Is it normal to like to torture frogs?

So in my backyard there are lots of baby frogs that just randomly appear. If I get lucky I can catch one of them and torture them to death. My methods of torture just include putting the little guy in a jar. Once I have it In a jar I would then find an ant pile and put those ants into the jar with the frog. The ants will eventually begin to eat the frog alive and I would each as the frog would try to leap out but I closed the seal,so really he’s fucked lol. I usually just leave the frog getting eaten until I come back the next day to see it completely skeletonize. I’ve done this multiple times. I wouldn’t hesitate to do it to bigger animals. I just never get a chance to catch any.

You should seek a therapist 3
Everybody has different hobbies,it’s normal 0
you are a psychopath 2
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Comments ( 9 )
  • RoseIsabella

    That's not cool! There is something seriously wrong with you if you enjoy torturing animals. I'm not a professional so I can't diagnose you, but you sure as Hell sound like you have Antisocial personality disorder. This is a serious problem!

    You need to stop torturing, and killing animals, because it is wrong, and people who hurt animals eventually go on to hurting people. Maybe on some level you feel helpless, and powerless in your life, and hurting those poor little frogs makes you feel like you have power over something, but it wrong, and even evil.

    Frogs are an important part of the environment, they eat lots of insects, and provide food for snakes, and other animals. Even though in the wild there are animals who prey upon frogs as a food source, and there even people who eat frogs neither the wild animals, nor the humans who hunt frogs torture those poor little guys just to watch them suffer. Deep down inside you know that I am right about this otherwise you would not have come here, and posted on this.

    You need to get some professional mental help ASAP, because what you are doing is not normal, and it's not okay.

    Honestly, I love frogs, because they are adorable, and they sing so nicely when the rain is coming. God did not put you on this Earth to harm his creations whether they be large or small. Please go get help STAT!

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    • I just wanted to hear peoples opinions, you have a point though. I do feel depressed and angry at life sometimes so I take it out on defenseless creatures. I really should seek help. I am anti social and always in my room. I rarely talk with my family. My dad always gets mad at me because of it.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Try to put yourself in the frog's shoes. Don't hurt anymore frogs, or any other animals. Try to get some help.

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        • What kind of help should I get ?

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          • RoseIsabella

            Probably psychiatric, or psychological help. You need to find a therapist, or counselor of some sort.

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  • Just stop doing it, you cunt. I don't believe for a second that you couldn't stop if you wanted to.

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    • Explain.

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  • Just a troll. Quit falling for it

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    • I wish I was just trolling..

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