Is it normal to look through guro for entertainment?
I've always been attracted to dark and gruesome things. I have always loved the creepiest characters in movies and shows, I even sometimes laugh through scenes in the "Saw" series. lately Iv'e found this form of Hentai on the internet called "Guro." If you don't know what it is, it is a form of sexual artwork depicting gruesome images, such as dismemberment, dissection, and Torture. The only thing is I don't look through these images for sexual pleasure, I don't even get slightly aroused by Guro. I purely look though it just to look though it. I find it interesting. Now I would never do anything remotely close to the things depicted in the images. Hell, I have a hard time punching someone, even if they make me angry. I believe it's because I am soft at heart, But anyways, my question is "Is it normal to do these things?" "Have you ever heard of this before?" Please respond.