Is it normal to love blood and gore?
ok,i made a post like this,but i have alot of things that changed since the,like now i have experance
ok so i can look at blood,gore i can smell rotting flesh and i can look at death and laugh,i really dont find it gross and think its the most idiotic thing ever to bury or respect the dead,i say we eat em or use em as fertlizer.
you may say thats sick,but we eat dead cows? spread there poop on the ground to fertalize our food..
and i have real experance,3 times i can say,only 2 with human tho
1)me and dad went hunting,i got to skin a rabbit alive,gut a fish and look at a dears mangled entrails :3 loved it
2)i was walking down town when this kid fell of his bike and got hit by a car,all over the news it was. his head got squished under the tire and his guts whent everwhere on the road! :3 loves it
3)my friend sent me a vidieo of a guy jumping of a bridge and getting his head split,his head looked like a pac-man throwing up...again LOVED IT :3 it normal or do i belong in the nut-hut?