Is it normal to live in a paradox?

This is not often discussed or thought about but time as it is must be a paradox. Most things in life are made by things that already existed and this cycle endlessly continues. This goes for all things and species. This even goes for matter that exists in space. Following this logic existence itself is impossible as it had to have something before it to create it. Even time goes in cycle. A clock goes one of two ways. It goes 12 or 24 hours and restarts. This goes for months and we go forward each year. So how is this possible? Logically we should not exist at all should we? Existence in it self is an impossibility. If everything is a cycle where did this cycle begin? Even if they say aliens or even if they say god what created them? Something created god right? What existed before the beginning? Was it blank space? Like a little piece of paper?

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58% Normal
Based on 52 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 97 )
  • VioletTrees

    You're not thinking hard enough.

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    • dude_Jones

      Question: Did you not prove your existence by thinking up this post?

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      • Hahaha

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  • It takes only the meanest of intelligence (read: half a brainstem) to make something more complex and undiscernable. Genius to simplify.

    I'm not trying to bash you but your type of "philosophy" has never interested me. I don't want to see the pebbles, but the mountain they rest on.

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    • What does that mountain rest on? Every surface, by definition, depends upon another surface

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        It's on the pebbles.

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  • suckonthis9

    This is actually often discussed.
    Existence is possible, because we actually do exist.
    Although many things in nature do exhibit a cyclical behaviour, all these cycles did have a beginning at some time. Cycles do not continue endlessly, but change through spacetime. One example of this is: The Earth-Moon system. At some point in the future, The Moon will escape the gravity of Earth.
    You do not understand time properly. Time is, quite simply: a property of massenergy in space. A clock is not time. A clock is an instrument designed to measure time, usually as a portion of the time that it takes the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun.
    The cycles began at the very beginning of the formation of the Universe.
    Aliens do exist in nature, god does not. 'God' is an abstract concept. What created aliens was (and is) an evolution of massenergy and sometimes quarkenergy, sometimes quite similarly to our own evolution, but sometimes quite differently. 'God' was created in the minds of humans (loosely). [Some other human species also created a concept similar to 'god']
    Space is infinite and always existed. It is not like a little piece of paper.
    Space was never 'blank'.

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    • VioletTrees

      It didn't always exist, though. Not as such.

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    • kupokupo

      There's no evidence for you to discount a God, but aside from that, great comment.

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      • suckonthis9

        There is also no evidence to count a 'god'. Zero physical evidence.

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        • kupokupo

          Then it's still a possibility until proven otherwise. :)

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    • Avant-Garde

      Have you looked into string theory?

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      • suckonthis9

        String theory is a trap, from which there is no escape. You can never understand the actual nature of the Universe using string theory.

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        • Avant-Garde

          I see, but it's still interesting...

          What theory isn't a trap?

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    • jackjones

      then where did space come from suckonthis9?

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      • suckonthis9

        Three-dimensional space has always been present and is infinite.

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        • jackjones

          everthing has a beginning, except God. space wasnt always here

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          • GoraIntoDesiGals

            That's special pleading, a fallacy.

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            • dude_Jones


              This analogy would imply that empty space is irrelevant unless there is something to occupy it.

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            • suckonthis9

              I agree. All the advanced Sentient and Ethical creatures in the Universe accede that three-dimensional space has always existed (including the one [now deceased] that jackjones perceives to be their deity).
              Once again, any deity creature must be a complex being. The Universe could not have begun in a complex way.

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    • loveechelle

      So you dont believe in god?
      So who died for your sins.....
      If that's possible in what hands of time where humans were created?

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      • You can only say that to someone who believes that the incidents happened. That someone in fact died for our sins. Not to say I am against Christianity but that is assuming everyone is Christian. Not the case here. Granted given the circumstances we can neither prove or disprove god. We can neither disprove aliens. We can not prove something of a higher life form may exist. Some people believe that ghosts live on a different dimension but same world. However even with all this your statement makes no sense at all unless the person you are asking states "I believe someone died for our sin". So you can not just assume he is of the same religion as you. This is nothing against Christianity. You just make no sense.

