Is it normal to live in my babys nursery?

I just had a newborn a little over 2 weeks ago and a few weeks before he was born my husband's grandparents arrived from another state to stay for the entire summer. Since the baby was born c-sec I've been in the babys room mostly with the door closed just healing and bonding with my newborn. My husbands grandparents don't think it's healthy and complain about it but since they've arrived I've felt cramped and not comfortable in our environment like before, obviously. I have taken the baby outside for a little sun and air otherwise. And I love his grandparents but besides them being 86 and 90, my husband's grandmother just had a stroke just 3 months ago and they both kind of drive us crazy with their senescence and well meaningful parenting "advice." In essence, is it normal to lock myself in the nursery healing and bonding with my newborn while my babys great grandparents spend the summer driving us crazy??

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59% Normal
Based on 27 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Normal. You're a new mother and you're still getting the feel of things. Realistically, it takes months to fully recover from child birth and even longer for a c section. Please talk to your husband about their insensitivity, I'm not 100% sensitive to mothers myself but it seems like a terrible rudeness to be taken in as a guest in someone's home and insult a new mother in that manner. I'd say smack the shit out of them but they're your in laws.

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  • katyd

    Mine just turned three months and I must admit the best thing in the world was having my parents here for the first few weeks. I had a c-section and need the extra sleep and it was wonderful for them to help me by taking an occasional shift for me or I would have been worthless. The beauty of it is that when I got back on my feet they stocked the house with the essentials diapers wipes etc so I was set up for success and then they left. I have heard that house guests are like fish and they both stink after three days! I guess if you're getting the support you need power to you, but if youre not you have to be selfish this is the only time your baby is a baby and as a parent. You get first dibs!! Tell them you think you're good for a couple weeks but you may ask them to visit after to get some relief

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  • VioletTrees

    It's totally normal. Your husband's grandparents are acting inappropriately. Tell them to step off or get out.

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  • Justsomejerk

    That's rough, why the hell are they staying with you while you have a newborn?

    Will they be offended if you ask them to leave?

    I couldn't handle it, I'd lock myself in the nursery too.

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    • leeloominai

      yeah his grandma would totally be offended...she's old and old people are offended by almost everything lol

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  • fullhouse

    Having grand parents in the house is of great help..They help a lot. I am an Indian and we live in close family circle so can't imagine anything without their advice..
    Take some time off,let them help you..Although it's normal that you feel so, solution is quite easy

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  • leeloominai

    Well to add one minor detail I left out...technically it was their summer place before they persuaded the landlord to let my husband and I stay for the whole year round...and they are totally not here to help whatsoever lol but at least they let us use their brand new car.

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  • Dad

    So the grand parents have come to help? This was an arranged summer vacation to lend a hand with your newborn and you?

    If so, big mistake.
    People adapt to their surroundings quickly. As above, the bonding time at the beginning is very important. Yes call on help when you need it, but fulltime? Day and night? Have you got a physical or mental issue? If not, then it should just be you and your husband, even if your husband works long hours. That's all you need.

    You are an adult, a fulltime provider (including love) and a parent now (if you have previous children, they can even help) You ARE able to do this. People in 3rd world countries do it with little food and poor housing, lack of water etc, they have no time for psychological parental issues. Time to grow up and be that parent. The grand parents will understand (I'm positive) move them out in this special immediate family time. Unless its all too much for you?

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    • leeloominai

      no not to help they've been renting this apt as a summer house for several years...but considering all the circumstances...I just didnt want to have to stress over OLD people and a newborn...a fall is so detrimental to old people

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  • congratulations first, tell them to stay in a hotel, you only get one chance to bond in the early days with the baby, they had their go , so they should leave you alone, sounds silly to have them there

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