen. Begin to pull away and go closer to God.

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  • ManInBlack

    I have met Satan. Believe me, you don't want to. God is love. Satan is like a vacuum of that love. There is none inside him. But his only power is the power you give him. Don't give him any, trust me.

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    • SophiaTheSatanist

      I second AA112, do tell.

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    • AngAnders112

      where/how did you meet him/her? please provide details, I am
      genuinely curious.

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  • Megadeth95

    It's called Life. Iv been through Worse shit most likely than you, I'm
    Not here to brag, I'm here to tell you not to lose faith and turn into some faggy "satanist" that listens To Marilyn Fagson And thinks your badass.

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  • I'm Christian been in been in the church all my life an I'm still in the church but YOU SOUND SOOOO HOTT! I LOVE guys who are into Lucifer, even though I go to a Christian school. :D

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  • TheGod

    By the way in a hospital bed I saw aliens, my guardian angel, the light, and a black city and it was good, but the work of Satan. However I find Greek mythology, Platonism, and ascetic practices more peaceful and causing me more happiness than Satan. All my religions started with Satan but mythology/ascetic practices is different, body and soul. As half the people of the entire globe find happiness in the opposite things, do you believe in Satan and have body and soul, or are you confusing happiness for suffering?

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  • KeKe313

    I understand wat you mean. But God does exist. I used to think like tht to. (well except for the sex part) just give him a chance. Becuz he could save u like he saved me.

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  • God is good :] you just need to get your mentality right
    I hope you're going in the right direction now !

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  • Time I*

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  • yesisbui

    Also remember God created everything..... which means that he also created evil, the devil, etc.. So if anything God isn't good, he's most likely neutral, I guess you could say a balance/equal of good & evil.

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  • DES

    There is no "Satan" there us a god of the underwrold who is the seer of souls to be reborn pagen look into it

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  • charliesmom

    Lol I agree with steezwhiz

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  • Me to I feel like going to he'll although I like cold

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  • starkmanfan28

    When god created humans he gave us free will which is why he doesn't interfere. And the bad things that happen happen for a reason. And just because you ask god for it it doesn't mean it's going to happen. And whatt has satan ever done for you?

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    • yesisbui

      Lol satan's done nothing....but neither has god either...

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  • cmbabyx88

    Path ** life **

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  • cmbabyx88

    God can't run ppls lives 4 them. Anything bad that has ever happened to you has to do with you or somebody else making a wrong choice.. God gave everybody fee will. If you go down the pathetic you are headed, your life will probably suck. If you let god guide you and realize how much he luvs u, ur liked won't b perfect, but it will be better. I promiss.

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    • SoularWind

      then what the FUCK is he here for!!!

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  • I agree^^ just cuz ur life may seem bad doesn't mean god spent exist.

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  • Just because life isn't perfect doesn't mean God doesn't exist. Guess what? You're gonna have problems and challenges, that's life. We'd be weak without them.

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  • lewlew80

    Attention seeker

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  • regane

    Feel the same way

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  • This sounds like a little kid who "hates" his parents cuz they try to keep him out of trouble. But he "loves" his friends for encouraging him to go against his parents.

    Just because you like the same things the devil does doesn't mean they are good for you. He doesn't care about you If he did, he wouldn't encourage dangerous activities such as drug use.

    God cares which is WHY he's against those things.

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  • I am sorry u feel tht way. But mabey because last tumebi checked Christianity is based on love and peace. Compared to Muslim beliefs tht talk about killing everyone whovisnt a Muslim.

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    • wiip100

      shut up you racist: Muslims believe nothing of the sort. A couple of stupid extremists made some bad decisions (as have Christians et c (vis a vis The Crusades, The Inquisition et cetera)), and their book may refer to some killing, but have you read the Torah or the Old Testament? The man known as Jesus said that the old books were not meant to be taken literally, and some of them were downright archaic. I believe that his summary (do to others what you want done to you) is essential to be taken with these, or you're sticking rigidly to rules that are, basically, outdated. I know others disagree, so before the haters hate on me, I respect that.

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