Is it normal to loathe overweight people and be offended by them?

I really dont like the sight of an overweight person. they are disgusting, i see them as weak humans who have no motive or drive for life or beauty, they bring the rest of my race down they make us look ugly and stink. It is an over indulgence, and they make me look bad on the statistics as an Australian.
Theyre are people suffering scratching around for dead rats , my heart goes out to them i wish they werent born or that i could send them some weet bix. And then my piss burns when i see overweight families poisoning their little kids teaching them these nasty ways and over-consuming in an unethical way. Its disgusting and should be illegal. People that are obeise should be taken away and slaved and fed water and 1 banana a day working to better this country until they reach a certain BMI or fitness level, then returned to society. sounds harsh eh? life is harsh, and for the survival of our race we need to crack down on this, survival of the fittest both mentally and physicaly. Am i a normal kid....

The next Hitler.. 26
Rude and Arrogant 29
Should be next president 13
Your right, but a bit over the top 31
Totally not normal, wrong 9
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Comments ( 90 )
  • tori

    I've been here for 2 years. Atleast once a month there is someone hating the overweight population.
    I think you are being harsh.
    It must be hard for you when you see an overweight person.
    I would find another, better gripe to rant about.

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  • JustDave

    I thought you had to be over 18 for this site?

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    • Allistalla

      I know I thought to aswell ? Whats with all the children sneaking it not right why is thier poeple sneaking in they shouldnt be I stumbled onto this site by accident and I loved it than I read the rules and said only 18 and up so I do not how thier is all these poeple sneaking in .

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  • anti-hero

    I've seen better trolling.

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    • GuessWho

      Dunno. I think he could be onto something here...

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      • anti-hero

        I have fat friends. I don't judge people by the way they look or the problems they have. Nobody is perfect.

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        • GuessWho

          Although it will never happen, the world would be a more interesting place if radical laws like that did exist.

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          • anti-hero

            Interesting yes. I say that if we are going to do this to fat people, we should also do it to people with alcohol and drug addiction as well.

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      • kit291

        he could?

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    • bastard123

      what the fuck is trolling exactly?

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      • anti-hero

        Buy a mirror troll.

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        • bastard123

          My names parish.

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          • anti-hero

            Then why can't you spell it correctly?

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Is it just me, or does there seem to be a growing hate for fat people?

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  • howaminotmyself

    Where is your drive for beauty? Because your post is a little ugly.

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    • BEAUTY OF THE HUMAN RACE MATE, ON A LARGER SCALE THAN YOURSELF. i am a human as like many others that surround me. whether i like it or not they contribute to my larger statistics that I.D.'s me. the world would be a lot more beautiful and abundant if people werent such slaves to their taste buds.

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      • howaminotmyself

        They aren't only slaves to their taste buds my friend. But beauty isn't only a physical trait and statistics do not define a person. The world is beautiful and abundant. If it wasn't, overconsumption wouldn't be possible.

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  • This is definitely not trolling at all. Its a little bit harsh in terms of locking the fatties up or forcing them into slave labor until the weight is gone, that being said...

    I agree that I am completely digusted myself with fat people, eating in their presence, and just being around them in general. I find myself confused at the lack of discipline that these people have.

    In the end its their life choice, so they are the ones that suffer.

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    • bastard123

      yes, you shouldnt feel ashamed for feeling that. but some people jsut have hope for their whole race on a larger scale than worrying about themselves.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    Kiss my fat ass. Op is either trolling or just either ignorant or arrogant. I've been a chubby person since birth. You could say I'm "big-boned".

    But I do NOT fit the OP's stereotype. I eat healthy, although I may occasionlly return for seconds of excellent, hearty, southern, feel-good cooking. I avoid excess fats, carbs, calories, and sugars. I eat plenty of veggies, fruits, and lean meats. And I'm NOT lazy!!

    But I'll never, ever be skinny, and I don't want to be skinny. I want to be healthy, that's all that matters to me. Therefore, the OP may kiss my plump, juicy ass cheecks. Nuff said.

