Is it normal to love my dog so much?

I've been told my dog & I are pathologically bonded. I have skipped at least two vacations either because he was sick, or because I didn't trust anyone to take care of him well enough. When I was gone for a few days he ate part of his collar. I've been happily married for over 40 years. My husband loves him too, but my dog knows he's my dog & I'm his human.

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85% Normal
Based on 164 votes (140 yes)
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Comments ( 43 )
  • Passionate_Patty

    Could I ask why on a site where there are ADULTS that they can't behave like adults. Yes they have different ideas and beliefs. If someone posts their ideas and believes, that maybe you don't share, you attack. (make up thinks, call names etc.) We have certain forum members that openly posted that they kill dogs and would kill. We have certain members giving tips on how to poison dogs...and yet another who post they had a poisoning in their neighborhood and it was the way to deal with a dog that was causing problems. Maybe tundrazwolf seemed fanatical in his believes but it is out of love for dogs. You don't have to agree with him or share his beliefs, but atleast think about what road you are traveling down when you condemn someone for loving their dog and dogs in general, and condone the poisoning and killing of dogs.

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    • Legion

      Nice! I agree with you. Animal cruelty is wrong.

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    • Ya, what she said.. Right on Patty...

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  • Passionate_Patty

    Tundrazwolf you need not answer to the likes of RoastPuppy,calgarthc and SweetAdoline. You know how the phrase in the movie Field of Dreams goes 'If you build it they will come'....well 'If you ignore it, it will go away. He and his followers are making up post that don't exist, being rude and childish just to get a rise out of you or any person they can. I agree with Mydoglovesme. Any intelligent open minded person would agree. Tundrazwolf don't let some puppy who is wet behind the ears or his followers, one in particuliar that seems to have some sexual hang-ups, lower you to a level that is well beneith you.

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  • gertie

    @Klondike--you're retired & you're wasting time on this stupid website? You're much crazier than me. Listen, as long as we're way off topic anyway, & we can both think of ways to insult each other forever, why are we both wasting time? We don't know each other, I don't know what your issues are, you don't know mine. I asked one question to see what would happen. A lot of comments made sense, but more comments were just really nutty from people who, knowing they were anonymous enjoyed using profanity, & made no sense at all. There are much more important things that deserve more of our intention: Gulf oil spills, all of us being taken to the cleaners by Wall Street, various unpleasant wars. I call for a truce, & if that doesn't work, I'm just getting off the site. I don't really enjoy insulting people I don't know.
    So let's just take each other as we are & move on to things that are much more important.
    'Crazy Gertie'

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    • Good riddance!

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  • gertie

    @Klondike--do you have a job? Do you pay taxes? How do you know what my issues are, or why I see a shrink to begin with? Are your insurance rates going up? Do you even have insurance? If you think I'm crazy anyway, how am I 'abusing' the system? Get some facts before you go shooting your mouth off.

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    • KlondikeSam

      I'm retired, Crazy Gertie ("Crazy Gertie" - that has a nice ring to it). But YOU are obviously unemployed, otherwise, you wouldn't have all this free time to sit at your computer and type stupid comments. My supplemental insurance rates constantly increase and other people's insurance rates increase because people like YOU abuse the private insurance system. Yeah, I KNOW you're crazy, but there is no help for insanity like yours, so you are just wasting the shrink's time and the insurance company's money.

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  • gertie

    I am under psychiatric care. Who do you think told me my dog & I are pathologically bonded? (Actually, it was the Vet, he told my husband when my dog had separation anxiety when I was on a business trip--my dog ate part of his collar). But my psychiatrist knows about all this. He thinks it's good for me to love my dog, as long as I as I still love some people in my life, too. I thought I'd ask this forum, to see what others thought. I never dreamed I'd hear from so many nut cases, who probably need professional help to at least deal with their anger management. This forum also overwhelmingly thinks my behavior is normal.
    I wish you would take both you, your negativity, & anger, elsewhere on this forum.

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  • gertie


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    • You are more than welcome.

      For some of us, this is the way are, and always have been, and really do not want to change.

