Is it normal to like to crochet as a guy?

I’m a dude but I really enjoy handicrafts like knitting and crocheting. It’s really enjoyable even if it is kind of girly. So far I’ve made a scarf for my roommate, a Phrygian cap, a shit ton of cockades, and a couple dolls. I’m currently working on a blanket too. Is this normal for a dude?

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93% Normal
Based on 14 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Sounds pretty cool, I wish I could make my own scarves. It’s probably cheaper than buying them too. Screw anyone who has a go at you for honing a skill that brings you joy, life is too short.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Sometimes it's cheaper to buy a scarf. It depends which materials you use and if you want to have a cool pattern. It can take a lot of time to handcraft your own clothes. Clothing created in factories is cheaper to produce, so the sales price can end up a lot lower than clothes that are hand made.

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  • kelili

    There's this feeling of let go when you crochet that I enjoy. You're just enjoying the moment and your hands are doing their things and your mind is wandering on other things. It's relaxing. Those who don't won't understand how therapeutic crocheting is.

    This post makes me want to take up crochet again.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      And it's strangely soothing and addictive too.

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  • AsterBean

    My uncle crochets beautifully. He also bakes beautiful cakes and can butcher wild boar and elk with skill. Who cares if it's girly, just enjoy yourself.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Lovely. Please keep at it. I think it's very cool and creative. Also quite useful skill to have. You can create your own blankets and clothes to stay warm in the winter. It's a practical life skill.

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  • Anonnet

    Yeah, it's fine. At best, and at the risk of getting downvoted, I'd say it's a little weirder if you're not gay.*

    I think crocheting as a hobby in general is just kind of weird. There aren't many people that do it, I've only ever known one person that did it*, and the stereotype for it usually involves old ladies (so I would think it was kind of weird even if you were a girl, if you were below the age of 65).

    That said, it's a great and cool skill. It doesn't really fall under "weird" as much as "unique", in the same way being able to play an instrument or paint a landscape is unique. No one looks at an artist painting a masterpiece and calls him "weird".

    *The person in question was a gay guy, so I don't mean that first paragraph as an insult.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Your school didn't offer crocheting classes? My school did. It was mandatory. So everyone got this class: girls and boys. I've seen many people both online and offline crochet, and most of them were a lot younger than 65.

      Maybe it's more common in more rural areas. But it's certainly a hobby that is super common. It's not that rare.

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      • Anonnet

        Nope. Closest I got was arts and crafts stuff in elementary school. Since then, I've seen close to zero people that were into it, on or offline. Maybe it's more common in certain areas?

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