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    • nobleserpent

      If you get angry, you've lost by default. Stay calm sir.

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    • oi, i made this poll. You have just roasted yourself therefore your arguement is invalid.
      1. You are ,,, big boned? - how many starving kids in africa are'big boned'? medical conditions are not to argue they are a sympathetical label we give to these people. its obviously not your fault its your family line if you have been brought up to beleive that being fat is unhealthy. it is cancerous. sure it is healthy to have a bit of fat, but when it takes over your id as being 'fat' 1 which is what the kids will describe you as. it is a problem. capitalisation breeds this and their isnt many resources. we must share now guys. now GET BACK TO WORK

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      • Kiddles9

        You are a very ignorant person. I love how you say 'There's starving kids in africa!' yet my guess is you eat more then many fat people. Like for example myself, I have been losing weight since I was 14 I was overweight since 8. I have overall lost oh about 80-90lbs and still have about 10-15 more to go. But the whole time I've been eating healthy probably better then you. I eat oatmeal for breakfast fruit and yogurt for lunch and for example today I had chick with a garden salad today and I work out every day. Just because someone is fat doesn't mean they eat McDonalds, Burger Kind and Wendy's all the time.

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      • MissyLeyneous

        My argument IS valid. I am a "healthy" person. Like I said, I have always been overweight. It would take a miracle to make me skinny.

        By the way, I've lost 5 pounds in the last two weeks. Chew on that ya trollin' flamer.

        (Socialism is bad mmmkay? Capitalism would have "worked" if we hadn't let the Corporations take over the world. But both are inherently evil.)

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        • bastard123

          Good on you. How you gling now? It doesnt take a miracle it tales dedocation and beleif.

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          • MissyLeyneous

            I'm doing good, thank you! ^_^

            In the last two months of slowly changing my diet, I've lost another 10 pounds. The only reason it's going so slowly is that in the U.S. fattening unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy food.

            I've also stopped drinking soda entirely and I feel much more energetic and lively!

            The OP's stereotyping is pitiful, and I hope his/her view has changed, but I doubt it.

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  • oliveyou

    I'm not the biggest fan of overweight people either but it really isn't my business what another person wants to do with their body.

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  • Lynxikat

    I am probably about 10-20ibs overweight... does this mean that I bring down the human race and make them look weak? Does this mean that I should taken away, slaved and barely eat anything?

    How dare I not conform to society's acceptance of what's appropriate to weight!

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    • Wüstenfuchs

      I just recently found out I'm 15 lbs overweight. And I work 10 hour days in the desert sun doing manual labor, and I'm constantly dehydrated, and I eat once a day. I have no idea how I've gained weight. o.O

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I would say there has to be a middle ground. While it is disgusting to see that sort of overconsumption in a day and age when so many are starving, it's not always as simple as that.

    A big part of the obesity problem is office jobs, leaving people sedentary for the larger part of the day but still mentally exhausted, less likely to want to cook a healthy dinner and more likely to choose more fat heavy options, even if they're not necessarily being a pig about it.

    Years of unhealthy choices add up.

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    • thats how this degrading gets them. jobs like these, but i know many, who work office jobs and work out. watch your eating. there is no excuses im sorry.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        You sound very uneducated. I wouldn't expect someone who can barely string two coherent sentences together to understand something like empathy.

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        • bastard123

          sentence structures have no importance when outlining facts. as long as it is readable which clearly was. although when one has been fully roasted, thou shalt criticize ones poor literature due to lack of need or care.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Honestly I just don't want to debate with someone who will blatantly ignore facts. This has been pretty widely circulated in current media.


            You are being judgemental and by your worldview I would guess that you don't get out much and talked to a lot of middle aged, middle class and below workers, where there are often higher obesity rates due to a variety of socioeconomic factors. Let's see you work a 12 hour shift, come home and cook up a healthy meal, then go out jogging before you collapse and rest for work the next day, leaving little to no time for your family assuming you have one.

