Is it normal to like to hurt myself

i dont hurt myself physicly but mentally like i tell myself that im ugly and no one loves me and not to be too self confident and when smth bad happens i tell myself that i deserve it also i send myself messages telling myself that im fat and dont have friends and my sister is better than me and sometimes i think about hurting myself physicly and i have a diary and i write in it how much boring i am. is it normal to do this?

Voting Results
27% Normal
Based on 70 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • dappled

    Some people take their self-hatred out on others, some take it out on themselves. I've always thought it was more noble to suffer it oneself until such a point that you realise absolutely everyone on this planet is kind of ridiculous (including me and you) and to just laugh at it and make the best of it rather than worry too much about it.

    You'll be okay. I promise.

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  • no its not normal & its a damn shame to hear it, i like what dappled said, try and be strong

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  • JaqulynnRenee

    just because it is mental dosent mean its not self harm. <3 take care of yourself, this is normal but not healthy. <3

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  • @MissSorel

    ItDuz is right. The OP sounds like a self-deprecating narcissist who takes pride in their own shame.

    Why post this crap on a website? None of us know enough to be of any true help which means that her need for attention informed her actions.

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    • You never contribute anything useful either half the time, the poor girl wanted to know if thinking harsh things about herself was normal.

      I'm human so I sympathized and tried to help her. But I suppose certain kinds of people do seem to band together...

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  • noone21

    thank you everyone and i wasnt trying to get attention. i just wanted to see if its normal or if other people also do it.

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    • chocolatchaud

      *hug* :(

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    • CruelHeartz

      i understand that your sister is a total bitch but don't be pathetic like your sister is you are better than her..

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  • insanelynormal

    No. Get some self confidence and a boyfriend, this will surly fix your problems. But in all seriousness you just need to believe in yourself and believe that you are beautiful.

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  • What a pathetic person let me guess you want attention for it? some sympathy? well im sorry but if you are looking for sympathy then maybe you deserve to be called these things by everyone other than yourself.

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    • You are an idiot.

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      • Oh so its ok calling themself these things but no one else is aloud? sorry but i call it as i see it.

        If they do do this then they are pathetic and worthless why shouldnt I see this person as the thing they are trying to make themselfs to be?

        Or they are just faking this and looking for attention in which case they are still pathetic maybe even more so.

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        • Or maybe they've been hurt so much in life and heard that they are ugly from other people so much, they've actually come to believe it?

          It's not that much of a stretch to imagine the person has such low confidence they start to criticise themselves. I have no problem with your opinion but you barely ever contribute anything constructive and instead leave mean comments which probably gave this person the mindset they have in the first place.

          Negativity only breeds negativity.

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          • There are so many more people that have gone through more than just name calling and they dont act so self pitying so what she got called a nasty name boohoo get over it because it happens in this wonderful thing we call life. But hey what do i know im completely wrong in thinking name calling isnt the worst thing anyone has been through right?

            If she wants to be seen that way then il look at her that way.
            If she doesnt do anything to change how people look at her but instead just agree with it then why should i give her the effort of sympathy if she cant even become stronger than name calling.

            Like i said there are so many people that have gone through so many fucked up things but do you hear them complaining? nope but a girl gets called a nasty name and she has to become all weak about it.

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            • You're preaching to the choir here, I know that but not everyone is the same, we have differing sensitivity levels and maybe it wasn't just once.

              I don't get why you're so cold about this. And yes, she was negative but if you had taken my meaning that I implied with my words, it was a cue for you to break the cycle.

              I'd rather feel something then feel nothing at all ever again, feeling is part of being a human, this girl is unhappy so I chose to try and make her feel better.

              All you did was attempt to make her feel worse and in such a childish way. If you have something constructive to say, I could understand but belittling others for no justifiable reason (did she attack you? Hurt you? Insult you? No, she didn't) is quite frankly baffling.

              Are you really so hard faced?

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          • And that negativity thing at the end you said yes that is true but she is being negative so she breeded my negative comment.

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    • purple1498

      Shut up. You're no better than anyone else

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      • Two years ago, buddy. Not the same person in many ways.

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        • purple1498

          ok then I'm sorry c:

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  • GreatArt

    You've got other people to do that to you.

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  • I chick yes on acceded lol

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