Is it normal to lose ones care for others.

Lately I have begun to care for other people less and less.
Growing up I suppose I had a bit of a inferiority complex.
I hated it when people looked down on me, but now I can't help but to look down on others.
My family all continue to change, they aren't the people I grew up knowing anymore. They've changed so much, and now everything they taught me, they are contradicting with everything they say or do. I am little by little losing all my sympathy and care for other people. All my love and trust is being replaced by Disgust and distrust. Is this normal? Is This Wrong?

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 51 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I think it's normal judging from what you've said. Perhaps this issue has it's roots in your family of origin. Were they dysfunctional when you were growing up?

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    • Tyren

      No they weren't dysfunctional when I was growing up, Everything was fine then. But not now, my family isn't really a family anymore.

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