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  • Passionate_Patty

    BTW gertie I think your bond with your dog is very normal. And congratulation on the 40 years! That in itself is an inspiration to us all. :)

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  • gertie

    @tundra--OK--we love our dogs, we love them a lot & they love us back. I'm probably a little over the top about Teddy Bear Boy, but still normal. I try not to push my view about dogs on other people. Fortunately, most of my friends are just as bad as me & some are worse. It's been documented that people with pets live longer & are happier than others.
    Please enjoy your dog(s).
    Bye bye.

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  • Mr.Mark

    Yeah that's normal. I like my dogs more than most humans.

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  • SuperTyler

    Very normal! :) I love my dog so much and he has seperation anxiety so I know he feels the same to me ;)

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  • dexter99

    I feel the same way about my dogs. The best and deepest relationships I have had are with my dogs. A wonderful book is Pack Of Two the intricate bond between people and dogs by Caroline Knapp. A GREAT book!

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  • steezwhiz

    As long as it's not sexual i think it's all good. Just make sure your not paying more attention to your dog than you husband.

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  • I would much rather have passionate loving sex with a huge male or female dog, to be paid $1,000,000 to have sex with a woman one time. I'd do it with many dogs for free, before getting paid to do it with one person. Humans sex does nothing for me, it is nasty, stinking, ugly and can not stand it.

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  • Crazybeast

    I LIKE animals a lot more than Humans even thought animals can't speak they seem to understand and can pick up that your Sad, Mad, Happy, animals just KNOW.

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  • gertie

    PS. Since I have a job, & I'm gainfuly employed, pay taxes & so on, I also have health insurance, which pays most of my medical bills, including sessions with a psychiatrist.

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    • KlondikeSam

      Yeah, but when someone abuses the medical system the way you do -- although I agree you're fuckin' crazy -- then everybody's insurance rates increase.

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  • gertie

    @Passionate_Patty. Thanx

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  • gertie

    Gee, many accounts do you have? OK, I suppose the term 'beastiality' exists for a reason. I guess my question would be, why are you trying so hard to convince everybody that you have sex with your dog?

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    • I'm not convincing anyone. Really don't care what others think. At least I am not hurting them, or abusing them a lot of other people do. My dogs get the best care there is. They sleep in the house, have full run of the house, go in and out when they want with their own doors. I buy all natural, non grain dog food, $2.50 per lb. far more than what most people will spend to feed their pets. The groomer comes to the house to groom them. They go to an alternative medical Vet.

      I'm only helping others that have problems with what they may be facing, and unsure what they want to do in their life. Several people love the idea, and love their pets a lot, and wanting info on what to do.

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      • It isn't OTHERS who need help, it is YOU! Anyone who spends that much and is that obsessed with their friggin' dogs has the same problems as the person who asked the original question. Both you and the question asker should take some of that money you're wasting on your friggin' dogs and spend it on psychiatric care!

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  • Sweet A-hole, get with the times and wake up. you seem way out of touch with life as we all see it today. Tundra is trying to teach everyone about something that is millions of millions of years old. Life with dogs like this goes back to the stone age. You are so blinded that you can not see what is going on..

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  • gertie

    Hi All,...I'm kinda sorry this 'war' wound up on my IIN question, but I do have an opinion, so here goes:
    I KNOW some of you are putting us on to see who will bite (ha ha). Re pets, especially dogs, there are 3 kinds of people--those who are totally nuetral & don't give a shit about pets, people who have pets, people who don't. Then there are people who hate pets (dogs), mYbe 'cuz they're afraid of them, or whatever. Then there are people who love dogs, have dogs, think of them as members of the family, best friends, companions, provide unconditional love, etc.
    My own question has been answered--I'm normal. My dog is a large Teddy Bear who is totally protective. I have no doubt that he would do serious damage to anyone who he really thinks would do me harm.
    As far as stuff like having sex with a dog--ah, c,mon,...

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  • gertie

    @SweetAdeline/calgarth--OK, I get it--I actually do have a sense of humor (unless someone criticisizes my dog, at which point I command him to EAT THEM.)
    I wish you the best of luckwith both of your mental health issues, & suggest you go back on your medication. If I can be of further assistance please don't hesitate to contact me.
    LOL,...good luck!