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        • loveechelle

          Im making plenty of sense, but your just ignorant...

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  • Our universe is like cell in the human body. That cell is within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell and that cell is like Our universe, a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within a cell within the human body.

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    • NotStrangeBird

      Far out, man.

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    • suckonthis9

      Our Universe is not "like a cell" in the human body or any other cellular life form.

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        actually it is

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  • thinkingaboutit

    who is john galt

    but your not really defending your theory of time and life being paradoxical? im not rly sure what i just read

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  • PumpkinKate

    The inherent flaw with the notion that we're not meant to exist due to the immeasurable quality of time is that time in and of itself is a human concept created to measure that which is immeasurable.

    Think of "time" as an imperfect coping mechanism one species on one planet came up with to quantify the unquantifiable.

    Or turn your question to the philosophical side of things. Why is a validation of our right to be here, of its statistical, physical, or metaphysical probability mandatory in the first place? Existence simply is. It doesn't need a reason, or a calculable cause, because it's happening right now, all around us, always has been, and always will. You're simply in it, so... what do?

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  • justsomekidfromcanada

    Go and learn some physics man. It'll blow your mind if you're smart enough to fully grasp the concepts.

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    • I do like science. Not sure how good I would be at physics.

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      • justsomekidfromcanada

        Don't worry about how good you think you'll be at it. Just start with the most basic particle physics. Don't jump into anything like quantum physics for a while though or you'll be lost. It's one thing to read something, it's a whole other thing to completely understand it. If you're just interested in the beginning of life as we know it, it's quite easy to find information on that as well. Also while god might exist, there is no reason for him to and it wouldn't matter to me at all if there wasn't a god. I don't get why people need a higher meaning to life. Just being alive, conscious and able to think through things like this is an amazing thing and the product of millions of years of slow evolution and change. I think it's fucking fantastic just to sit back and contemplate it a bit. Life is amazing.

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        • I like your mindset.

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  • TheMightyOz

    Infinite regress, my dear.

    Someone created the big bang.
    Then, someone -> someone -> big bang.
    Then, someone -> someone -> someone -> big bang.
    Then, someone -> someone -> someone -> someone -> big bang.

    Negative infinity; you get the idea. By the way, Motion:Time::Matter:Distance.

    "Go forth and prosper." --Mr. Spock

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  • Devyn

    The theory of relativity show that the universe does not exist within space and time but rather the universe and space/time are linked and are dependent on each other to exist. Hence the concepts of "before the universe" or "outside the universe" have no meaning.

    As for causality, an object can only send information to another object at the speed of light or below the speed of light, not faster. So not only can past events only effect present and future events, but past events can only effect events that are at least t second ahead in time; where t = the distance between the events/ the speed of light.

    You can think of this like lag on the internet. In online games everything someone does will only effect everyone else slightly later than they did it. So if you and another person do an action at the same time, theirs will appear to happen slightly later than yours, because of lag. So for you, their action happened later than yours. However this also works the other way around! For them, your action happened later than theirs. So you can't agree on the timeline on events. Obviously in online games there is a server that works out a set timeline. However there is no equivalent to a server in the universe, but this "lag" still occurs. So the timeline of events is different from different perspectives!

    I know that doesn't solve much but hopefully it gives you something more to think about :P

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    • q25t

      That was a really good metaphor for that. Nice one.

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      • Devyn

        thank you

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  • ProcrastoMan

    Ignore these douches saying you're thinking too hard or you're on drugs. This stuff is interesting and meaningful to think about. I believe in God so I think he created us....I actually what you're talking about is an issue with entirely neglecting God for science. WE got here somehow. SOMETHING or someone created us, space, the universe, etc. As for how God got there - difficult to explain. To say 'God has always been and always will be' is hard to comprehend, but I'd have to think He operates on a different plane than we do. So perhaps it is impossible to comprehend now, on the Earth as a human, but in the afterlife we will understand.

