Is it normal to love riddles

I am simply obsessed with riddles, no matter how much they make me pull out my hair I just love them.

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 56 votes (43 yes)
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Comments ( 49 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I like them too. I have fond memories of reading my mother's childhood riddle book when I was a kid. The book is a old one possibly made in the 60's. I remember it having very cute drawings on every page.

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  • la_la_la_la


    White bird featherless, flew from paradise, pitched on the castle wall – along came Lord Landless, picked it up handless, rode away horse-less to the King's white hall. What am I??

    At the sound of me I make la_la_la_la weep.
    At the sound of me men clap & stamp their feet. What am I?

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  • aussiewolf

    What odd number becomes even when beheaded?

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    • DefinitelyNotNormal89

      SEVEN! =D

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  • tori

    Clap clap clap!! Yeah! :D

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  • DannyKanes

    ^ That's 100% correct Tori :-)

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  • tori

    Lets see now.....

    I'm guessing he had the hiccups. Tricks to try to get rid of them are drinking water. And the bartender scared him by suddenly pointing a shotgun at him. Then the guy said thank you. He was glad that the bartender did that. Not upset.

    Am I right?

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  • DannyKanes

    ^ that's okay, want me to tell you? Or give you some more time to think about it? :-)

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  • tori

    Sorry DannyKanes,

    I can't figure that one out. Water at bar? Shotgun?

    I must be having a brain cramp tonight. :-)

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  • DannyKanes

    I have a fairly old riddle :-)

    A man walked into a bar and asked for a glass of water. The bartender suddenly pulled a shotgun on the man. The man said "Thank you" and walked out. Why?

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  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    There is a village with 10 people living in it. One day a troll comes and says that he intends to eat every one of them but will give them a chance to survive in the following way:
    He will line them up in single file one behind the other (so they can only see who is in front of them, not behind) and he will then randomly place black and white hats on their heads (it doesn't really matter how many black or white hats there are)
    He will start at the back of the line and ask that person to guess what colour hat he is wearing. If he gets it right he lives, if not he dies.
    They can only say the words "black" or "white", if they say anything else he will eat them all.
    The troll gives them the night to think about a plan (bare in mind "black" can be code for something, and "white" can be code for something else)
    What is their plan? There is a way to save at least 90% of them.

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    • dappled

      This is probably not the answer but I'd recommend that if the person in front of you is wearing a white hat, you make your guess quietly. If it's a black hat you say it loudly. Then the person in front of you knows, from how loud or quiet you were, whether they have a white or black hat. This works for everyone but the person at the back, who just has a 50/50 chance.

      Not sure how you'd persuade somebody to stand at the back, but maybe a series of mirrors could be set up so the person at the front can see the person at the back and cough once for black and twice for white. That might be cheating, though.

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      • DefinitelyNotNormal89

        It works but the Troll will suspect something and kill everyone (sorry didn't put that in!) they have to be as mono-tonal as possible.
        You're on the right lines, but take advantage of using "black" and "white" as codes.

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        • dappled

          I'm struggling to come up with the answer, but I refuse to be beaten by a brumbrum. :P

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          • DefinitelyNotNormal89

            Lol!!! That really made me laugh, you can do it Shelley!!

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            • dappled

              I think I've got it. Each person can see all the hats in front of them but they still need one extra piece of information. This is where the person at the back comes in. If he counts up all the black hats and says "black" for an even number and "white" for an odd one, then the person in front also counts and does the same. If he agrees with the person behind him, he can't be wearing a black hat.

              The next person along needs to remember the status of the binary switch and update it if the person behind them had a black hat. And so on, and so on.

              Might not be the solution you're thinking, but it'd definitely work.

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  • dappled

    A rich businessman is pondering which of his sons will take over his business empire and wants to know which one is wisest. He gives them both a sports car (a green one for Gary and a red one for Robert) and tells them to race to the other end of the country. The car that arrives last (not first) will be the winner.

    They both set out and take all manner of detours and wrong turnings. This goes on for weeks. By chance, they meet up on a country road and get out of their cars to talk about their predicament. After the talk, they race towards the finish line as fast as they can.

    One of them crosses the finish line first and, despite the rules of the contest, thinks that he is the winner. The father thinks this too, until the sons tell him about the conversation they had. He then gives his empire to the son that crossed the finishing line in last place, as was initially agreed.

    What was the conversation the sons had?

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    • DefinitelyNotNormal89

      I have a very vague idea but I can't figure out why the son who came last would win? I'm guessing they swapped the cars...

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      • dappled

        Clever! That's exactly what they did. And the reason the son who came last won was that it was his idea to swap the cars. The father was impressed at his ability to think laterally, and so he got the empire.

        I think your pet name is going to become "Sherlock".

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        • DefinitelyNotNormal89

          Ahhh I was so close!! Just needed the end part lol!

          Oooo Shelley I do like that nickname!!

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          • dappled

            Aww, this was the moment you became Sherlock. It's like history in the making, or something. :D

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          • dappled

            You know, Sherlock, I'm always the one who gives nicknames and no-one ever bothers to give me one. I'm flattered someone finally has. :)

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  • DannyKanes

    But that was a good one :-) I had to think for a while there :-)

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    • DefinitelyNotNormal89

      Well done! I have an hour ARGUMENT over this riddle, I actually wanted to hurt someone by the end of it!

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  • DannyKanes

    I'd ask a guard "If I asked the other guard, which door would he say leads to heaven?" and then I would take the opposite of what they choose as no matter who I asked they'd both point at the wrong door :-)

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  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    There's a room with two identical doors, one leads to heaven and the other leads to hell. Outside the two doors are two identical guards, the guard for heaven has to tell the truth and the guard for hell has to lie. You're allowed to ask them one question (for both, not each) what is the one question you can ask about the doors to ensure you will know which door goes to heaven?

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  • DannyKanes

    Okay Aussiewolf your turn :-)

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  • DannyKanes

    Gah, Aussiewolf beat me to it! I was about to say time lol

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  • chezycheze

    I like riddles too.

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  • tori

    Aussiewolf got it!!!

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  • aussiewolf

    tori, whats the time?

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  • DannyKanes

    Hmmmmm, that's a good one :-)

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  • tori

    Until I am measured,
    I am not known.
    Yet how you miss me,
    When I have flown!
    What am I?

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    • 1000yrVampireKing


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  • DannyKanes

    ^ Lol yes that's correct :-) Your turn now

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  • tori

    ^ he was playing Monopoly.


    This is fun!!

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    • 1000yrVampireKing


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      • tori

        I played way to much Monopoly as a kid! :)

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  • DannyKanes

    ^ Go for it ;-)

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  • tori

    "waves hand wildly"

    I know! I know!!

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  • DannyKanes

    I have a riddle for the OP: A man pushed his car around a corner and instantly knew he was bankrupt. Why? :-)

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  • DannyKanes

    ^ A hole :-) I've heard that one before :-D

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  • tori

    Try this one....

    A barrel of water weighs 20 pounds. What must you add to make it weigh 12 pounds?

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    • dappled

      I have an alternative sciencey answer for this one but I've done my science bit for the week so I'm going to keep schtum. :)

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      • DefinitelyNotNormal89

        Go on Shelly!

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        • dappled

          lol... nooooo... too much science makes people roll their eyes at me.

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  • Starshine

    Professor Layton games. Play them.

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