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  • gertie

    Opps--those were unfinished.
    Calgarth if you disagree with someone it's really immatureto start out with 'you're wrong because your'rea fucking idiot.'. If you think I'm wrong because some dogs turn on their masters, I'll admit that yes, this happens & you've made a good point. But it's hard to find that in your post, because your post is so stupid.
    SweetAdoline, most of the positive posts alluded to 'unconditional love'. I thought that turned this discussion in that direction, but maybe you're right. You & I can at least discuss this like adult human beings, but calgarth just wants to use all the new wordshe can post anonymously. Calgarth you're a coward. In fact you're. Fucking idiot coward.

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    • SweetAdeline

      gertie, calgarth never called you any names. In my opinion I he was addressing Tundrazwolf about an ongoing argument they're having in this and other questions because tundrazwolf has admitted that he rapes female dogs.

      As for unconditional love, it doesn't apply to dogs. Dogs do what they have to do to get fed and taken care of. It's just like if a neighbor starts feeding a dog and the dog likes the neighbor's food better, it will stay with the neighbor.

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  • gertie

    OK, I acknowledge that I didn't mention
    The 'unconditional love', that pets can provide on my original post. But the positive comments all at leastalluded to it.
    The dumb & stupidcomments

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  • gertie

    Ok, I concede that my initial post did not mention 'unconditional love'. But the positive comments , as opposed to the stupid comments (the stupid comments are the name calling, profanity full comments which I think are used because
    this site allows anonymity. I use all these words myself, but only when they need to be used)

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  • gertie

    @calgarth, you are an immature idiot. You need to work on your social skills & anger management. Also your perception & clarity.
    You've missed the entire point of unconditional love, which is really all we're talking about. Stay in school (or go back). You are too hostile to be successful in today's world. You should take this freely given advice, & think about it.

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    • SweetAdeline

      The original question has nothing to do with unconditional love and even the person asking it used the word "pathological," so even she realizes there is something wrong with her relationship with her dog. You should take your own advice, gertie, because you are just as hostile and judgmental as calgarth.

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      • Passionate_Patty

        [I've been told my dog & I are pathologically bonded.]

        We need to read the actual post.

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  • gertie

    @DiscoDuck. Your neighbor is over the top, but in a different way. Many people of both sexes have good reasons for loving animals more than people (that unconditional love thing). I love my friends & most of my relatives. But as one guy who commented said, his dog has separation anxiety. My dog & I both have separation anxiety. But more than 80% of you think my behavior is normal. I think our behavior borders on the extreme, but is still within the normal range.
    Thanks everybody who responded, & if anyone else wants to comment, that's fine.

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  • lol. I agree wit da first comment.

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  • gertie

    Thanks sooo much. That sure sounds like the book for me. I will read it aloud to my dog.
    Thanks again!

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  • gertie

    Hi,...thanks very much. I feel super bad for your teacher. For some people, it's very hard to know that the time has come.
    This is not my first dog. I felt the same about the others. O can't say this is the best dog I ever had. Every dog is a different experience. I've tried really hard to do the right thing for them, especially when I know they are suffering. The bond we have let's me know. My current dog is very healthy, & I'm trying to keep him that way. But when his time comes, it will be very hard for me.

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  • scuba4life

    It's normal. I love my cats :). And gosh my teachers cat has some sort of cancer and is going to die, she is a MESS.

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  • gertie

    Thanks, no, it's definately not sexual. My husband loves him too. I do pay more attention to my husband. I love him too. I am loyal to a fault. I love my friends, too. But not like I love my dog. I do make up for it by hating some politicians & rip-off artists. My dog is like a big Teddy bear. I love to hug him & pet him. And I love that he follows me around & protects me.
    Is it possible to love someone too much?

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  • DiscoDuck

    I don't know what it is but dogs have obviously taken the place of human beings as intimate partners. Anyone who loves a dog more than they would love a human being is sick and has issues. Too bad though I am seeing this more and more with Women especially. My neighbor treats her dog like a baby, dressing it, combing its hair, even putting shoes on it and letting it sleep in the same bed with her and her husband....yes she told me so. She thinks it cute.

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  • I agree that what you describe is "pathological" -- pathologically INSANE!

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