Is it normal to like pet treats?

It's not like I eat my cat's food regularly, but I tried tasting some of the high quality dry food I buy for my cat and it tasted surprisingly well. Ate like 3 pieces of them.

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Based on 14 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Murun

    I tried those Spiller's dog biscuits when I was a kid. Because of the colours I thought they'd be chocolate, strawberry and vanilla like neapolitan ice cream. I was very disappointed to find they all tasted of fuck all.

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    • DV8Guy60

      My daughter gave me a beer and a Smakko once... similar, no taste at all!

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  • e51pegasi

    When I was a kid one of my friends, a neighbour tried 3 or 4 nuggets of go cat ( dry cat food).

    We fell about laughting. Needless to say he vomited violently & was quite ill for the rest of the day.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Well, i have tasted my dogs food and treats before. I love my pups oodles, and want to know what they are eating. I also tasted ferret treats when I had them as pets, but, I'm a bird so it's not so abnormal for me....

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  • RoseIsabella

    I did that with some chicken Greenies for my cat. My mom bought him a bag for his birthday, but he wasn't interested so I ate one to show him it was good, and sure enough decided to try it. Now he loves Greenies!

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