Is it normal to love the titanic

...Not the movie but the actual tragedy.

It started when I was 3 or 4 years old when I was given a small story about the sinking and I became obsessed with it. When the movie came out in '97 I was only seven and I nearly had a heart attack! The movie blew my mind with the visuals. During the sex scene all I could think of was that I hoped they would end soon, so I could see more of the boat.

I have a library sized amount of novels, picture books and everything in between--reading wise. I have puzzles, models and pictures of it on mugs. I'm not obsessed with the dieing and the trauma. I'm just obsessed that it makes such an interesting story. And just about everyday I'll find myself researching the disaster.

I'm 20 turning 21. Is this normal?

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 74 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Calidoush

    I was supposed to survive the titanic sinking but then i took ships hull to the knee

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  • Calidoush

    uh leonardo decaprio ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

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  • lightsyouonfire

    I've been absolutely obsessed with Titanic, the Holocaust, and Ancient Egypt era-- also Pompeii, the buried teracotta army. I've had people tell me that its because I was a part of it in a past life. *shrug*

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  • Honey111

    Same with me but I'm so Intrested in the holocaust.

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  • itstoolate3

    Yeah I'm the same way with learning about all aspects of the holocaust

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  • iGornet

    I'm 19, and i used to be obsessed with the Titanic. I was more interested in the ship itself, rather than what happened to it. I just loved it's design, and loved to know the floorplans, and loved to see what was on the menus in the restaurants and things like that. I still have an interest in the Titaic, but i rarely read up on it anymore.

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  • Let's just say yes.

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