Is it normal to live in a fantasy world?

Whenever I'm alone, ever since I was a little girl, I'll engage in a fantasy world that I've spent years constructing. I'm twenty-one, by the way. And by "fantasy," I don't mean mages/dragons/elves kind of fantasy, I mean fantasy as in "not reality." It's pretty akin to reality with a few minor differences: I have friends, the greatest friends anyone could possibly ask for, and it's so easy for me to talk to people. I don't stutter and make a fool of myself like I do in real life and people actually respect me. They don't target me due to my inferiority to them. In fact, in this fantasy world, I'm not inferior. I'm beautiful and successful and important and I have the perfect significant other who loves me truly despite my numerous flaws.

I speak out loud to these imaginary people as if they were there, but again, I only do this when I'm by myself because I'm aware these characters are not real and I'm aware people would think I'm a lunatic if I did it in public or the presence of others.

I do this because reality just doesn't satisfy me. It's boring. It's depressing. I know I'm never going to be the person I imagine myself to be in private. I'm ugly, pathetic, worthless, and real people honestly make me too nervous to want to get to know them. I have a handful of real friends, but I prefer the company of my nonexistent companions because I know they aren't going to judge me or hurt me or abandon me and these imaginary friends have much more compatible interests and personalities with me than my real friends do. I can show a side of myself that I can't show to real people because I'm not comfortable around them. I can be the real me.

Is this normal?

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 77 votes (56 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • ygrowup

    It is really a great way to cope, and you must be special to have such a large fantasy world, but at the same time it can distance yourself from the real world with each and every episode. There are people that would join you for brief moments in your world if you would invite them in! Seek them out! Good luck with your choices

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  • GuessWho

    I didn't make a whole world.
    I just have an imaginary library where I write important stuff in imaginary books so that I can use it to trigger the relevant memories, should I ever forget something that I don't want to.
    The moment I take a book off the shelf, I instantly remember everything relevant to its topic. Quite a useful trick.

    As for your situation...
    There are much better forms of entertainment than daydreaming.
    Also, you should rather spend your time working towards achieving what you want in the real world, rather than relying on the instant gratification provided by your imagination.
    You will never truly 'have' something if you don't earn it and just dream of having it.

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  • handsignals

    No it's not normal because I do it and I'm a freak.

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    Yeah it is normal

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  • Pika-girl

    I sorta daze/doze (not sleep though) off into my little own land where there are puppies, kitties, and other stuff. Everything is in manga art! Oh and Kanto-Johto Pokemon!

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  • la_la_la_la

    These imaginary people respect you, but I'm sure people in real life do as well. Mine are favourite musicians, characters etc. so our bonds are imaginary, but it's not so bad cos I didn't make them up. I only call them to me (silently) if & when I’ve got a problem/need to let off steam (which is a lot of the time). They cheer me up & keep me going.

    My parents know – they even encouraged it when I was younger, since I am disabled. Just call them your guardian angels or your spirit guides or something.

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  • LostAndBroken

    Fantasy is SO much better than reality. I do it all the time. Not talking out loud though.

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  • squirrelgirl

    You sound a lot like me, especially your reasons (real world is boring/depressing, imaginary friends are more loyal and compatible with you than real people). I also spend a lot of time daydreaming and I have imaginary friends, although I don't keep the same friends for long - they change every couple of years. Right now I am going through a "transitional phase" where my old set of imaginary friends just isn't cutting it anymore so I'm trying to find the right ones for me at this stage in my life (mine always come from movies and TV shows because I'm not creative - or maybe just not patient - enough to develop my own characters).

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  • I never realized so many other people did the same thing! I always thought I was in a very small minority.

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  • bristexai

    Yes, it's normal, healthy, and all that, and all the people who say it isn't are just haters.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Sure why not?

    The real world is full of sucky people.

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  • bodazzy

    Its normal but It only takes away the reality that you will have to face, ok to you this may sound like a good thing but the brutal truth is its NOT. Remember personality comes before beauty

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