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    • No they are just not smart enough to comprehend such a concept. People who do not understand this mind set are not very intelligent people at all. If you are smart you look at all the possibilities. Not just what you perceive to be important. It is alright because we really can not change these people.

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  • iezegrim

    Lots of people (myself included) live in a permanent existential crisis. It's possible to find peace despite it.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    If you're dropping acid you should go out and run around in the woods or something. Stay off the internet.

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    • No I am not high.

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      • NotStrangeBird

        OK, look at it this way. You go down to the store and buy a soda, talk to some folks and walk home.

        Yes, the mysteries of the universe are all there, there's unimaginable quantum mechanics going on in your soda can, that oak tree in my yard was exactly 2600 miles from your left ear at one point (to the thousandth of an inch) and your favorite rock star drove by drinking the exact same soda that was the next can off the production line from yours.

        But you'll never know any of it. And so what?

        Some things we're just not meant to know. And nobody here ever will.

        I'd say not to get too wrapped up in specifics about meanings or other mystical shit. Live your life, enjoy your soda and try to make the best. Maybe after it's all over we'll get some answers.

        And be wary of anyone on this earth selling you those answers.

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        • disthing

          True. The futility of existence is only matched by the futility of worrying about the futility of existence.

          I mean, it's probably a right of passage, to ponder what this all is, but once you travel that passage most of us get to the stage where we're wiser (in so much as we know we're none the wiser) and no longer need to ask these big questions.

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          • dude_Jones

            What is the questions lead to quantum theory? Wouldn't math and physics be the next step?

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            • disthing

              Sure, I'm not saying intellectual curiosity of this kind becomes pointless. Maths and physics can certainly help explain many things.

              Just that if you have questions of a certain magnitude, you shouldn't necessarily expect to find the answers, only to better understand the questions.

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        • People are not meant to fly either but the Wright brothers tried. Amazing isn't it? What can be done when you think of the possibilities?

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          • NotStrangeBird

            The wright brothers could not fly. They invented a contraption that could fly using Bernouli's principle, which was postulated centuries before.

            Their machine flew and they went along for the ride. No humans can fly. I can't fly, but I can sit on my ass and drink bloody marys on a plane.

            But we're talking about existential and/or religious questions that have no answer. The whys, not the hows.

            Science and engineering are different. They answer questions about the physical world.

            Yes, we routinely teach schoolchildren things that were unanswerable a couple of centuries ago, but there's still stuff that can never be answered. It also seems that for every major discovery or breakthrough, more questions pop up.

            All these profound questions have little bearing on day-to-day life. The mysteries of the universe have no effect on me picking up my dry cleaning. Just try to enjoy life as much as you can.

            Ever heard of a book called "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"? It's about a philosopher who goes insane pondering the meaning of quality.

            He comes to the conclusion that none of it matters next to living his life and raising his son. Great book.

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  • kelili

    GOD is Great!

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    • God is good.

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      • ProcrastoMan

        Let us thank him for our food.

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        • MissyLeyneous


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          • Hahaha.

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        • The fact you got thumbed down shows that people are prejudice assholes. I really think some of the people on this should not be allowed to down the comments.

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          • MissyLeyneous

            You aren't allowed to thumb down comments unless you've been here for quite a while. Then everyone is free game.

            Life sucks, shit happens, people get over it. :)

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            • That makes sense. Thank you for telling me.

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  • Hippie

    Damn this post makes me tired -.-

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  • neuroticmofo

    Yes, if you live by a lake there might be a pair of docks there.

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  • Fartyr

    It's okay to live in a paradox as long as you have Schrodinger's Cat as your pet.

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  • boston12

    paradox shmaradox, u are only guessing that everything is cyclonic, guessing that everything must have a begining and end. some things in life remain a mystery regardless of science or mans belief in god.

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    • However science will one day find an answer to everything.

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      • boston12

        thats only ur opinion, science may answer sum of the questions, but there will b many unanswered . there will never b a time where humanity will know everything.

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        • I never said it would. As with every answer there is many new questions.