            At any rate, I have little patience and tolerance for those who choose hatred over empathy.

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            • bastard123

              If u keep gong that way, u wont have aby time at all for your children, sort your priorityoes in life out, its sad u slave yourself for 12hrs a day. Whats wealth if you havent got health? You can always make tike whats half hour a day ? No excuses at all. Run and tell your little pages that have been made up ablut how people are fat but its not their fault it is their fault and thas a fact.

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  • nobleserpent

    Why would you call yourself Hitler? That doesn't sound very healthy to me.

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    • did i call myself hitler? im sorry, i dont recall this, i was asking for your opinion, NOW GET BACK TO WORK *WHIP-CRACK*

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      • MissyLeyneous

        "The next Hitler..."

        You do sound like a little Hitler when you talk about the "beauty of the human race". Humans can be beautiful, yes... but for the most part we are not. We can also be savage, awful, HATEFUL, SPITEFUL, destructive creatures.

        Does any other animal you know hate one another just for the sake of it? Even predators don't HATE their prey.

        On the flipside of the same token.... Humans are also capable of great Love. If we all looked PAST our physical differences, (size, color, etc) then we would all progress farther and faster as a beautiful species.

        By judging people by their weight, you become a racist of sorts, unable to see anyone for who they are inside... and that is most UN-beautiful.

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        • bastard123

          Good point you are quite intelligent. But animals are also very cruel, they jusy dont have the conscious to understand it (as fAr as we know) and im sorry but i just dont like the condition of overweoght people and i wish they were more self respectful and stronger to lead a healthier lifestyle and make the wprld a happier place.i do 'hate' this about the human race yes. And its unclaimed greed it portays from living an overindulging lifestyle while claiming to care for overseas food crisis'. My grandma is very overweight and a few of my friends are i do see them for the nice peiple they are. But im just displaying my dark side here on IIN to talk about it and justify my thoughts. Im sorry for offending everyone i was a bit upset with myself at the time i could of gone better about it but thus is howni feel.

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          • MissyLeyneous

            Thank you for an honest reply. ^_^

            Yes, animals can be cruel, but they are not cruel out of hate, and they only do what they must do to survive.

            Remember this... you cannot lump all overweight people into the same category. Not all "fat people" live overindulgent, Big-Mac-eating lifestyles... In FACT, I know lots of SKINNY people who eat much, much worse junk than I do! I know people on food stamps that spend it on nothing but candy, soda, and junk food. If *I* were eligible for food stamps (even though they are against my moral conscience) I would spend those dollars on REAL FOOD like meats, veggies, fruits, and staples; Not on junk food! >_<

            Therefore, you must take each person by their ACTIONS, and not simply by how they look. It's okay to display your "dark side", because I'm not perfect either, and that's completely normal. We're here to learn from one another, aren't we? (Or just to feed the trolls, that's normal, too. ^_^)

            This all boils down to one simple phrase: "Don't judge a book by its cover."

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  • BigScaryRooster

    I don't find large women physically appealing, however some people can't help that they are fat. Some have a medical condition that makes them unable to lose it. I have a friend like that. She eats healthy and goes to the gym everyday. She's stronger then most of the men there. Newcomers to the gym will see her, laugh at her, and assume she's a fat, out of shape weakling. Once they see how fast she can run on a treadmill or how much weight she can bench press, they wind up feeling stupid.

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    • bastard123

      but she looks like a troll :(

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      • BigScaryRooster

        All large people look like trolls.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't want to say this is normal but it probably is. Obesity often symbolizes laziness and weakness, which are contrary to the values of western society (all anti-western views aside). The rise of obesity (which is now extended to 30% of Americans), and the subsequent rise of the acceptance of obesity as a cultural norm and something to be shown tolerance towards is seen by the rest of us (whether or not we choose to recognize it) as a blatant attack on the values that we hold near and dear to us.

    That said, I don't condone poor lifestyles but I honestly feel that the difference between someone who is obese and someone who is thin is how they show their inner demons. Some people carry it as a drug problem, some people carry it as depression or anxiety and some people carry it as pounds of body fat.

