Is it normal to like to work out
I know what you're think "what do you mean exercise is great, heathly, and good for you! Why would you ask such a question?" Welllll, it's really when it gets out of hand and its all i wanna do it all then time and on my mind all the time when im not doing it. Its a very specific type of equipment i was into the walking thingy i don't know what it was called but i loved it and never wanted to get off (i wasn't hogging it there was barely anyone there so if someone came in and wanted to do what i was doing there was many options but tbh i would of hogged it if i had the chance) i would be on it for so long sweating and panting but im stubborn and persistent so i kept going until i got so worn out i had to sit out then when i was done that i get back on until the owner of the place said i couldn't be there cause i was too young (I'm 15) it got me pissed and i was ranting to my mother how buLlShIT the rule was and said if little kids can do YoGa then i should be aloud to workout at the gym so instead of doing that i walked up and down the stairs cause 1. The walk thingy was similar to walking up the stairs and 2. I don't want to be in a elevator with someone i don't know so yeah. Now we moved and i can't do the walking up and down the stairs cause i have neighbors ugh and im not allowed to leave the so ive been down in the dumps thinking about the one equipment i loved to go on.
Is this a bad thing? Sorry it was super long