Is it normal to limit breathing

At times of stress or even relaxation i sometimes limit my breathing or breathe out far longer than i should so that after a while my lungs hurt. Which in turn causes stress and it's all a vicious circle.
Anyone else do this?

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32% Normal
Based on 25 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • thegypsysailor

    In scuba diving this is called skip breathing and is extremely dangerous. As you are not doing it underwater it is much less so, but without a certain amount of co2 in your lungs, you may stop breathing completely (and permanently) so you might want to stop.

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  • pixie44

    Omg yea when i start thinking of situations that bring back horrible memories or embarrassing things i just hold my breath for a while. lol why do we do this wtf?
    But ive never used it to relax.

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