    I don't like it and I don't like that I can be seen as a lesser person for not being attracted to fat people and not feeling pity towards those that blatantly ignore medical advice and try to make up excuses to justify poor choices but my feelings towards that matter extend to everyone who feels that self destruction is justifiable and that just because they do something that only hurts themselves doesn't mean that what they are doing doesn't affect others.

    On that note I am a massive stoner and a bigger snacker and I look fine so I am grateful for the genes I got.

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  • jondoerandom

    Doesn't seem like trolling to me either. Yes, there are people with hormonal imbalance and hereditary weight problems/illnesses who can't help being the way they are, but this is just a little percent of human whales i see on the street. I don't hate them and don't think the solution needs to be that radical, but overweight population in the 1st world has become the NORM. And there's nothing normal in being lazy and stuffing your face.

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    • its overweight people are creating a 4th world. fat doesnt grow from nothing. hereditary ?? obesity rates vary geographically. it is a myth sir.

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      • jondoerandom

        nah, they're just slowly pushing us into the ocean, man..haha.

        But it's not a myth. I'm not certified (cause it's never been on my priorities list), but I work as a fitness trainer occasionally. Obviously you have to learn about nutrition and etc. So my point is valid -there are certain health problems, BUT it's only a tiny tiny percentage of the population who actually suffers from these medical conditions. the rest are just fat.

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  • Squambly+

    I don't think the OP is trolling. But yeah thats a bit harsh. I dont like big people to. I don't agree with their lifestyle. It's unhealthy and selfish. It shouldn' t be okay to be unhealthy. Unless they have a thyroid problem other then that, its not okay. Then they teach the kids how to be unhealthy pfft.

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    • How will having a thyroid force you to overconsume? if your fire burns slowly feed it slowly.

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  • VioletTrees

    It's not fat people's fault that there's hunger in the world. Feeding people in some parts of the world is difficult because of the money required to buy, transport, and distribute food, not because there's not enough food to go around.

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  • mrsxsalvatore

    I could understand if you were offended by them because they smell bad or just look disgusting but this isn't the case. You shouldn't be offended just because of who they are. Them being overweight doesn't affect you or have any impact on your life so why should you be offended? Let it go over your head - chill out a bit. These people need help, not to be insulted, because one of the reasons they are like that in the first place is probably because they were insulted and ate for comfort.

    Also, these people aren't taking the food from the starving Africans so don't blame them for it. If you are worried about the starving Africans, join a charity and pay out some of your own money instead of sitting there and blaming other people. Aren't you doing the same thing as they're doing? Just because an overweight person spends their money on an extra muffin, and you decide to spend it on something other than food, it doesn't make you any better than them. Lastly, we all have our problems and I'm sure you have problems of your own. I don't think you would appreciate somebody writing about your problem to turn people against it. It's a little thing called empathy, try it some time.

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  • umadbro?


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    • Fat is a race?

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      • umadbro?

        no, but autism is

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        • Since when?

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    • were all human, i dont beleive racism is real, just dumbasses who pick on other human beings whos ancestors that have evolved in a different environment giving them different features , just trying to kick start some people. much needed degrading in order to jolt peoples awareness. whereas picking on another country or 'group' is kinda racist as you may speak.

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      • Lynxikat

        WTF, you just contradicted yourself. You said"i don't believe racism is real", then you said "picking on another country or group is kinda racist". THAT MAKES NO SENSE.

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        • bastard123

          Racist as you speak ypu forgot to read it all dumbass ... As in as he means.

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          • Wüstenfuchs

            Racism is racism, and that means "racism" no matter how anyone says it... o.O It was a contradiction.

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            • bastard123

              Ok, racism is real im sorry lol i cant remember what the fu k iwas getting @

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    As long as a person leads a productive lifestyle then who cares how big they are. The ones that get under my skin are the people that cannot go to the movie theater or get on an airplane because they don't fit.

