Is it normal to love gorey movies?

I really like gorey movies. Whenever I go see a movie that is usually the type of movie I want to go see. I took a guy friend to go see Friday the 13th (I'm a girl) and he was tensing up at the graphic parts and I had no problem with them, I was some what fascinated by how they portrayed them in the movies. Is it normal to like very graphic bloody movies? Or am I gonna become a serial killer or something haha.

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75% Normal
Based on 40 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )

    Frieday the 13th has the worst plot ever it sucks balls but the 1st saw movie was good

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  • Sabbatha

    One of my best friends and I are both girls and we love gore. We want to make a horror movie!

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  • It is fine if you enjoy the way in which the filmmakers portray deaths. But if you want to male a real gorey scene, it is not normal.

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  • b454

    Ya I like them. I used to watch all the movies like that I could find. An older friend worked at a video store down the street so I got to watch a lot of crap. I was like 12, 13 or so. I watched all the 'faces of death' movies often

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  • dragona

    I'm a girl too and my preferred genre is gory, scary horror movies!!! Nothing wrong with it!

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    • penguin1

      RIGHT ON! I LOVEEEE scary movies. I used to think I wasn't normal. Y'know, cause I'm "a girl...."

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  • rockerxchick313

    Same here. I usually laugh if it seems fake. If its really good and not fake i just smille.

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    No, you won't become a serial killer... That's just silliness. They wouldn't make those movies if people, like you, didn't enjoy them because they wouldn't make any money.

    Just keep in mind, that even though it's technically fake, it's still very violent imagery to have imprinted in your mind for eternity. You may forget the details over time, but those images will always there in your subconscious mind.

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  • imthatguy

    Gory movies ROCK!

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  • huntergirl91

    I'm a girl and I love gory movies too. Totally normal!

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  • Centerfield

    It's spelled gory and no it's not normal

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