Is it normal to love spiders?
so um, i love spiders but eveyone i know hates them! see, if we have a spider at home i wont kill it, ill hold it and take it outside. anyone else in the same boat?
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so um, i love spiders but eveyone i know hates them! see, if we have a spider at home i wont kill it, ill hold it and take it outside. anyone else in the same boat?
Spiders are cool with me.
Just as long as they don't like, crawl on me
or if I know that they're venmonous.
I do that too. Who wouldn't love spiders? They eat the bad bugs and spin pretty webs!
That said, I will leave some of them the hell alone to avoid a nasty bite.
I don't love spiders but they eat the flies so of one wants to come chill in my apartment, they are more than welcome.
You have betrayed your own kind!!!!
I personally despise them largely due to my phobia. Ah... I'm shuddering and getting goose bumps just from thinking about them! They are so creepy with those big vacant black eyes and those evil curly legs. The fact that I go into a state of panic when I see even a minuscule one makes me wonder how I would react if I saw a gigantic one. O_0
Arachnophobia is one of the most common fears in the world, I personally love spiders ( and any other bug except for maggots, eww! ) still it is a reasonable fear, just remember that without spiders we would have a SERIOUS population problem with flies and other insects :)
I hate them and I kill them. But my mom likes the "garden spiders"... I dunno if that's really what they're called lol. But she'll catch those ones and put them outside and let them live. But the little black fast ones she usually kills.
My feelings towards them now are a far cry from my past comments on this post. I love them. I wish more would feel the same way.
spiders can be kinda cute sometimes plus I don't really like killing anything. Fun story one time in grade school this boy started pulling the legs off a spider to "impress me" so I kicked him in the stomach....
I love spiders! There are only about 3+ medium-sized spiders I have found during the past 2-3 years - near my house. They are really interesting.
I'm indifferent to spiders. I neither love nor hate them.
Whether I kill it or throw it outside depends on which is more convenient at the time.
I think hating them or tolerating them to be normal, but loving them a bit odd.
Yes, because they're pretty babies. Look at this jumping spider being all like HEY GIRL
The itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And the itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again
Right now, the story directly above this one is 'IIN to have thousands of baby spiders living in your bedroom unaware'
They're fine. The enormous ones that'll rush out from under the sofa without warning give me a brief fright, but they're far less annoying that the flies they chow down on. Some spiders are even... dare I say it... cute.
I usually won't take them outside though - they tend to be in your house because it's a safer, cosier environment for them, and they usually get a decent meal in the summer months.
(This is coming from the UK - we don't have any particularly dangerous, venomous spiders in the wild here)
Spiders are cool with me as long as they don't fuck with me. Is it true that daddy longlegs are one of the most venomous spiders but humans don't worry because their fangs are too small/weak to penetrate skin ?
I have over 100 tarantulas so to me it's normal. If it weren't for spiders a lot of crops would be destroyed by other insects.
Spiders help keep the numbers down so they're doing us a favour!
I have 3 tarantulas myself, I had a black widow for awhile but the risk of getting bit was too great so I let her go, spiders are awesome as with most bugs, I also have 2 madagascar hissing cockroaches, I know roaches are usually a bug people hate but I love em, so long as they are hissers and kept in a tank, I may love insects but finding roaches in your cereal is one thing even I would hate....
I put no, it's not normal lol...but I think that's a good thing. Specially if you are a guy, because most girls hate spiders and need a man that can handle that situation with some dignity, lmao.