Is it normal to love it when your cat yawns?
I have this 'thing' with when my two cats YAWN! I don't know why, but it is so endearing to me, and I am fascinated by those big teeth in their mouths. I am wondering if this is normal?
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I have this 'thing' with when my two cats YAWN! I don't know why, but it is so endearing to me, and I am fascinated by those big teeth in their mouths. I am wondering if this is normal?
Hahaha! Yes. It's like they have a flip-top head it gapes open so wide. And those are some scary teeth!
When my cat does it, I quickly (and gently) poke the middle his tongue to disrupt his yawn. He finds it amusing and usually makes goo-goo eyes at me and coos afterwards.
I like watching any animal yawn (or scratch). It makes me feel like we have something in common as life on this planet.
ha ha at Thisissomuchfun! I am sooo gonna do that to my cat one time! lolol
I love it when my cats yawn, too, especially my Himalayan- She looks like Aniiiimal from the muppets when she does that!
It's very normal. I have a panda bear hamster and I just get so happy when I catch her yawning. It's one of the cutest things I've ever seen. It's just some things amuse people more than others. Perfectly normal.
Am nt a cat person. but when my puppy HONEY yawned I used try copying her and yawn at the same time. When she sneezed she looked super cute.
When my cat would yawn, I would stick my finger in his mouth and he's chomp on it and be instantly disgusted XD