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    • bastard123

      i care, because im a human being. and as a whole we have some great challenges ahead of us. and fat people are degrading us to these chalenges with their overindulging ways and ill health. they breed disease far better than my superior body.

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      • anti-hero

        I am still waiting on that other reply, bitch.

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        • bastard123

          parish you shall speak softly with a large beef jerkey in your hand

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          • anti-hero

            Learn to spell my name. I wanna know why you have been talking shit about me behind my back and not saying it to my face...

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            • bastard123

              well i cant really see you dumb cunt. i didnt know how to reply to certain comments but now i do. so deal with it dude

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        • bastard123

          what reply dum shat lol

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  • Allistalla

    Ok I have to agree but first ill make a piont if someone is fat becuase thier lazy fatasses and are just rude poeple than sure make fun of thier fatness they deserve it . If someone is fat becuase thier fead a poor diet , they dont have time to excersice while taking care of childreen or thier stuck sitting in a dinky cold office all day however work all day to support poeple and thier family I think we should take that into some cosideration also it is no wonder poeple in us is fat speceielly childre nwhen schools are to cheap to even feed any decent food infact thier have been kids yelled at for brining cold lunches I have seen on top of that poeple whine about you cant do any real PE becuase of oh no my kid might get hurt thier is so many reasons for this but if they just are really lazy or just eat eat eat and eat than becuase their big gluttiness cows than yah with all means those poeple are disgusting .If someone does it for sumoe reason that to win a compitition which isnt uncommon change your body to win compitations so .

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    • bastard123

      well, one should always make time for their own health, if old mate dies from an illness related to obeisity, who will take care of the kids? thats irresponsible. eat less of this poor diet or gtfu and make a salad instead. there is no excuse at all. when that whip comes down and jonny has had his banana, he will go home healthier, stronger and a better representation of his colony.

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  • kit291

    hhhmmm... what about the ones that have a medical condition. are they horrable too? i don't really care that much it's there life choice not mine.

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    • medical conditions? please, tell me how one medical condition will force someone to consume more than their body needs... some people have slow fires , which need feeding slowly yes. but their is no medical condition that will force one to overconsume to produce excess fat on their body. that is an excuse.

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      • Wüstenfuchs

        Prader-Willi Syndrome. Boom.

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        • bastard123

          Dumbfuch syndrome. Boom.

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          • Wüstenfuchs

            That's either meant to say "Dumbfuchs", which'd be kinda cute, or just an idiotic remark. o.O But either way, Prader-Willi Syndrome is a genetic disorder which turns it's victims into non-stop eating machines. And you challenged to "name one disease..." so I did; you should be proud.

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      • kit291

        some people have are big boned and seem fatter than they acturly are. my friend seems fat but she is a healthy weight so your eyes may be lying to you. not veryone has the choice, there paartents might make them eat a lot. they mgiht have diabetes can't remember which type but one of them people need to eat so much sugar in a day or something like that....

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        • bastard123

          How mNy africans have this problem u speak of mam? It is a good excuse though, not valid sorry. Lovd u

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          • kit291

            huh you need to check your spelling as your sentence doesn't make sense...

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            • bastard123

              How many africans have this problem. If you cant understand what i wrote than you are also one with a slight problem. Sorry. Love you

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          • Wüstenfuchs

            The Africans with these kind of problems probably don't live long enough to be noticed/diagnosed.

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            • bastard123

              No matter what, no legit medicalccomdotion will make you be fat. Like i continue to say, fat is made when your body has an excess of fuel. What medical condition will cause your body to overconsume more food than needed? Please , im intrigued. These africans die befause they have no food because of the fat people and the skinny people who eat too much. But their bodies obviously use it. Are we a united human civilization thay care for eachother or are we greedy and look after ourselves? Either way, the sight of a fat person is associated woth lazy, unfit and greedy. So either way no excuse.

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  • bastard123

    Fuck cunt

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  • deathbringer

    I have this ground breaking weight loss plan for all the fatties............... put down the fork!

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