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  • boston12

    i think thee protests too much :)

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  • MiaScar.

    I stopped reading after like the second question. You think way too much. Smoke something and calm down.

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    • I do not smoke and do not do drugs.

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  • Retard73

    I cannot read this :(

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  • disthing

    It's not necessarily a paradox.

    We presume everything is created by something, we presume everything has a beginning. However this is only theory. It's difficult to comprehend, but it's perfectly possible that there is and always had been something. In other words there was never a start to everything and there will probably never be an end either. The universe may simply be an endless, continuous shifting of all matter and energy, and we happen to be one of an unlimited amount of consequences to that chaos.

    Existence is not an impossibility, not everything must have a beginning. Simple... Sort of :)

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    • If things had no beginning why is it here?

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      • disthing

        You're implying there must be some justification, some idea behind it all, some universal reason.

        Why must there be a reason? We are guided in life by our powers of reasoning, but the mechanisms of humanity aren't applicable to everything in existence. Who's to say the universe isn't simply here and always has been?

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        • But this argument doesn't abide by causality principles, and therefore has no logical structure and is unsubstantiated. But the inverse cannot be proven either, and so goes the paradox

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          • disthing

            You're right that neither theories can be proven. However causality doesn't require that there be a beginning, only that there be something before, so there is logical structure if we assumed the infinity of the universe is true.

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            • True, but there is no logical justification for infinity so its like making an argument for something that you're assuming in that argument. But thats all of existentialism.

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  • frist

    There's a book about to be published about all this. Should be out very shortly :-). Fascinating stuff.

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    • What is it?

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  • These are the questions that everybody asks and nobody can answer. Existence is absurd. Existence is pointless. Knowledge does not exist.

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    • Knowledge does exist but it really shouldn't. We are not suppose to be here. We are not meant to exist. It is an impossibility. As it is a cycle falling upon it self. What came first the chicken or the egg? If you follow this something had to make the first egg or first chicken. So what does this mean? It means before this there was nothing or something from in front of the time line has made something in the past. This is an impossibility. This is what is known as a paradox. So what did we have before all this? Before space since something made space? Was it blank air? Nothing just a white sheet like a piece of paper.

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      • What is knowledge if nothing in existence has a fundamental truth?

        You do not have "knowledge" of, for example, this internet dialogue (i.e. what has happened, whether it happened). Think you do? Prove to me, prove to YOU, that you aren't dreaming this. Prove it that you exist and that the endless string of memories that create "you" aren't a fabrication.

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        • disthing

          The only conclusion is that there is almost nothing we can be certain of. This is, however, very uninspiring.

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          • This is the ultimate conclusion. To embellish this beautifully incomparable conclusion, I would recommend all here to read existentialist literature, such as "No Exit". Or do a hallucinogen. Or both.

            But I dont break the law nor facilitate any illegal activity...but Aldous Huxley told me that acid is beautiful so I'm just taking his word for it and speaking hypothetically...

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        • Yes that is another theory. Also if this is just a dream it is a very sad dream. In my dreams I have super powers.

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          • boston12

            a dream with in a dream with in a dream? smile

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            • Yes! Who is the dreamer. If this is a dream who is dreaming of us? Unless we are all dreaming and we see something different.

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      • Annon12345

        Well if it cant possibly happen then why are we here?

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        • That is what I am saying. We are not suppose to be here but we are. Something can not exist without having something else before it. Following this that means something that already exist must have made up the past. If you follow this what created the beginning to start? What started and how did it start if nothing was created yet to continue this cycle?

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  • Minato17

    Your thinking way too hard...

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  • Imsupernormal

    OP is on drugs.

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      • Why are you so defensive? If you don't do drugs then such comments are nonsense.

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        • I said this 3 times. I am also against drugs. I am one of the biggest anti drugs supporters. So I find it annoying to be told I am high. When I would never touch drugs. This goes for prescription. Anything beside pain killer I will not take.

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          • boston12

            well pat urself on the back, shouldnt bother u if ur not. its not as tho we know who u r or where u live. chillax

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